💗 Young K- Day6 💗

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This is my own original idea

My husband Younghyun aka Young K is on tour with his group Day6. We have been married for five years and share 3 year old identical twin girls, Yejin and Yebin. They are beautiful and we love them so much. It's definitely hard to tell them apart sometimes. They are two peas in a pod. Our little princesses. We miss Younghyun a lot when he's on tour. The girls especially miss having their daddy around. They love singing and playing guitar with him. They are both keen musicians. Me and the girls are going to join Younghyun on your for a few days. He doesn't know that yet. I managed to get some time off work. The girls are not in school as it's the holidays. We are travelling to Busan today where the guys are on tour. Yejin and Yebin are so excited to see their daddy and uncles on tour. So excited they couldn't sleep last night. We are ready to leave soon on the plane. We are leaving the house. "Have you got everything, girls?" I ask. "Yes, mommy" Yebin replies. "Does Appa know we're coming?" Yejin asks. "No he doesn't. It's all a surprise" I reply. We arrived at the airport soon. We checked in and waited to board. The flight is only about an hour so the girls should be fine. They've got their iPads to play on. We arrived in Busan just over an hour later. We walked out of the airport and jumped in a cab and took us to the venue the guys are at tonight. The girls cannot wait to see Younghyun and I can't too of course. Half an hour we arrived at the venue. The girls were amazed by the size. I told management that we will be coming so it's all okay. "Why is it so big?"
Yejin says. "Because it's where all the top acts play" I reply. Management let us go backstage. We knock on the dressing room door and enter. Younghyun and the guys were there. "Surprise!" me and the girls excited. "Y/ N! My angels. What are you doing here?" he said. "Surprise, Appa" Yebin says running to him. "Wow! This is amazing. I wasn't expecting my favourite girls in the world to walk in the door" he said. "We are going to be here for the next few days. If you'll have us. I got time off work" I say. "Of course. Yay!" Younghyun exclaims. "Appa, I missed you so much" Yejin said. "Me too, angel. I missed you all" he smiles. The girls sit on Younghyun's lap and he cuddles them. He was delighted to see us and learn we are going to be here for the next few days

It will soon be showtime. The crew ordered pizzas. It's the girls favourite food. We only let them have it every once in a while as a treat. They go crazy when we get pizza. It's like it does something to them. The pizza arrives and Yejin and Yebin jump up and down for it. "Calm down, girls. I know you're excited" Jae said. "We are, uncle Jae" Yejin said. We open the pizzas and dive in. We have four pizzas between the eight of us so one per two people. We grab plates and dive him. "Careful it might be hot" Dowoon said to Yebin. "Delicious" Yebin said. Dowoon smiled at her. The girls eat a lot of pizzas. We are thankful our girls are good eaters. Oh yes they are. Bless them. Yejin burped after she ate her final slice of pizza. "Yejin, that was never you" Younghyun said. She laughed. "Say excuse me, sweetie" I say. "Excuse me" she said. "Almost time for the show, girls. Are you excited?" Wonpil said. "Yes very excited" Yebin said. "We are going to sing to every song" Yejin said. The guys got ready for the show. I kept the girls with me so they weren't getting in the way. Day6 took to the stage when it was time. "Go, Appa" Yebin screams from backstage. "Yay!" Yejin cheers. The girls sit next to me while they watch Younghyun and the guys perform at the concert. They were both. smiles and singing along. "I would just like to say something. This afternoon my beautiful wife and beautiful twin girls came out to surprise me. They are going to be here for the next few days. I'm so happy they are here" Younghyun said. The crowd cheered. He called us up onstage. Yejin and Yebin run to Younghyun and he picks them up. "Here are my girls. Yejin and Yebin. Wow! You two are getting so big. We'll have to stop feeding you" he said. "Why?" Yejin replies. The crowd laughs. We spend a few minutes onstage with Younghyun and the guys. I think the girls wanted to stay a bit longer but they had to finish the show. By the end of the show they were tired. It's kinda too late for 3 year olds to be up. Yebin fell asleep on the couch backstage so I covered her in a blanket. Yejin was sleepy too. The boys were quite around them. Younghyun picks Yebin up and carries her to the hotel we are staying in. Both the girls were tucked up in bed and we were a bit later. Aawww it's so good to be here as a family for the next few days

