What if...?

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(Before I start this, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to my friend. Now this friend is very shy so I'll call him... Geez... Geez the Hedgehog... So yeah. That's Geez.  Yeah. Ok... So it's his birthday... That's it ok bye bye oh and Happy Birthday to someone named Cullen sorry if I didn't spell your name right also sorry if I mispronounce your name probably all the time and I dont realize it not really my friend but I know he has the same birthday and someone else named Vinny the Dudeman also known as the voice actor for Shadow on the Sonicsong182 youtube channel... So yeah. Ok now I'm done let's go)

The crew were sitting under the star filled night sky when a meteor shower started up. 

Amy: Wow the meteor shower is so beautiful. 

Cream: Yeah...

Everyone: ... 

Tails: You ever wonder if there are other timelines based on our actions but what if they were different and some guy named the Watcher watches every reality or something? 

Everyone: ...

Sonic: You got into the Vanilla's cookies for adults again? 

Tails: *hiccup* No. 

What if... Cream's dad was an Exe

???: Previously in another universe. 

???: Cream was just a regular rabbit girl with great friends. Suddenly she felt cursed and nearly killed Eggman. Afterwards she shoved everyone out of her life. But even after she went back to normal things weren't normal yet. She met up with her hidden personality and found out the truth on her dad. Her hidden Exe personality strived to destroy the world and do what her dad feared to do. Cream used the 7 chaos emeralds and defeated her Exe self.  Then, things went back to normal. For her and her friends. (I feel like this was a short version of the story tell me if you get where this came from) 

???: But they didn't. As time grew, so did Cream and everyone else. 

Cream: So... What do you think? 

Cream was wearing an orange dress with flowers on it. A shadow of herself with red eyes appeared. 

Exeatior: I don't know. It's a little... Eh. It could use a rip there. Um... Maybe a little black there. How bout some wither roses. 

Cream: Um... You mean withered roses right? 

Exeatior: No... I mean wither roses. 

Cream: I don't those exist. 

Exeatior: Of course it does. Steve would never lie to me. 

Cream: Here we go again about being friends with Steve. 

Exeatior: But it's true! 

???: What were these 2 mostly Cream getting ready for? Let us see. 

A party at Vanilla's house (Cream's living with herself, Cheese, and Exeatior at a house nearby)

Amy: Ok put up those ribbons! Oh! Shadow! I see you over there! Put it back! 

Shadow: But babe, you know I love guns! 

Amy: BACK!!!!! It was a request from Cream... Sort of.  Now put it back! 

Shadow: Ugh... Fine... *puts it back on the kids table*

Amy: Man, that Exe version of herself really likes to take over her body some- HEY!!!!! I SEE YOU!!!!! PUT IT DOWN!!!!!

Rouge: Aw, but it's so shiny... *puts crystal spikes back* 

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