Chapter 11

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Andrew POV-
I looked over at my clock. It read 10:20. Max, Kara, and Sky are supposed to come at 10:25 but I think Sky is going to come any second.
"Ring! Ring" The door bell yelled as if on que. I ran down the steps and opened the door. My dad was already at work so I was the only one at our house.
"Yes?" I asked. I felt someone put cloth over my mouth that smelled like something. I don't know what because I was knocked out after less than a second of smelling it. I tried to tell for help put it only sounded like, "hmmmp!"
I think the person was a male because I faintly remember seeing someone with black hair at ear length. When I woke up I noticed that there was a chain on my leg and I was in a dark cell. I tried to use my power to get out but I only kept getting zapped by something and I later realized that it was a green bracelet on my wrist that was was zapping me. I felt groggy and had bruises all over me so I didn't have enough strength to fight the zapping.
"Help!" I yelled. A guard walked up to my cell and smiled.
"You're not going to get any help. This is the most secure place in the world. And you're going to let us run experiments on you." He smiled then walked away.
I gulped getting scared. I decided the best thing to do is just go back to sleep and hope this all passes. As I closed my eyes I hoped that I'd have a good dream.
And I did, I dreamed me and Sky where walking in this field of wheat holding hands. We stopped walking when we reached a tree that was waving with the wind. We leaned against the tree and I pulled her close and touched my lips on hers. Her lips felt dry but I didn't care I needed her to much to care. She backed away and started to say, "I love-" She paused seeming shocked but happy.
"What's wrong? You love me? I love you too." I replied blushing.
"It worked." She let out a breath that she had been holding in.
"Huh? What worked?"
"I wanted to see If I used my power to get into your dream if it would work."
"Wait, you're in my dream?" I got scared not wanting her to know what had just happened.
"Yeah, for about three minutes or more."
"Oh." I felt like if his wasn't a dream I'd faint.
"When I got to your house I noticed that no one was there so I called Max and Kara and told them to come over as soon as possible. When they came I told them that you weren't there and that I didn't know where you were. They asked if I could use my power to find you and I said I dont know but then I realized I could just ask the thunder power what I could do. It told me that I could go into someone's dreams and that's what I'm doing." She took a big breath not getting to stop for air.
"Oh, wow. That was a lot of stuff said."
"Yeah. Anyway do you know where you are?"
"Um. I'm in a cell? Does that help? I know they're going to do something to me. I think they already did I have bruises all over me." I shivered at the thought.
"Oh no. I'm going to find you. Don't worry."
"Ok, I'll try." I started fidgeting with my hands then said, "Um when I was actually dreaming where you here?"
She nodded blushing then answered, "About what I said, I do love you. I need you."
I felt my heart flip then become a slushy.
"Where you here when we kissed?"
"Um, yeah. You're a good kisser."
"Thanks. Have you drank any water lately? Your lips where dry." I stepped closer to her.
"No." She paused her breath for a second knowing what I was going to do. I leaned in and kissed her. I put my hand on the back of her shoulders then after two long seconds I let go of her. She backed away then said, "we're in a dream."
"Oh, well then can you find me?"
"Ok," She smiled, "I better go then."
"Ok, I'll be waiting."
"Bye" she said then left and I woke up.
"What are you doing?" A guard sitting on a stool outside of my cell said.
I realized I had made a kissing face, "um." I slouched then closed my eyes again.
Sky's pov-
I opened my eyes and saw Kara and Max staring at me.
"What?" I asked confused.
They laughed and said said, "Your face."
I thought bake to when I woke up and realized that I had made a kissing face. I decided to ignore this so I said, "Andrews in a cell somewhere. I don't know where he is but have to find him." I stood up and started pacing.
"Sky, stay still." Max had been watching me pace.
"Sorry. I need him." I sat down then started shaking my leg nervously.
"Yeah, we can see that." Kara said looking at my leg.
I took out the thunder power and looked up how I could find him. It said if they had there thunder power I could find them. I pressed a button that was on the side of the thunder power and I showed a map with four dots on it, a blue one, a red on, a green on, and a purple on.
"Do you guys think the other thunder powers are where Andrew is? This thing shows where the other thunder powers are." I said.
"Maybe. I guess we could check." Kara said.
"Yeah." Max agreed.
"Ok." I pressed another button that showed the route to get to them. They all seemed to be at the same place except the blue one which I think is mine because mine's blue. Mine started moving and I realized that I started pacing again so I stopped and said, "They're all in the same spot except for mine."
"Well I guess we should go. We don't have any other ideas, right?" Kara suggested.
"Yeah." Max replied.
"Ok let's go. It doesn't look to far."
"Ok. Let's go." Max said.
We left Andrews house and started walking to the location the map said to go to. It took us a little more than five minutes to get there. We bye passed the city and crossed a river to get there. The building looked pretty old and was made out of bricks. The bricks had moss on it and where chipped. There were also guards all around the building especially the front. There were a couple bushes and a tree near us so we hid behind a bush.
"So what now?" Max wondered.