Younghyun has been home from tour for the last couple months now. Thing have been going well. The girls have loved having him home. They like having him all to theirselves. Younghyun will be home until Day6 go on their international tour in the next couple of months. We have also been trying for another baby too. Our third child. We have been trying since Younghyun came home from tour. We've been talking about having another baby for almost a year now but it hasn't exactly been the right time but it could be now. I might be pregnant as I am a few days late starting my period and I've been feeling sick since then too. Signs of pregnancy. I did feel a lot worse when I got pregnant with the twins. It was double the trouble. I want to know if I'm pregnant so I'm going to take the test tonight when the girls are in bed. I will tell Younghyun I might be but I don't want to get his hopes up. We are having dinner now at the kitchen table. I don't really feel that hungry so I don't eat a lot. "Are you okay, honey?" Younghyun asks. "Yeah i just don't feel very hungry" I reply. "Mommy is a bad girl and leaving all her food" Yejin said. "Yejin, don't talk about your mother like that. She's not very hungry and that's okay" Younghyun said. "Sorry, Appa. Sorry, eomma" Yejin said. "It's okay, sweetie. I know you didn't mean to" I reply. We finish dinner and then tidy up. The girls put their plates in the dishwasher and cutlery. We've taught them to help out well. They sit down on the couch while we clean down. "Are you okay, jagiya? You don't seem yourself" Younghyun asks putting his arms around me. "Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't feel very hungry" I reply. "Okay" he replies. "Younghyun, I think I night be pregnant" I say. "Really, baby. That would be amazing if you are. Let's take a test" he cheers. "Yes it would but shhhh I don't want the girls to know yet. I'll take a test when they are in bed" I reply. We have sometime with the girls before they go to bed. They are all tucked up in bed now and fast asleep. I can take a pregnancy test. Younghyun and I go into the bathroom and close the door. "So are you or are you not pregnant? I really hope so. This is so exciting" he said. I sit on the toilet and open the box. I pee on the stick and Younghyun kneels beside me. We wait a couple of minutes for the results. "Pregnant! Yes you're pregnant. Ahhhhh I'm so happy" Younghyun exclaims. "I'm pregnant. Awe, Younghyun. I'm so happy. We are having another baby. Can't wait to tell the girls but I don't think we should tell them just yet" I say. "No we will tell them soon enough though" he replies putting his arms around me and hugging me tight. I am pregnant with baby number three and we both can't wait

Several months later and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Our third little princess. Her name is Sooah. She is gorgeous and adored by me, Younghyun and her big sisters. We are parents to three beautiful little girls. Younghyun is a girl dad which I think he loves. He adores his little princesses so much. Sooah is two weeks old. We can't believe she was born two weeks ago. We have to remind Yejin and Yebin that she's not a doll. They are pretty good with her though. Yebin is sat on the couch holding little Sooah right now. She is being very gentle and careful with her. You have to be very gentle with a newborn. Yejin can be a little more rough with Sooah. "Yebin, you are doing a really good job with your baby sister, sweetie" Younghyun said walking into the lounge. "Thanks, Appa. She is so cute. I love her"  Yebin smiles. "Can I hold her?" Yejin asks. "Soon, Yejin. Let Yebin have her turn" I reply. Yejin held Sooah a few minutes later. "Remember careful with her. She's not a doll" Younghyun said. "Yes I know. She's my baby sister" Yejin replies. Yejin was more careful and gentle with Sooah this time which was nice to see. Baby Sooah was pretty tired after that so I took her into our room for a sleep. The girls know to be quiet when their baby sister is asleep. They are good but to make too much noise. Younghyun and I sit down quietly in the lounge too with the girls while baby Sooah is asleep. "The best thing about being a dad is being a girl dad. I love my princesses so much" Younghyun whispers in my ear. "I know right. You're the best girl dad in the world" I smile. He smiles back. Younghyun and I love our little girls so much. We are proud parents to three beautiful princesses

A/ N: I haven't done Day6 in ages. Tbh I kinda forgot about them. They are apparently making a comeback soon which will be great. Younghyun is a very talented man. Isn't he?

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