Shadow is disappointed and Silver is afraid for the future of this account

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Me: Hey Shadow. Look at this story I made of you.

Shadow: Why? Just why?

Me: I don't know. There's a bunch of ideas in my head that seem weird and i do them anyways. Seriously you should see this one story about Silver im making.

Silver: Do I want to read it?

Me: Your choice dude.

Shadow: Team Dark reporting for duty.

Commander: I assume you heard that this is an extremely important mission.

Omega: Affirmative.

Rouge: So what's the sitch? 

Commander: We're getting a movie.

Everyone: ...

Shadow: Is that all?

Commander: This is not just a is that all situation this is a S RANK SITUATION!!!

Shadow: And your point.

Omega: Unfortunately I agree with Shadow on this one.

Rouge: Same. Is there something we don't know?

Commander: I see. So you haven't watched the trailer. Let me show it to you.

Shadow: I don't see the problem with it. It looks just like Sonic if he had blue arms.


Omega: PROCESSING PROCESSING!!!!!!!!! System shut down.

Shadow: Anyway. What can we do about this? It's the media's problem not ours.

Commander: I've personally chose a list of designers who I think would do a excellent job at a redesign. I need you to do your homework and choose carefully. You are some of my best agents I am sure that you will-

Shadow: Done.

Rouge: Please Shadow take this more seriously.

Shadow: I am taking it seriously. I said Tyson Hesse. The person who happened to make help make the Sonic Mania animations and the Sonic Mania Adventures. Helped make the Archie Sonic comics. And directed Team Sonic Overdrive. Though I'm still mad I lost to Sonic because of the team boost thing. 

Rouge: Your fault for leaving us in the side of the road. 

Shadow: Your fault for getting tricked.

Commander: Well good choice. But I'd rather you be more careful about this.

Shadow bumped his fist into Omega starting him up.

Omega: I calculate a 70% chance of Tyson Hesse being a good choice.

Shadow: See 70%. That seems great odds to me.

Commander: Fine but if the fans don't like it. Its on you.

Team Dark leaves hq.

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