Chapter 16 - Sky's pov

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The drive was about less than an hour. I was glad to get out of the car because I was a little squished then I felt the heat and immediately wanted to get back in and into an air conditioned place.
"It's so hot," Andrew said after getting out of the car.
"But it wasn't at there hideout either and you survived," Kara said. She must have not gotten out of the car yet.
"No, I mean I feels higher then a hundred degrees. I might even have to take off my shirt if it gets any hotter," Andrew replied.
"Uh, Kara, it actually is hot. Like REALLY hot," I agreed with Andrew. I watched Kara get out of the car then her face went from calm to "huh?"
"What? How hot is it?" Kara asked our parents.
"Possibly around 110," My mom said.
"What?!" We all said in shock. Were we live it usually only goes up to 70-80, barely 90. Never really 100.
"Yeah, I know. They needed it to be hot where they worked."
"Huh? Why?" Andrew asked.
"Because of what they do in there. They need the place to be supper hot."
"Um... were is it?" Andrew said sounding slightly scared.
"Well... Sky... put on the glasses," my dad said. I looked around. There was a lot of grass, a pond, stream with a small bridge, and where the road ended there was tired marks from a car that didn't stop.
"Ok." I put the glasses on. I saw a building appear out of nowhere in the middle of everything. Guards were surrounding it some holding guns and others holding swords and ones on the roof with a bow and arrows.
"There's a building," I said.
"Yeah, you have to go into it. You know Indiana Jones? How he always has to avoid a bunch of traps? You'll have to do that. You need to battle a bunch of people or monsters to get to the leader," Kara's dad instructed.
"Ok. Well, I want to go before I get to scared," Kara said. I smiled.
"Yeah, same," I replied.
"Ok. Bye," My mom said sounding scared.
"Mom, we'll be safe," I assured her. 'I hope.' I added in my head. She nodded. I think she appreciated what I said but new how deadly it would get.
"Well, go on," Andrews dad said.
"Ok," Bye," Kara said already walking away. Me and Andrew caught up to her. I looked back once then decided not to again so I didn't get sad.
"So, where exactly is this exactly is this place?" Kara wondered.
"Up there," I replied. I walked in front of them and led the way.
"We should check for any back ways in," Andrew said.
"Ok, yeah. Let's go this way," I said leading them to the left of the building. The building was tall and brown and had a flat roof. As we walked closer to the building I felt something cold and liquityish pass through me. It almost made me throw up but I held my food in.
"What was that?" I asked. I saw Andrew and Kara's faces. They looked shocked. Kara's dark hair hung still from her not moving and there wasn't any wind at all which didn't help with the heat.
"I can see the building," Andrew said staring into space.
"Same," Kara agreed. I took off my glasses and looked at where the building should be. I could see it.
"Well, I guess we should keep going," Andrew said.
"Ok," I replied.
"I could totally punch threw the wall to get us in," Andrew said punching the air. I smiled almost laughed.
"Uh, we'll save that for our last option," I said. Andrew smiled.
"Why can't we just go through the front door?" Andrew wondered.
"If we want to get caught, sure." Kara answered.
"It doesn't look like there's any way in besides the front," Andrew said. Me and Kara looked at each other. 'I guess there is only one way in. They might trap us for all we know.' I thought then said, "Alright."
"We have to be ready to battle though,"  Kara added.
"I think we are," Andrew replied taking out his dagger. The dagger shined in the light as he pit it back in the sheath that hung around his waist. Our parents had also given us something to carry the weapons in.
"We're going sooo slow," Andrew said then ran to the entrance and took out his dagger.
