Dry Scalp

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We're back to the time of year where my scalp is usually terribly dry. I've had a reader ask about a dandruff remedy, so I thought I'd update again – it's been ages. If you've been using the coconut oil/avocado oil hair masks you should be more than fine in the dry scalp/dandruff department, but if you aren't here is another method that should work.


1. Apple Cider Vinegar

2. Olive Oil

3. Coconut Oil


1. Mix 2 tables spoons of apple cider vinegar, 3 table spoons of coconut oil and 5 table spoons of olive oil together.

2. Massage into scalp

3. Cover your hair with a shower cap. If you don't have one a plastic grocery bag will do just fine. My cap always goes missing anyway.

4. Leave in for 20 minutes.

5. I'd apply this in the evening before a bath as a prewash conditioner.

Aloe Vera eases the itch that goes hand in hand with a dry scalp, so you're welcome to rub some on your scalp as well. Tea tree oil works too, add a few drops to the mixture above if it isn't working as well as you hoped.

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