Egg & Olive Oil - Hair

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For healthier and shinier hair, rub some egg on it. That should be a slogan. Some people even rub their heads with mayonnaise; I haven't quite gotten there yet.

This is something that I used to do when I was in high-school. Now I only use either olive oil or coconut oil as a pre-wash hair mask, but that's solely due to laziness factors and not the effectiveness of eggs.

What you need:

1.  Egg white

2. Olive oil 

What you do:

1. Separate the egg white and yolk. (Watch the gif.)

2. Mix the olive oil and egg white.

3. Rub it on that luscious hair of yours, and keep it there for around 20 minutes.

4. Don't wash this off with warm water. I mean, don't freeze yourself to death, but unless you're cooking an omelet up there, make sure you're not cooking the egg while trying to get rid of it. 

Things to keep in mind:

· This method promotes hair growth. While applying it make sure to massage the scalp, and really get the mixture in there. 

· When I use egg with the olive oil, I don't have to wash my hair as much as I do with just olive oil. However, all hair is different so if you're finding that your hair is greasy after you've used this and washed it off, wash it again.

Do this once a week to see results.

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