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Sonic and Tails were doing the usual. Beating up Eggman. They classically dodged around the robot then spindashed their way into the core where they met up with him. 

Sonic: It's over Eggface. Call off you goons! *point* 

Tails: That's the best line you could think of? 

Sonic: It's 12 in the middle of the night! 

Tails: It's 3 PM! 

Sonic: Stupid writer. (Not my fault I'm not good at my job) I DONT CARE!!! (stop breaking the wall) FINE!!! Anyways It's over! 

Eggman: Is it? My blue friend. 

Eggman presses a button with an evil smirk. A voice echoed in the room saying. 

Alexa: Dr Robotnik. The bomb has been planted. T minus 5 minutes.

Eggman: Excellent Alexa. 

 A screen came on showing much time is left. 5 mins. 

Eggman: In 5 mins. The chemical plant zone near here will explode. Then it'll flood all of Emerald Hill and Green Hill. Then polution will start. Then everyone will have to leave. Then EGGMAN LAND!!!!! 

Sonic: Tails!

Tails: On it! 

Tails flies off towards the bomb's location. Where he finds with his radar. Sonic stays behind to interrogate. 

Sonic: Why can't you give up your dream? 

Eggman: Because it's my dream! 

Sonic: ...Actually that's fair. Let me rephrase that. Why are you trying hard to conquor everyone!? 

Eggman: Because you won't be mine! THERE!!! You happy!? 

(Omg this is already a bad story plot lol hope you're proud) 

Sonic: Eggman... I never knew...

Eggman: I've always felt this way...


Tails: Ok Sonic. I'm back! What the... *dies from shock* 

Later again 

Tails woke up in his house on his bed. 

Tails: Oh Mobius. I just had the worst nightmare ever. I should tell Sonic about it... Maybe not. He'd totally throw up. Gives me nightmares just thinking about it. Ew. 

Tails went out of his house and to Sonic's relieved that it was all a dream. He opened a door to Sonic eating a chilidog while watching tv. For some reason. 

Tails: Hey Sonic. You'd never believe the dream I had. I honesty rather not talk about it. 

Sonic: Aha. Cool. Man you past out crazy. 

Tails: Past out from what...?

Sonic: Nothing you need to know. 

His phone beeps and he checks a message he got. 

Sonic: Gotta go. See you later. 

Sonic runs off leaving Tails to think to himself. 

Tails: Why am I scared? 

He decides to follow him all the way to Eggman's base. 

Tails: Pleasedon'tbewhatIthink.Pleasedon'tbewhatIthink.Pleasedon'tbewhatIthink. 

He said continuously to himself. He peeked through the window. He saw Sonic Eggman and Amy together at the same time. Arguing about something.

Sonic: What do you mean she's your love! 

Amy: HAHA!!! 

Sonic: We just became a thing yesterday! 

Amy: We became a thing a few hours ago! 

Eggman: Ladies ladies. 


Tails: What's going on...?

He was filled with shock and accidentally broke the glass. Because story convience. 

Sonic and Amy: Tails!? 

Sonic: It's not what it looks like!

Amy: Yeah! Um! He kidnapped me and Sonic is saving me! 

Sonic: Yeah isn't that right Eggman? 

Tails: Can I just go before I see anything else? 

He said then was about to leave. Then.

Eggman: WAIT TAILS!!!! MY LOVE!!!!


Eggman: Senpai! I can't hide my feelings anymore! Please let's-


Tails: Eggman. You're a... Well you're not a nice guy. But. Wait what is a guy liking another guy even called? 

Sonic and Amy in head: I don't even know what's going on anymore. 

Tails: Just no. Also I'M FRICKING 8!!!!

Eggman: That's part of your charm. *wink* 

Sonic and Amy: KYUN!!!

Tails: Somebody kill me. 

They heard a knock on the door. And Shadow came in. 

Shadow: Hey sweetie. Ready for the date? What are you guys and gal doing here? 

Eggman: As you can see I'm a bit of a playa. 

Tails: What's a playa? 

Sonic and Amy: So hard to resist his charm. 

Tails: ...no thanks. 

Eggman: I have an idea. 

Tails: No more ideas. Please let this be a nightmare. And I'm gonna wake up... Right... NOW. 

Silver wakes up from his nightmare about whatever that was. 

Silver: WHEW!!!!! That... Was a nightmare. Unless.... That was a VISION OF THE FUTURE!!!! IM COMING TAILS!!!! WITH REINFORCEMENTS!!!!

To be continued...

April Fools 

Let's never bring this up again lol

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