"We go in." I said standing up and walking to the building but kara caught my arm and stopped me.
"Not yet. We have to know how to go in. And do you see how many guards there is? This must be almost as secure as a prison."
"Oh." I went back behind the bush.
"Can you make us invisible?" Max questioned.
"I guess so, but how are we going to get in?" Sky asked.
"Maybe there's a opening." Max said looking around. I looked at the building and noticed that there where there doors visible to me and a lot of windows. The biggest door was in the front and there were two smaller ones on the side. I counted at least twenty windows. Ten on what I think was the second floor and ten more on the lower floor.
"Maybe there's a open window? There's a lot of windows." I said considering the options.
"Maybe." Max answered then kept looking, "oh, look." He pointed to the window closest to the first door on the side of the building.
"Oh yeah. Wait, how are we going to get up it?" I asked.
"Well maybe we could climb up it? The bricks look uneven and we won't have to climb to high." Max answered.
We held onto kara's hands so she could turn us invisible as we walked over to the building. When we reached the building Max whent up first then me and finially Kara. My foot lost balance once but other than that I didn't loose balance.
"I'm up." Max said.
"Ok. I'm coming." I said looking at where my hands were placed.
"So what now?" Kara asked when we all got into the room. The room had a medical bed and a chair on the other side.
"We have to find Andrew." I said thinking it was obvious.
"No I mean how are we going to find Andrew?"
"Well he's in a cell, right?" Max said.
"Yeah." I answered.
"Well aren't jail cells usally in basements?"
"I think so."
"Then we have to go to the basement."
"Ok." We walked out of the room than took a right and went down some steps.
"I'm guessing this is the basement."
I realized that there probably should be guards in the hallways so I said, "Wait why aren't there any guards?"
"Oh." Kara responded, "I don't know."
"Maybe there's a camera?" I said hoping this wasn't a trap.
"Maybe." Max said.
"Andrew!" I yelled. I was about to tell his name again but Kara stopped me saying the if it was a trap then they would know where we are.
"Oh," I said. We kept walking and we passed a hallway that was dark and only lit up by torches and the walls had words on them. "Do you think we're close?"
"Maybe." Kara replied.
"Ok it's really bothering me now. This has to be a trap, let's go quicker."
I started walking faster as I saw a door close in front of us. Then I turned around knowing that there was a door behind is and that it would probably close but I still ran towards it. It slammed shut and created dust.
"Oh I jinked us." I said.
"Yeah probably." Max said looking around.
"Andrew!!" I shouted not caring if anyone heard me.
"Sky!!!" I heard a faint noice coming from Andrew.
"Andrew! Where are you?" I said happy to hear him.
"I don't know. They said they're going to do something to me soon."
"Oh no!! I'm going to get you out!!"
"No you're not!" A voice coming from the ceiling demanded.
"What?!" I said back.
"You're not."
"YES I AM!" I yelled mad I needed Andrew and he's my best friend my lover.
I didn't realize what I was doing until I did it. I had threw my right hand forward letting it catch heat then I through the heat at the wall. The wall collapsed after a second of getting hit by the fire. Not knowing what I was doing I stepped through the fire and crossed then said, "You guys coming?"
There jaws looked like if they were cartoons they could have reached the ground.
"The-the fire. You." Max said in shock.
"You have the fire power. You're eyes even looked like they had fire in them." Kara added. I looked at the ground where I was standing. "Ahh!" I took a step back then said, "wait, that didn't hurt." I stepped by into the fire.
"Well are you coming?"
"I don't think we can cross that." Kara said.
"Oh. Well I guess I can get him my self."
"Ok." Max said.
"Bye" I said then walked away into the hallway. I came across five guards when I took a turn. I lit up my hand again, the fire looked as bright as the sun, I threw the fire at the guards then ran forward and passed them then turned around and put another path of fire in front of then so they couldn't get out.
"Yeah?" Andrew answered, his voice sounding closer. I started running to him I got stopped by two more guards but I did the thing I did to the first two. I finially saw him, "Andrew." I said happy. I lit my finger tip and melted the key hole and opened the door. Then I ran to him and hugged him.
"How are you?" I asked seeing his bruises.
"Bruised. Can we go?" I took off the bracelet that had been zapping him.
"You're welcome. Let's go." His legs were pretty bruised so he leaned on me having his arm over my shoulder as I walked. I lit my thumb up so it would be brighter but It was to bright.
"Oh that's so bright."
"Sorry, I don't think I have full control over the power."
"It's fine." We reached Max and Kara and I said, "You guys good?"
"Yeah." They both said in unison.
I let go of Andrew and leaded him against the wall then attempted to only light my arm but lit up my whole body. I decided that I could work with that. I threw fire at the top of the wall and watched it collapse burning from the fire. "Do you guys think you can get through this?" I asked them noticing there looks.
"You're burning." Andrew replied. I looked down at myself then said, "Oh."
I was about to ask them a question but I heard foot steps. It sounded like ten people or more.
"Guys? Do you hear that?" I asked.
"Yeah." They said and Andre nodded his head.
"We have to get out of here." I said.

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