Chapter 17

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The door was locked our only way was forward. I noticed that some stones where just red-brown no 't' carved into them.
"Hey Andrew?" I said looking up at him.
"What stone did you step on?"
"Um..." He looked for the stone, "This one." He pointed to a stone that was slightly lower than the rest. It had a 't' carved into it.
"Don't step on the stone with a 't' on it,' I commanded walking forward carefully choosing which stone to step on.
"Ok..." Andrew answered. We all were careful not to step on a bad stone as we crossed. The stones were all wide enough to fit more than half of my foot down onto it without having to tiptoe. I got over first then Andrew and finally Sky.
"One obstacle down... who know how many left," Andrew said trying to be funny.
"Andrew don't go forward. We don't know if it'll he safe," Kara said when Andrew started walking. I agreed with her. I didn't want to have to see Andrew get hurt- or even close- so I hoped it would be safer for him near me or maybe not I was the one they were mainly trying to hurt. Why'd he even have to come he could have been safer at his home. 'No, stop' I told myself. Having Andrew come will be fun maybe scary but at least I'll get to be with him. I heard someone clear there throat. I looked over, It was Kara.
"Huh?" I wondered.
"You coming. We didn't see anything."
"What if you're not supposed to?"
"Um... well we can't stay here forever," Kara said.
"Ok." I started walking. We were walking for a couple seconds before the next problem happened. Have you ever walked on balance beam? How high? In front of us was a pit that didn't seem to end..... and a small amount of floor. "Thx," Andrew mumble sarcastically.
Andrew was in front of us so he went first. He'd always been more of a basketball or Football kid than a tightrope walker so he held his arms out-tho probably everyone would there was a hole under us. I went next. I kept telling myself not to look down but ended up looking down when I got across. "We survived that." I said.
"Yeah but will we whatever that is?" Andrew said then pointed forward. There was a rope that was to long and snakes a ton of them.
"Snakes!" Kara yelled jumping back. I stepped back to. I don't see how anyone couldn't be a little scared of snakes.
"There's a rope right there," I said pointing to the rope. I walked over to it, I didn't walk any further when I reached the snakes. I leaned forward a held my hand on it. I tugged on the rope to see if it was strong. It felt strong enough so I hung onto it then saw over to the other side and let the rope go to Andrew. We all got over safely but I new that was probably the least of our worries. I turned toward Andrew not exactly for any reason. I watched Andrew ball his right hand into a fist then before I could say anything he threw his arm at the wall. "Andrew!" Me and Kara yelled in unison.
"What? I found a better way out. See." He pointed at the hole then punched it again probably realizing it wasn't very big. He punched it a couple more times so it was at least three feet long. There was a lot of light coming threw the room. "Let's go." Andrew said then stepped threw the hole. We all walked threw the hole. I saw three big statues wearing metal battle armor in front of us. They were holding silver swords. I stepped forward then hears a clang and saw two silver bodies move in front of us. I looked up and saw them holding there swords together. I pulled out my sword and hoped that Andrew and Kara did too. I swung my sword and pretty soon all I was hearing was the clashing of metal. "Ow!" I heard Andrew yell after a little.
"What?" I asked not able to pause and look. I wasn't sure how we could defeat these soldiers.
"M-m arm. It's bleeding." I looked back for a second worried. I saw a line through the top of his arm, two or three inches below his shoulder, and blood was trickling down it. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and the cuffs of the right arm were bloody. I suddenly felt mad. And sad. I starred at the soldier and said, "Why?!" Or yelled. I didn't think about it but I lit my sword on fire then slashed it at him. I wasn't paying any attention to what I was doing but briefly I remember my sword creating a ton of wind while it went to the soldier's waist then continued threw. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see the solider fall to the ground. I could smell fire but I turned around. "You okay, Andrew?" I asked before another soldier could come up to me.
"Well... the blood is drying... a little. It stings. a lot. I think I can deal with it." I could see that he was holding back something. Scream or more likely, "Ow." He had his arm tight against his side and was relying on his left arm to fight and move. I started helping Andrew fight. My sword was blazing with fire. I aimed for the soldier's arm but instead I hit the chest which I guess is better but he hit me in my left arm, slightly above my hand. I lifted it and shook it and sucked in air but then remembered that I couldn't get distracted so I tried to consecrate on fighting. It was kind of hard. I used my left hand to hold the sword and my left arm was bleeding like crazy. I saw the soldier aim his sword at my other arm and quickly but not very efficiently blocked his sword. Like I said, not very efficiently, it made a small cut in my arm. Ow. I didn't want anymore injuries or see my friends get injuries. Kara seemed to have blood coming from her right knee. She kept using her invisibly and strength as an advantage. Andrew seemed to be at the same strength as who he was fighting, possibly stronger, but he needed to be a little more accurate. And guard himself more. He started to fight the soldier more letting me not do as much work and I got to look at where we were for the first time. We were in a big room with grey walls. There was some painted pictures of people and the floor was more cobble and black. The floor looked like if you stepped on it bare footed it would be cold. The soldiers were stand in front of the door. Two of them were more on the sides of the door and the third was exactly in front of the door- though now he was laying on the floor. They had walked forward when we walked in. They were all wearing silver, metal, armor like the kind from times maybe more than five hundred years ago. It looked heavy, I wondered how or why they were wearing it. I could see Andrew not know how to fight with out his right arm, his fighting arm, so I stepped back after a minute of standing still. I had him on the ground before five minutes was up. I didn't pay attention to much besides the fight. I tried to focus on guarding myself and using my sword to fight. I looked back at what Andrew and Kara were doing I saw them standing still behind me. "Done," I said.
"Huh," Andrew chuckled, "Yeah, we can see."
"Oh," I walked over to them. Kara put her sword back into the sheath. Oh, I was still holding mine. I put my sword back and all of the sudden felt a burst of pain, "Oh, ow." Not only was my arm hurt but my right leg was hurt too.
"Yeah, I know. I don't know how we're gonna walk. My leg is hurt and so is my hand," Kara said showing us her leg and hand.
"Yeah, Same," Andrew agreed.
"Did anyone bring a first aid kit by any chance?" I asked hopefully.
"No," Andrew and Kara said in unison.
"Oh, ok. Well we're just gonna have to survive without it." I said not liking the fact that I wouldn't be able to make sure that the wound didn't get hurt anymore or infected.
"Ok," Andrew said and shrugged then walked to the door. He hadn't moved his right arm yet besides moving it back and forth without having to bed it. I walked forward and realized that I was limping a little. I tried to not limp but it made my knee hurt. We waited at the door for Kara. She looked like she was limping too but obviously was doing a better job at not. We all had blood and sweat on us but we walked out of the room as confident as possible.

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