Twenty Two

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The woman in the picture is Queen Callidora.

Today Queen Callidora and I are working together to help me find the answers about what makes me so different. She promised that she could help be find out where to start, but also that she could not show me the whole journey. I was in a circular room that was made entirely out of a shiny black stone and had no ceiling. The only things inside was an alter table and a small bed. "I can hear your heart thudding. You are safe child. This part is a mental journey. It will be difficult. but I assure you that you will live." The queen said rather cryptically. I swallowed the lump in my throat and  took a deep breath. "what do I have to do?" I asked, trying to keep my voice as steady as I could, even though it was pointless to put on the brave face. Im sure she could smell my fear and I know that Harry could feel it as I felt him reaching out to be through our bond. "First you need to know that your mate will feel this as well. This is going to be painful. he wont be as bad for him, but wont be fun. Do you still want to continue?" The Queen asked. I knew deep down that this was something that I had to do, I had to find the answers that I could feel my soul looking for. 

I prayed that Harry was in a safe place and nodded my head in answer. She gave me a gentle smile and motioned for my to sit on the small bed in the centre of the room while she went over to the alter table. Without saying another word she started mixing herbs into a cup and burning things. The herbs had a strong smell. I had never seem anyone do anything like this. I could tell that this was some form of magic because I could feel the energy radiating off of her and into the goblet on the table. 

"Before The goddess turned me I was a Wise Woman. My tribe came to me for answers and healing. I was quite skilled if I do say so myself. Now days I would have been called a witch, but I've learned and been taught things that no one could have a hope in understanding. I can harness the darkness in the world, since i'm one of the original monsters in it." She explained before picking up a small knife and opening her palm, pouring her blood into the cup. My eyes widened in shock as I watched. I Could feel Harry trying to reach out to me more and more as he picked up on my stress and panic. She poured few drops of liquid silver into the cup before proudly smiling to herself and walking back over to me. 

"You need to drink this

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"You need to drink this. All of it." 

"What will it do?" I asked skeptically. There was Vampire blood and sliver in the glass. Silver was poison and I had no idea what the blood could possibly do to me.

"It will put you into a deep trance like sleep. There you will be in the Celestial Realm and be able to find some answers. You will survive this." she reiterated, which was almost more concerning than the contents of the cup in her hands. I took the goblet from her and tried to stop my stomach from churning as I shakily raised it to my lips. With a nod of reassurance from Queen Callidora I took a deep breath and downed the thick liquid inside. 

The searing pain was instant. Much worse that what I'd felt when I had to break my pack bond. I could feel my blood boiling. I let out a blood curtailing scream and dropped the goblet, smashing it into thousands of pieces. It felt with a white hot iron was being forced down my throat and into my stomach before I finally gave into the pain and collapsed into darkness.  

AN//: Let me know what you think! Thank you for taking the time to read it! <3   

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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