Green Tea Bath - Body

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Green Tea:

1. Has a calming effect, and can be used to reduce stress levels.

2. Works as a toner for your skin and your hair – remember the apple cider vinegar toner? We do not only have to drink green tea, but can also apply it onto the skin.

3. Reduces damage caused by the sun.

4. Slows aging of the skin.

5. Contains caffeine and can be a great replacement for coffee, especially with its lovely weight loss assistance.

6. Is full of anti-oxidants that are good for your skin and its preservation.

7. Is said to work against dandruff and give you shinier hair.

8. Can calm puffy eyes.

9. Is said to tighten pores.

10. Lightly moisturizes skin.

Now that you sort of have an idea of the benefits of green tea—there are many more, for example, the anti-oxidants within green tea help fight off several diseases—I'll get to the point.

Green. Tea. Bath. It's pretty great and relaxing, to be quite honest my eyes are half way closed while I'm writing this (I just had one of these amazing baths). My friend told me about this, some girls she knew used to do this back in school to keep their skin soft and healthy.

What you do:

1. Buy organic green tea.

2. While pouring your bath, and chuck in about 6 tea bags.

3. I bathe with the tea bags still in, as long as they don't tear and get into my hair I've got no problem with them floating around me. If they're bugging you, remove them after 20 or so minutes.

4. Water should be a yellowish green. 

5. Green tea doesn't have to be the only thing you add, by all means chuck your bath salt in there and make it a party.

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