Chapter 20

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Sky's Pov-
"What?!" I was starting to think of her as a friend and I love making friends. I wasn't going to start crying but it was still so-so mean. Rude. Harsh.
"Let's go," Andrew said. I smiled. He was there. He would never betray me. He ran his hand threw his dirty blonde hair making it flip to the other side and he must have noticed because he made a slight shake of his head to move it.
"Ok," I said. I stayed next to Andrew as we walked and took out or weapons. We both this time had a gun with us no sword though. The place had told us to get a weapon where ever we went even if it was safe. We ran to the front hallway. There were people nocking over everything and some people guarding the exits.
"We can take them out," Andrew said obviously trying to enlighten the mood.
"You sure?" I asked. I didn't believe him. At all. But I was glad he was trying.
"Yes, positive," He answered. He smiled at me. I felt my heart flip and my face turn pink. I smiled back but it just made me blush more. I saw him blush but then he turned his head back towards the fight as someone came up to him.
"Ok," I said. Some ran towards me holding up a sword. How was I supposed to fight someone with a sword and I only had a gun? Oh! My power.
"Let's go have some fun," Andrew joked then started shooting his gun. I tried to think as happily as he did but also needed to focus on not getting hurt. I wondered if I could use my fire as a shield or even make the person stay away. How much strength would it take to make myself on fire? I tried to set myself on fire. Ha, that sounds crazy. I consintrated on each piece of my body, starting from my feet and ending at my head, willing it to set on fire. I looked up and saw the person open mouthed and definitely stunned.
"Yeah! Go Sky!" Andrew yelled. He'd moved to more the back of the room with the person he was fighting. His words encouraged to fight harder. I remembered the thing my glasses had showed me on how to nock out your opponent and moved on to someone else. Someone who deserved to learn a lesson. Kara. She was NOT allowed to just walk away unharmed and not feeling any sorrow. Not that I thought she could feel sorry. As soon as my eyes found her I ran to her then stopped when I reached her.
"Hello. Newest traitor," I said putting my hands on my fiery hips with my gun in my left hand.
"Hi," She said smirking. I was not thinking. I lifted my gun. At her heart. I put my finger on the trigger. "You're not going to do that," She said it as if she had some power that made people do what she said.
"Oh, I will," I moved the gun forward. Could I though? I saw Kara lift her arm and dangled it out. She extended her hands then squeezed them and unsqueezed it making a "come here," motion. Huh? Then I saw what was happening and my question was answered. They were bringing someone in.
"Haha!" Kara had a evil laugh now, "I told them exactly where we were and now, finally I can get revenge!" She sounded crazy. I looked back at the two guards who were pulling someone into the room and saw who it was that they had. My dad. No!! "No!" I said. This can't happen. I felt someone pull the gun from my hand and pretty soon I was the on getting a gun pointed at. I saw that Andrew was to. Someone was holding a dagger under his chin and his hands were behind his back, probably in hand cuffs.
"Dad!" I couldn't loose him. What could I do though? Everything had reversed in less than two seconds.
"You'll have to come with us if you want him to be safe. He'l be fine if you-and Andrew come with us and let us experiment on you and keep you," Kara offered or told. I couldn't say no. I sighed then said, "Ok." I sighed again to sad to even think of protesting. She kept the gun up but two people came over to me and Andrew holding hand cuffs and put them on us. I lowered my head as the person took me by my hands and moved me. I lifted my head again and saw my dad and Andrew next to me. I realized that I wasn't on fire anymore. Was the hand cuffs stopping my powers? Someone walked over to me holding a big syringe. I gulped. Those never appealed to me a ton.
"Wh-what's that?" I asked.
"A tracker," The person said then put it against my skin and pressed it. Ow. It hurt a little but only like getting a earpiece, maybe even less. I'm guessing it left a mark on my neck. I saw the same tall male do it to Andrew and my dad. Then someone else, a lady with brown hair and was skinny and tall, came over holding a thinner syringe.
"Uh-uhm what's that?" I asked. She stood on the opposite side of me as the man did, my left side. She held it against my neck and said, "A sleeper." She clicked a button and I heard it squeeze as the liquid came out. Next thing I new- I didn't know anything. I think I must of been asleep and having a dream. I dreamed that I was in some pitch black place but when I looked in front of me I saw Andrew laying limp on the floor. "No!" I tried to yell but nothing came out. I might not have even had lips for all I knew. I reached up to my lips and my eyes shot open like a fast ball coming to the hitter. I was in a dark and quiet but I imagined the walls would eco words. I stood up. Or tried. Something choked me. There was a chain on my neck. I moved my knees and arms around trying to see if I could even move and found that there was a chain on my right knee and left arm. They were both smaller than the chain on my neck. I also found that I was wearing some bracelet that shocked me, REALLY hard, if I tried to use my powers. My head hurt and felt fuzzy. "He-help," I tried to say but my throat was really dry.
"Sky? I-is that you?" Someone's said to my left. It sounded familiar and worried. It clicked. I remembered everything that had just happened. The voice was Andrew.
"Andrew?" I asked looking to my left. It was really dark but I could make out a small and dark figure.
"Yeah, It's me." I smiled at his voice. Ow. That hurts. Why? They didn't do anything to me-that I new of.
"What's happening?" I wondered.
"They've been doing experiments on us for the last couple of days. They're draining my power. I don't know how many days has past. I lost count at five. There's no windows. They don't even bring enough food or water. They won't stop beating us. Like physically. I don't even know if I could move if I tried. I think they've been going easy on you because they want you awake. And now you are. Oh, no. I'm so sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" I asked.
"I-I don't know. I just feel so bad for you." I tried to smile but my mouth hurt to much. I think my lip had been bleeding. I realized that I looked thiner than I had a couple days ago. I was SO hungry. I could eat anything. Even the planet.
"I'll be fine," I tried to comfort him but it just made me sad. I might not be. I wasn't even right now. So who knew what was to come.
"I hope," Andrew said just before I heard foot steps echo threw the walls. In reaction i tried to use my fire power to defend myself but it only ended in myself getting shocked. It shook my body and I sat limp on the ground barely able to move for a second. The foot steps were getting closer. And closer. And closer. And finally they were here. "Hello Sky," The person said. I just starred at them. I heard a click and realized that they had unlocked my cell. It was a man who was built for fighting. He undid the chains and picked me up bridal style. I had a feeling I wouldn't like what was about to happen. When stopped and he grabbed something. Had cuffs. They were different then the ones from before. The were silver with gold sparkles but something was wrong with them.
"These," He wiggled the hand cuffs, "Will keel you from using your powers and going anywhere." He put them on me then grabbed me again and pulled me into a room. "We like to make sure or prisoners know how to behave. So... you must be punished." He smiled at the word 'punishment.' My eyes shot open wider. I did not like that word. I saw weapons that could only bruise on the far wall. I closed my eyes and waited for the punishment. I heard a slash threw the arm then felt a slash on my back. I straightened and opened my eyes as another slash hit me.

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