Banana and Avocado - Dry Skin

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Don't throw away your bananas. Ever. Just don't. I've made that mistake way too many times, and now I cry for every banana that walked out of my life. The mushy, brown ones that you'd never eat in a million years, yeah those ones, they're brilliant for your skin.

The banana peel contains antioxidants and is supposed to help with wrinkles and acne if you rub it on the areas that needs it. Banana preserves the elasticity of your skin, and keeps it moist. 

Avocado on the other hand works to prevent hair loss, nourish, and promotes hair growth, yay! I've tried putting the banana and avo mask on my hair and  . . . big mistake. Getting dried, little banana bits out of my long hair sucked--and I washed it off like a champ! Or I thought that I did.


1.  Mash one ripe banana (This is a one-time use mask, as avo gets gross and brown if you leave it).

2.  Mash a ripe avocado.

3.  Coconut or olive oil could be a nice addition for really dry skin.

4. I'd suggest dumping this into a food processor. Your avocado and banana should be mashy enough from being very ripe, but you'll still have chunks if you don't use a processor. That'll make it hard to apply. 

5. Keep this one on for about 10 minutes.

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