Part 41

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Ok so this chapter will be Nat doing some things with Wanda that she didn't get to do during "How can I without her?" Because writing it made me feel sad! :(

It was bedtime. Nat wasn't feeling little, not even the slightest bit. Her and Wanda had just finished a movie and were going to bed. 

As they were getting into bed, honestly Nat wasn't feeling her best, she felt a little nauseous, warm and dizzy, but she didn't say anything about it and laid down. 

"Wanna cuddle?" Nat heard Wanda whisper softly

"Um..I want to but I'm hot.

"Oh, that's fine...You want to change?"

"Yeah." Nat got out of bed and went to the closet. 

Wanda watched and waited as Nat changed into a t-shirt and shorts. When Nat got back into bed, she still felt warm but not as much as before. 

"Love you." Wanda whispered when Nat was settled 

"Love you too." Nat summoned up a small smile. 

Wanda fell asleep facing Nat, with her arm sitting lightly on her waist. Nat had a hard time falling asleep, she kept kicking the sheets off then pulling them back on a minute later. She would wake up every hour and take ten minutes to fall back asleep.

When Nat woke up at around 5:30-6:00 am. She couldn't fall back asleep, and felt even more sick. Now her stomach and throat were starting to hurt, the room was still spinning, and she had the chills. She got out of bed quietly, making sure she didn't wake up Wanda. But she almost fell out of bed, she bumped into the bedside table and made something fall and clatter. 

Wanda jumped awake, she barely noticed Nat was half on the bed and half off, it was still pretty dark out. "You ok? What was that?" She asked half asleep. 

"It-it was nothing, I just have to go to the bathroom." Nat quickly said, hoping that if Wanda wasn't awake for too long she would fall back asleep.

"M'kay." Wanda said as her head plopped back onto her pillow. 

Nat waited a second and stood up again, she stumbled as she made her way for the bedroom door. Quietly opening it and slipping through the small crack. She went to the kitchen and went straight for the medicine cabinet. 

When she opened it, they were out of medicine. "Aw, come on." The only thing that was there, was the medicine they kept for littles, it was a thick, purple liquid. Nat closed the door and went to the couch. She laid down and tried to keep still, hoping that doing so would make the room stop spinning. Which it didn't. 

Nat continued to be in and out of sleep, she was freezing every couple of minutes but sweating the next. Her stomach hurt a lot, and now she had started to cough. Her throat was burning and itchy. She didn't notice how the the sun was starting to come up. 

Wanda woke up, alone. She looked at the time, 8:24 am. She looked over at the bathroom, the door was open and the light wasn't on. 'Where is she?' 

Wanda got out of bed and left the room. She walked to the kitchen, Nat wasn't there. She looked over in the living room and saw a hand laying on the top of the couch. She shook her head and walked over to the couch.

Wanda immediately saw how pale and sweaty Nat looked, her lower lip was quivering because of how cold she was. Wanda bent forward in front of Nat and touched her forehead, she was hot, really hot. 

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