🤍 Jin- BTS 🤍

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This is my own original idea

This imagine is based on Losing You by Wonho

Jin and I have been married for two years. He is the best husband in the world and I love him so much. He would do anything for me and I would do anything for him. I would die for him and he'd do the same for me. I adore him. Jin is all that I need in life. We have been thinking of starting a family since we got married but it hasn't been the right time yet as Jin is always so busy with his career. BTS are the biggest band in the world and I'm so happy to say that I am married to one of them. We would love to start a family soon. We want a few kids. I know Jin would be an amazing father as he's great with kids. We can't wait to be parents one day. Jin and I spend as much time together as we can when he has free time. BTS have been super busy recently as they have just released their new album BE. It's Jin's birthday today and he's home for a little while. He's 28 and I want to make it a great birthday for him. He is coming home soon and I have made him a cake. Chocolate cake and decorated the house with balloons and everything. I've made him his favourite meal Naengmyeon. Can't wait to see his reaction when he walks through the door. He'll be home soon and I'm almost ready for him. The house looks good. I wait on the couch ready for Jin to come home. About 10 minutes later, Jin arrives home. He walks in the door and sees me sat on the couch. "Hello, jagiya" he said. "Hello, jagi. Birthday boy" I reply. "Thanks. Wow! Look at all this you've done for me" Jin said. "Of course. My busy overworked husband deserves to have a great birthday" I say. "Awwww. You're the best wife in the world, Y/ N. I couldn't ask for a better one" he said. Jin comes over to me and hugs and kisses me. We eat a few minutes later. It was cold anyway as that's the way it's meant to be eaten. "Delicious" Jin smiles. I smile. After washing up, we have some cake. I sing happy birthday to Jin. Then we tuck into it. "Best cake ever made by the best wife ever" Jin said. "Awww thanks, Seokjin. I try my hardest" I smile. Jin has another slice of cake because he really enjoyed it. Awwww I'm so glad he did

After we had cake Jin and I had some together so we cuddled up on the couch. "Do you wanna watch a movie? You can decide" I say. "Okay yeah sure. We'll watch a movie" he said. "It's your birthday so you can decide" I reply. We look on Netflix for a movie to watch. Jin chooses one and we enjoy watching it. Jin holds me close to him like he wasn't going to let go. Awwww I love my husband so much. He's the best man in the world and I'm so grateful and thankful for him. Jin and I watch the movie for a while and then we head to bed after. We never go to sleep straight away. We always lie in bed and cuddle for a while till we are tired enough. That's what we are doing right now. I can tell that Jin is tired as he's yawning. He is holding me close to his chest. "That was one of the best birthdays I've ever had. You are the best wife in the world. Thank you" Jin said. "You're the best husband in the world and you deserved to have a great birthday even though you have been so busy" I say. "You have been busy too and shouldn't have gone to all the trouble"
Jin says. "I definitely should've" I reply. "Y/ N, I really think we should start a family soon as I might be doing military service soon" he said. "I do too. Jin, I desperately want children with you. You'll make an amazing father. Our kids will be so lucky to have you as a father" I say. "Awww they will be lucky to have you as their mother too" Jin said. "Let's start baby making soon. Tomorrow" I say. "Sure thing, babe" he replies. Jin puts his arms around me and kisses me. He sings our favourite song to me, Losing You by Wonho. We love that song. It's so beautiful and I think it pretty much describes our marriage. Jin had an amazing birthday and we have decided that we are going to start a family soon. We can't wait to have babies soon

Jin and I have been trying for a baby since his birthday in December. It's now February and I just recently found out I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. We are having a baby and we can't wait to be parents. I'm 8 weeks pregnant now and we have our first scan this morning. Our first scan where we get to see our baby for the first time. So so exciting. I've been getting a lot of morning sickness but maybe that's a good thing. The baby is probably all good. Jin and I are so excited to be parents soon in the next few months. We are going to have a beautiful baby soon. We are in the car on our way to the hospital for my scan now. Jin is a bundle of excitement right now. So am I. "Jagiya, I can't wait to see our little one for the first time" he said. "Me too. I'm so excited" I smile. We arrived at the hospital soon and I got checked in and took a seat in the waiting room. Jin smiled at me and held my hand. He places his hand on my tummy too. "Appa, can't wait to meet you little one" he said. "Awwww you're so cute" I reply. Soon I get called in for my scan by the midwife. I lay down on the bed and roll my top up. "Y/ N, I'm going to put this jelly on. It may feel a little cold" she said. She puts the jelly on and it does feel a little cold. The baby's heartbeat seems very loud and strong. Oh. Could that mean something? "Y/ N, I can inform you that you are expecting twins" she said. "Wow! Twins. We are having twins, Seokjin" I say. "Twins. Wow, baby. That's amazing" Jin said. "It is. I'm a little shocked but I can't wait" I say. "Me too. I'm so excited to meet them" Jin said. "Me too" I smile. "They look to be happy and healthy babies" the lady said. "That's great. Can't wait to tell everyone we are having twins. The guys will be so happy to know" I reply. Jin smiles and holds my hand. Jin and I are having twins and we can't wait meet him. Two babies is better than one. Double the trouble

Several months later and the twins were born. A girl and a boy who we have named Jiyeon and Jinhwan. They are both beautiful and amazing. They were born today via a c section. Jiyeon was born first and Jinhwan a few minutes later. Seokjin and I have been blessed with two little miracles who we love. We are still in the hospital as the babies were just born today. Jin and I are completely in love with Jiyeon and Jinhwan. They are gorgeous and we can't believe we are their parents. I am holding Jinhwan and Jin is holding Jiyeon. "Y/ N, I can't believe they are ours. It doesn't seem real yet" he said. "I know, Seokjin. They are the best gifts ever" I reply. "They are. Our little angels. Y/ N, they are just the start of our family. We are not done yet" he said. "We are not. I'm sure we'll be giving them siblings in the future" I reply. Jin looks at little Jiyeon and kisses her on her forehead. "My beautiful little princess and my handsome little prince over there" Jin said. "Yes indeed. Our beautiful little babies" I reply. "Y/ N, I can't believe we made such beautiful little babies" Jin says. "Me neither. They are so incredible, Seokjin. You're already the best father in the world" I reply. "You're the best mother in the world, sweetheart" he smiles. The babies fall asleep as we are holding them. We watch them close their sweet eyes. Jin and I are so blessed that our twins Jiyeon and Jinhwan are here now. We have finally started a family after years. It's the best thing and feeling ever in this world

A/ N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our amazing Mr World Wide Handsome. Having an amazing day dear Jin. You are so special and means so much to ARMY's. I had to do a Jin imagine today. He's so handsome and amazing and would make an amazing husband and father one day. I could just imagine him

Shawn Mendes just dropped his new album today and it's amazing. I think it's his best one

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