"Hey! Wait up!" I said running to him. I stopped, looking up, I saw five guards standing at the top of the building. I took out my bow and arrow. I felt bad about what I was about to do but it had to be done. I let go of the arrow once I had it positioned at the first guard then did the same for the rest. I didn't know how I did so well. I've only taken a couple archery classes. The longest one I've done was a week Archery camp. It might have been me being a technopath though. All of the guards didn't have a long enough time to realize what had happened before they were dead and fell on the roof. I saw Andrew look up, I blushed. I kept going forward until I was at the door. Then I heard, "Hey! Stop!" From both the left and right of the double doors. Kara took out her sword and shield, Andrew took out his Dagger, and I took out another arrow. I watched Kara go towards the guard closest to her. The guards were also coming towards us. They were were blue uniforms that has a patch saying 'The hidden' with a faded fire ball in the background on the left side of their chest. There were all holding a sword and shield. I put back kn my glasses hoping it would make it easier to defeat them. It did. I had brought a sword in case I needed it because you can't fight up close to someone with a bow and arrow. Turns out it did come in handy. The glasses showed me were to hit him and where to move so I wouldn't get hit. In less than five minutes the guard I was fighting was on the ground. I had given him three new cuts, one on both ares and one on his left leg, but they my glasses showed me how to nock someone out using there pressure point. I tried to remember that. It told me some other useful tips to, like remembering to guard myself while fighting and to not do the same things in the same order because then the person could now what moves I would use and people to stop me. Before I went to the next guy I saw Andrew and Kara were both still battling someone. There were two left. One of them was trying to help the guard fighting Andrew and the other was guarding the door- Or was before he saw me. He was coming towards me. I ran at him to try to get at him before he got to me. I swung my sword at him. He hit his sword against mine. The swords clanged together when they hit. I chanced a look at how Andrew and were doing and I saw one guard down and the other almost. I took slightly less long to defeat this one. He was stronger but also slower than the first guard. I went to the door, it was a double door and large. It was guarded by one guard now. I ran to the guard and held my sword straight at him. I had to do this. There was no other way. I pushed my sword forward and he fell limp onto the ground. I walked away trying not to think about what I had just done. I looked up at the doors, they were so huge I didn't know how we would get them open but we would try. I looked back at Andrew and Sky except I only saw Andrew.
"Where's Kara?" I asked.
"She went to check the area. She'll be back soon." Andrew responded. I let out the breath I has been holding in by accident.
"Ok. We should probably open the door."
"Yeah." I watched Andrew walk towards the door then we both held onto the right door handle and pulled it open. The door grinned against the ground as we opened it. We only got it halfway open when we heard, "The coast's clear." I jumped and my hand slammed on the bottom of the handle. "Ow," I mumbled then looked towards the voice; It was Kara. "Oh! Hi!" I said. She smiled back at me.
"Hi, hope I didn't cause you to hurt your hand to bad," She replied.
"Oh this?" I showed my hand then shrugged, "It'll be fine. We were opening the door."
"Ok, Do you need help opening the door more?"
"Actually I think it's good. We can fit in here. It's probably wider than the space of a regular sizes door opened all the way." I said.
"Huh, Yeah." Kara said looking at the big door.
"Well, let's go." Andrew said already walking away from the handle and Into the room.
"Ok," Me and Kara said in unison. As I walked into view of what was inside the building I saw a long hallway. The floor had red-brown cobble stones with a 't' carved on them and the walls were a ton of red rhombus' but what was weirdest was that they had holes in the middle. There were banners on the walls some had phrases others had pictures. They were all sky blue.
"Let's go," Andrew said walking forward.
"Click!" The room vibrated and shook for a second.
"Oh.. No," Andrew said looking down, "That can't be good.... the stone fell." I heard a couple whooshing noises and looked at the wall where I had heard it and saw arrows.
"Andrew!" I yelled frightened, "Duck!" I became very alert. The arrows shot out of the walls right as Andrew ducked. They were shooting in a pattern, first the ones closest to the entrance then the ones next to it. I was about to say something when I heard, "Clang." The noice came from behind me.... I turned around, the doors were closed. They had shit on us.
"Well, looks like there's no turning back now," Kara said.

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