Chapter 21

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The slashing went on for a couple more time and then there was a short pause followed by someone hitting me. Like someone was punching me. It really hurt. I was going to have bruises all over me. Well, I already did, so more bruises. A lot more. I squeezed my arms together almost like crossing my arms. I noticed that nothing was happening so I opened my eyes. The man who had brought me into the room was walking towards me. When he got to me, he forced me up and walked me to another room. The room had a metal bed in the middle, foldable chairs against the walls and a table next to the bed and chairs. I shuddered at the thought of what might happen in here. The guard took of the hand cuffs and put me onto the bed. He extended my arms and legs and I heard a clicked. Next thing I knew there was some metal thing holding me down. The thing that held me down was probably connected to the bed. I looked over at my arms and saw that my assumption was correct. Then I heard someone walk in.
"Hello," The guard said to someone.
"Hello, Is she aware of what will happen if she try's to escape?" Someone with a low voice said. The voice sounded like a girls though.
"Yes. Very. She won't disobey anything anyone tells her to do," The guard replied then walked out. The new person walked over to me.
"Hello, Sky," The person said.
"H-H-hi... What are you going to do to me?" I asked. I don't think i've ever been more scared in my entire life.
"Oh, nothing. Just the normal procedure. Check if your heart's alright. Stuff with your power. Take it," She said. She talked so calmly. I couldn't believe my ears. Though I probably should have because that's what we where trying to avoid.
"Wh-what?" I asked.
"Don't worry, nothing will hurt," She said avoiding my question while taking out a syringe and putting whatever was in it into my arm. I felt myself loosen up and go numb. I looked over and saw her put a tube in my right arm then taking a stereoscope and checked my heart beat. Something was going into me threw that tube. It was blue.
"Wh-what's that?" I asked looking at a bag with blue liquid in it.
"Just an injection. Does something with your power. Could make you stronger. But as soon as we take the power away it'll be ours. Might even be to strong for you to stay alive," The person answered. She went back to work. She had some weird glasses on. The lenses kept changing my colors.
"Why can't you just make it stronger once one of you guys have it?" I wondered.
"Because in order for it to be taken it also has to be stringer. If if gets taken and isn't strong enough the person who takes it will die within three days. And during those three days when the person is alive there will be some SERIOUS hurting. Physically. It'll be like falling off a cliff or getting punched a billion times but worse. Oh, and sorry. Well, not sorry. But you might experience some pain in the next couple days. Or seconds or minutes," She answered. She looked at the bag. It looked about the normal length of a book and was now half empty. The bag had been three quarters filled when I first saw it. "Hmm... I'll wait till it's almost empty. Should only take about two months," She mumbled to herself.
"Uh-um, Did you do th-this to A-Andrew to?" I asked.
"No, but we will. After you. He's been doing pretty good. It works best if the person isn't in the best state. And. He shouldn't be when he comes here," She answered. I didn't know why she was telling me so much. Maybe she was just doing what someone told her and didn't think it mattered if she said. Cramp! Ow! I squeezed my face. Then my leg fell asleep. Afterwards it felt like my legs and arms were broken and then were hit furiously against a brick wall.
"Ah. Almost done. Hm...," She thought about something then laughed and left. The torcher just kept getting worse. And worse. And worse. I counted two minutes then gave up on counting. After a little bit I looked up at the bag and saw it that it was empty. So that's why she'd laughed. She wanted to see what would happen to me if she gave me all of it. I looked back just as the pain grew 100 times worse and felt my eyes started to drop. The whole time I squirmed and moved knowing nothing good would come but couldn't seem to stop. I tried to open my eyes and when I did I found that I was in the cell room again. The pain had gotten worse. But only in same areas. For example my feet started getting numb while the rest of my legs burned and hurt twice as bad ad the rest of my body. Once I knew my eyes wouldn't close on me I looked around. It Iooked slightly darker except I could see better. I could see what was around me perfectly. And as I looked farther it got more unclearer. It was all black though. That I could tell. I looked over to were Andrew had been yesterday- I assumed it was yesterday- and saw someone laying on the ground with there head against the wall. I could see the person a lot better then the morning before. And the the person looked farther away now.
"Andrew?" I whispered. I saw the person turn their head.
