Dry Brushing

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One thing I've noticed is that boys tend to read this book so much less frequently than girls. I'm far from surprised, but what I want to do is congratulate the boys that actually do read this (all 7% of you). You want to take care of yourself, and that's awesome. Anyway, back on topic! 

I've been very bad with this one. I think I've tried it once, broke my brush, so I bought an exfoliating glove because I couldn't find another brush and hated it. I'm still looking for another brush, but in the meantime let's talk about why you need it. 

The reason is, dry skin brushing. I've given you many skin tips, and they've all been for your face. This one is for your body. Dry brushing works as an exfoliator, removing dead skin, hence allowing your skin to moisturize more efficiently. 

Dry brushing helps the removal of toxins by your skin, as it unclogs the pores and eases the process. Is said to reduce cellulite, yay! Right? Technically, yes. But, and there's a big but, (hurhur) eating right and exercising along with dry brushing is your best bet. Sorry! 

Other benefits? It's relaxing, reduces stress, improves blood circulation to your skin, among other things. I think I had most of you at cellulite, and if you don't have any, you lucky, lucky sum of a beach, make sure that is stays that way. Brush. 

1. Get a brush made from natural materials with a long handle. You want to reach your back after all, and you don't want it to be a soft brush but a firm one. There's a reason we've been adding salt and sugar for exfoliation. I'll add an example of one in the picture thingy. 

2. In circular motions, start brushing from your feet and up, and moving toward your heart.   

3. You're brushing everything, except the sensitive parts which are your face and you know. Your face requires a more sensitive brush. 

4.  Don't hurt yourself, but be firm.  

5. Take a shower when you're done to wash off the dead skin.

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