Part 44

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Little longer than usual. Hope you all like it! :))

It had been a little more than a week. Nat was definitely improving, little her had finally started to let Wanda put her down in her crib for naps again. It took a lot of convincing and encouragement from Wanda but she eventually allowed it. But she wasn't ready to be sleeping there every night, which Wanda totally understood. She was just happy Nat was sleeping in her crib again, even if it was just for an hour or two a day. 

11:08 am. Wanda was first up, she was just lying beside Nat, playing with her hair. She had to start making breakfast but also she wanted to let Nat sleep at the same time. Eventually she came up with the terrible decision to wake her up.

"Wakey wakey bubs." She sang lightly, gently running her fingers around Nat's face.

Nat whined and just nuzzled further into Wanda's chest, she just wanted to stay in bed with Wanda forever.

Wanda chuckled at Nat, she pulled her into her lap and sat up. Nat just kept whining, "no."

"Sorry baby. Mama's gotta get you fed." Wanda slipped out of bed and walked over to the changing table.

Wanda laid a half asleep Nat down on the table and started to change her, when she finished, she threw away the used diaper and washed her hands. She picked Nat back up and carried her to the kitchen.

Nat laid her head on Wanda's shoulder, she was a little upset with her mama. Wanda woke her up too early and wouldn't let her keep sleeping.

Wanda sat down in a chair at the kitchen counter and got Nat settled in her lap.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast bubba?" Wanda grinned

Nat shook her head no and started to gently tug at Wanda's shirt. Wanda softly took the hand Nat was tugging with and held it in her hand. Nat looked up at Wanda confused and irritated.

"You need to eat real food first babes."

"no mama."

Wanda kissed her hand and her head, "You need to eat something baby girl."

Nat was feeling super upset at Wanda. She woke her up too early and now she isn't allowed to nurse?!

Wanda noticed how Nat's eyes started to glisten with tears. "Aw honey, don't cry, I'm sorry."

Nat just whimpered and laid her head against Wanda's chest, gripping her shirt.

"Baby..." Wanda just was gushing, Nat was making her heart break but throb at the same time. She really was the cutest. "...You're just having a hard morning, huh?" She asked playfully.

Nat nodded and Wanda gave Nat a quick squeeze. "How about this...If you eat then we can go and watch cartoons and nurse? You can even help mama cook breakfast." She smiled.

Nat moved her head and looked up at Wanda, she didn't know if she really meant she could help cook. Nat didn't even really want to cook, but it was another way she could be close with Wanda because when her mama cooked, Nat had to sit in the living room or do something else to keep busy.

"Sound good honey?" Wanda grinned. Nat nodded. "Ok, buuut to get started mama needs to see a smile."

Nat didn't even mean to smile, her mama was the best, a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth, unknowingly.

"There we are! Should we go make breakfast now?"

Nat nodded, her smile not leaving.

Wanda was about to stand up but she sat back down. "Ooh, shoot...I forgot mama also needs a payment." She smirked, playfully.

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