"Y-Ow! Yeah?" Someone, Andrew, said.
"Andrew!" I whispered-yelled. It hurt. I felt my face burn. Ow. How could just moving my mouth hurt. A TON.
"Sky?" He paused, "That you? Di-Did they do it to you to?"
"Yeah, It's me. And put something in me? Yeah. My body. I-I feel like EVERY bone is broken. And then put on fire. Then smashed again while Alive," I replied trying to ignore my mouth that was hurting.
"Huh. Yeah. That's a good way to put it. What is it anyway?" He asked. I told hum everything that had happened while I was in there.
"They didn't put the whole bag for me. You must be hurting a lot more. I-I feel weirdly strong. Like mentally I feel hopeless and physicallyI feel broken but there's a part that feels like it could punch a wall," Andrew said.
"Huh. I can see everything. It's still black but I can see all of the details and things," I said.
"Huh. I can see everything. It's still black but I can see all of the details and things," I said.
"Cool." We sat in silence for a little when I heard a nock against something at my far right.
"Huh?" I asked looking towards where for the noise came from.
"What?" Andrew asked.
"Someone knocked against something," I said. I heard another knock. Time closer. "There is again. You didn't hear it?"
"Well..." 'knock.' "I heard it then."
"Wh- Who is it?" I asked. I tried to sit up. It just made the pain noticeable. Ouch.
"Me," A voice that I fairly remembered said.
"Who?" My eyebrows creased making my head hurt.
"Oh, sorry. You must be in a lot of pain. Right. I'm Calista," She said. Oh yeah! I'd forgotten about her. She'd helped us get better then she disappeared. Was she her to help us?
"I came to help," She answered my question. I looked at her. She was standing outside my cell holding something and was covered in metal armor.
"What are you holding?" I asked. Some other people wearing similar armor walked behind her and stopped in some different places. Probably guarding the ways in.
"The key," She answered and opened the door. She walked into the cell.
"I don't think they're going to let you take us that easily."
"Yeah, me either. But I'm still going to try. Do you think you can walk?" She asked. I saw someone else help Andrew.
"I-hm. Stand up maybe. It hurts. I think the person used more than she should have." I told Calista what happened when I was in the room and what they'd done to Andrew I also added what what we'd noticed happening.
"Wait, where's my dad?" I asked scared.
"Mm. You wanna know? They hurt him a little then... took his power and realized him."
"Wait how long have they had him?" I asked remembering what the lady had told me when she was putting the blue stuff in me.
"Um... but a week. Probably slightly more."
"S-so who has his power now?" I wondered.
"Kara. I think. She's trying to be the top rank. The one you'll be fighting. She might even take out that guy you fought the other day... she probably will. He hasn't had much recovery time... If he's still alive." Calista was working on taking off the chains.
"Just take off that part," I said and pointed to the actual chain pieces that connected the wall to me.
"Oh...," Calista said then took out something. Scissors? What would scissors do? Apparently those were really strong scissors because they cut every chain and only got on scratch. My arms and legs -they hadn't put the one that had been on my neck again- felt a ton of weight come off of them. But as soon as I moved that them the burning, camping, breaking, continued.
"It hurts. So bad," I announced.
"Hm. Don't know how to fix that," She said. She looked like she was thinking, "Oh! John -come here," She turned back to me, "Do you think you can ride on his back? Or him carry you?"
"Yeah, I think so," I replied. The numbness had spread up my legs. My arms were burning twice as bad now, "If there's stages, I'm kn the next one," I added.
"Ok," Calista said. She looked back at John and nodded her head. John walking over to me and extended his arm. I reached for it but ever muscle hurt in the progress. I wanted to be strong. I didn't want anyone seeing me so weak. I didn't have much choice. John pulled me up and out me on his back. I hung on tight. This even but I wasn't going to say. I saw Andrew on someone else back. Then heard foot steps coming from down the hall. The same ones that had taken me to the two rooms.
"What! Is! Going on down here?" He yelled, "Can we please have some guards down here? I think they're intruders."
"How fast can you guys go with us on you?" I asked. They both were strong and were average hight with brown hair. Wasn't so sure about speed.
"Pretty fast. Just hang on," John said and started running. I heard guns go off in the background and someone chasing after us. Maybe we would be safe.

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