The Case of the Missing... Something

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Knuckles pov

It's was 8 in the morning. The air was rather cool. And so was my invisible cowboy hat. Though it was cool, the clouds were on the ground. It blinded my vision. But I could see juuuusssttt good enough. I knew something was up. Something was missing. But what? 

I was in the alleyway. Station Square. My suspects, Amy Rose and Cream the Rabbit, was in a store. Where she brought out my favorite rock candy. Lime greeny mint. The first mystery I should solve, is the case of the last name issue. Amy... Rose...? Cream... Rabbit...? Will I ever solve this mystery? Who knows. But let's ignore that for now. I sneak the best way I can. The softest footsteps you'd ever heard. 

Amy: Wacky echidna gogo gadget go away

As usual. I couldn't understand her hip language of the old. Using my ecolocation talent, I translate her unusual attempt to talk. 

Amy: Knuckles. Your birthday is coming. Come get your birthday kiss and spanking. 

I ran away with swift speed. If there's one thing I hate. It's a russian pink lady. I go through the dark, cold alleyway. The chao that sat on top of the trash can held the sign. It said, "Give me Chris" 

Knuckles: I understand. 

Naturally as the nature loving echinda I am, I gave him my detective gun for emergencies. Specifically for Chris attacks. I tilted my invisible hat respectably and walked off to find more of my... Questionable friends. 

Chao in the background: *slowly turns into a dark chao* 

Sunny sunshine... Lollipops and... Rainbows... Falling through the sky... So says the song. Lying through the meadows filled with gleam. The children to tomorrow. Playing with their toys. Could this be it? My missing so called... Something? Who knows for sure. 

Knuckles: Kid. Who made this? 

Kid 1: Tink tink tinker tink. 

What's this?! I've never heard such a word before in all my life. I used all my knowledge of everything I knew, and put my mind to the best of it's capabilities. I translate. 

Kid 1: My master created it. Master Ifrit dates Lady Shiva and makes these creations of wood. We call them the My Chemical Romance.

I thought to myself, what could this be? It seemed like some kind of... Pop song. But... It wasn't a pop song? Something was up. Only a dumb dumb would name their babies Chemical. But if I was gonna find this... My's... Dad... I was gonna have to find more information. 

Knuckles: Where can I find this... Ifrit? 

Kid 2: My name is Memphis Tennessee. I have seen your future. You will kiss 7 girls. 

(Don't question me) 

Translating now...

Kid 2: Do you remember? I am your father. That's right. Your father WAS A 5 YEAR OLD GIRL!!!!

I WAS SHOOK!!!! All this time I thought I was a tigger! The only one. The girl that strangely looked like a boy lion, ran off. Clearly sad at the truth she just told me. 

Normal pov


Knuckles pov

Yup... Sad. I decided it wasn't time. To know the truth of my mom. I climbed the rocky rock mountain side. It felt... Rough. Just like my fists. I looked at the shining orange sunset. Beautiful... But I've seen better. As the sun sets... The sun rises again. The white smaller version of the sun started rising. As the wolves howled through the night. Everything... Went black... And white... 

My magic box started shaking, while playing this... weird... Jazz...

Magic box: Tubular maximum DODODO DEW DOO DOO. Radical flashy DUDUDU DUH DA DA

It... Was... Genius! 

Normal pov

Magic box: I ain't gonna let it get to me. I'm just gonna creep. Down Pumpkin Hill- 

Knuckles pov

I tapped the magic box. It was stunning. As a true detective would do, I tasted tested it. But  as soon as I licked it, the lid opened up. And I saw something! It was TAILS!!!! HE WAS TRAPPED IN THE BOX!!!

Knuckles: Tails! What happened to you!? 

Tails: Totally tubular dude! GOOD GREAT AWESOME OUTSTANDING!!!

Once again. I couldn't understand his... Stiffy 6 year old nose voice. Something was... totally tubular as they call it. Not sure what it means. Hopefully... It's the definition... Of a need to quarantine a young... male... As you say in Paris. I used the last of the emerald's power within me to translate this japanese culture. 

Tails: Help me. It's my deathday. Just like that movie. Look out for the ging-

And then it cut off. Movie? Book? Day? Death? What did it mean? And the last clue. Ging? As a normal person would do. I should look through Tails's Ginger philosophy files. Maybe it'll have a clue to this... Ging. 

I glided off the mountain and towards Tails's shack. Or as I call it. The Shackles of Boredom and Knowledge. Put'em on and you'll hear his rant about... Radical Speed. Or That's no good. Or Gel Back Hair. Or modulator. The stupidest word I've ever heard. 

I disguised myself the best I could. Covered my face with my invisible hat. Since I can't see them, they can't see me. And that's science. I snuck through the front door. Then it happened.

Knuckles's friends: SPECTACULER!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Normal pov 

Knuckles's friends: SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Knuckles pov

I had to use my ecolocation scan to translate my text to my vision. And if I was right. Which I of course am. They said. 

Knuckles's friends: SURPRISE!!!!! HAPPY DEATH DAY!!!!

I looked and saw the explosion cones in their hands. And what was that!? I see Rouge is trying to bewitch me once again! But it won't work. SHE LEFT ME AT THE ALTER!!! SHE LEFT ME AT THE GRAVEL!!! SHE CALLED ME NIBBLES ONCE!!!! Anyway. As any detective from a 40s show on my Master Emerald Cable would do. I did what was natural. I screamed and ran off. 

Normal pov

Sonic: Tails what did you tell him? 

Tails: I said an ExE appeared to murder people. 

Sonic: Why? 

Tails: *shrugs* 

Knuckles pov

I ran as fast as I could. I could tell. Any moment now. My best friend will turn on me by making me eat a cupcake filled with poison. Cause that's a plot. Next thing I know my life will restart over and over. 

Sonic: Poison. 

Translating... Translating...

Sonic: Cupcake. 

I snatched the cupcake out of Sonic's hand. I tasted it's frosty sugarness. The vanilla texture of the fluffy chocolate stuff. And a strawberry on top. I UNDERSTAND!!! THIS IS WHATS BEEN MISSING ALL ALONG!!!!! 

Knuckles: Thank you... Thank you...

Sonic: Radical Speed. 

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