💚 Joohoney- Monsta X 💚

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This is my own original idea

I am an aspiring singer-songwriter who posts videos on YouTube. Singing has always been a passion of mind since I was a little girl and I'm 25 now and I've been singing most of my life. I sing in Korean and English as I know both languages. I like Kpop and non Kpop and cover songs in both languages. I started writing my own songs a couple of years ago. I post a cover on YouTube once sometimes twice a week. Sometimes my own original songs too I put out there for the world to see. I have people who love and support me but I've never been noticed by anyone famous before. That would be cool one day if I was lucky enough for that to happen to me. Today I am making another cover for YouTube. I am covering Smoky by Joohoney of Monsta X. He has always been someone I've really liked and admired and I like his song so I thought I'd do it as my next cover because why not. Jooheon is awesome and I'm looking forward to covering his song today. I've been working on the song for the last couple of days but today I'm recording it and uploading it on YouTube now so it will be up later for everyone to watch. I'm putting an acoustic spin on the song. I always do. I make songs my own. I am tuning up my guitar now ready for my cover. My guitar was all in tune and so was my mic and then I could get recording the song for YouTube. I never post it on the first time as sometimes I get nervous. I spend about an hour perfecting my cover of Smoky before uploading it to YouTube. I was proud of it by the end. Hope it will go down well with my supporters

My cover was uploaded to YouTube a few hours ago and it's been successful so far. A few hundred views. Yay! I scroll through my Instagram messages and believe it or not one comes up from Jooheon himself. What I couldn't believe my eyes? No way. He's sent me a message. I open it and look  at it for a minute. He said 'Hey, Y/ N. I just saw your cover of my song Smoky. It was awesome. Wanna collab sometime'. I stop for a moment and think of what to put. 'Hi, Jooheon. I can't believe you just messaged me. Thank you so much. That means a lot to me' I say. 'You are talented. I like you and your voice' Jooheon replies. 'Thank you. You're too kind' I put with a smiley emoji. Jooheon puts something flirty back and we keep on sending each other flirty messages for a while. I can't believe I am communicating with an idol. One of my favourite idols too. Jooheon is a flirty guy. Yes he is definitely flirting with me. 'Y/ N, we should do a long together one day. Would you like that?' Jooheon says. 'Yes sure. I would love to' I say. Jooheon and I exchanged numbers and vowed to keep in touch from our conversation on Instagram. I can't believe I have his number and he noticed me. That's so good. Looks like Jooheon and I are now kinda friends or will be friends soon. Maybe a collab is on the horizon soon. Hope we do it as it will be really awesome. I'd love to meet Jooheon sometime soon when we've got to know each other a bit better.

A few weeks later and Jooheon and I are finally meeting in person. We've been working on a song together but we are going to the studio to record it today and meeting for the first time in person. It kinda already feels like I know Jooheon. He is a really nice and genuine guy. I can't wait to actually finally meet him today. I am on my way to the studio to meet him soon. Jooheon says he's on his way and he'll be there soon. I am in my car driving there soon. It's the studio that Monsta X record their music in. Ohhhh exciting. I arrive and park up outside. I needed special access to get in. I got in and Jooheon was waiting for me in the reception area. "Hi, Y/ N. Nice to finally meet you" he said embracing me with a hug. "Hey, Jooheon. Yes it's finally great to meet you. At last" I say. "So this is the studio. I will show you around before we get recording" he said. I smile. Jooheon takes me on a little tour around the studio before we get recording our song and it was awesome. A very grand place indeed. We then get in the studio and go through the song we wrote together. We needed to tweak it a little as it wasn't yet perfect. It's a good song though. We are proud of it. I record my parts first and then Jooheon records his. I wrote my verses and Jooheon wrote his raps. We both wrote the chorus together. It was fun to write a song together. We have it all recorded in a few hours. We did take a break for lunch and to go to the bathroom though. We didn't work a solid 6 hours through. On no. Jooheon and I had such fun in the studio today. We leave together laughing and joking. "So that was one of the best times I've had making music" I smile. "Yes it was so awesome, Y/ N. You're awesome too" he said. "You are too, Oppa" I reply. "So I'll see you again maybe soon, Y/ N" he said. I wave him goodbye and get in my car and leave. Me and Jooheon had an amazing day in the studio recording our song. Can't wait to see him again sometime in the not too distant future. Yes I might just have a little crush on him

Jooheon and I know know each other for a few months now. We try to hangout maybe twice a month if we can. We are seeing each other tonight. I'm going to Jooheon's place for a the night. We are getting a takeaway and maybe watching a movie or k dramas or something. I am on my way now and almost at his place. Jooheon lives in a lovely apartment not too far from me actually. I parked up in the space next to his car and get out. You have to buzz to be allowed to entered the building. Jooheon let's me in front upstairs. I walk up the stairs and knock on his door. "Hey, you're here. I knew you were anyway" he said. "Hi, Jooheon. Thanks got having me" I say. "Nah you don't have to thank me" I say. He laughs. "So what should we have to eat?" Jooheon asks. "Anything. I'm good with anything. You choose" I reply. "Sushi. I'm kinda in the mood for that" he said. "Sure" I smile. Jooheon orders sushi for us for dinner. We waited for it to arrive by the door. In the meantime we just chilled. Jooheon was very hungry indeed. The sushi arrives at the door and Jooheon pays the delivery man. We get plates and dish it up and tuck in. "Very very good. Definitely worth the wait" he said. "Yes" I smile. So Jooheon and I enjoy our sushi and find a good k drama to watch after. We are watching a series together, Love feat Marriage & Divorce. It's a really good one. We chill on the couch and watch it together. I we watch one episode and then another as we had time of course. It took us over two hours to watch both but it was really good and we enjoyed it. "Y/ N, do you have to go yet?" Jooheon asks. "Yeah in a few minutes I will" I say. "I-I like you, Y/ N. I like you a lot. I've enjoyed hanging out and getting to you these last few months. You are one of the most talented people i know" Jooheon smiles. "I like you too, Jooheon. You are an awesome and really nice guy" I say. "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/ N? I know I'm not really allowed to date but who cares" he said. "Yes I would like to be your girlfriend, Jooheon" I smile. He smiles and shuffles closer to me and kisses me on the lips. Jooheon and I are now boyfriend and girlfriend

A/ N: hope you liked that one. Jooheon is very awesome

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