Part 45

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Hello! So I just wanted to quickly say that I have never been on a Disney cruise, but I have been to Disney World (When I was really young so I barely remember:(( )

So this trip will just be based off of what I would like this kind of trip to be like :) Thanks guys! Hope you like it!

(Thank you daniellaerira for the vacation idea!!)

Day 1...

It was the next morning, early morning. Everyone was at the compound, all ready and packed, including Scott and Hope.

Maria and Sharon were in Wanda and Nat's room, they were watching and talking as they did some last minute packing. Nat had went to bed little but woken up big. Once the two were packed, the four of them left the room grabbed the bags (including Nat's diaper bag) and made their way to the living room where everybody had gathered.

Wanda and Nat went over to Hope and Scott to say hello and introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Wanda." Wanda smiled holding her hand out to Hope.

Hope grinned and took her hand, "I'm Hope." She turned to Scott. "This is Scott." He gave a small hello and awkward wave.

"I'm Natasha or Nat for short." Nat shook Hope's hand, grinning.

"Nice to meet you Nat."

They were interrupted by Tony yelling, "Are y'all ready?! It's time to go!"

Everyone scrambled to get their bags and started to follow Tony out of the living room to all the different cars waiting for them.

Wanda and Nat were in a car with Maria and Sharon.

"So, Nat you excited?" Maria smiled, holding Sharon in her lap.

Nat nodded, seeing Sharon be little made her kind of want to slip too.

Wanda wrapped her arm around Nat, noticing her quietness. Nat lied her head down on Wanda's shoulder, soon noticing how tired she was. Her eyelids slowly starting to close.

When Nat woke up, the bright sun was shining in her eyes, she didn't know how long she had been asleep for and how long they had been in the car.

"Let's go babe." Wanda gently patted Nat's shoulder and started to unbuckle.

The four of them got out of the car and got their bags. They could all see what was waiting for them. I mean who couldn't? It was huge.

There was a cruise ship sitting right in front of them, it had the word 'Disney' sitting on the front and sides. Everyone's faces turned into the most excited smiles.

Finally, everyone had boarded the ship. It was giant! Nobody could wipe the smiles off their faces, they were all thrilled to be taking a vacation.

Wanda looked over at Nat, Nat looked so happy. Wanda was happy for her.

"Ok, here are your rooms and room keys." Pepper handed out the key cards. "We are all on the same level and practically take up half the floor, so we're all next to one another...Go put your bags in your rooms and we can meet back up somewhere on the deck. Sound good?"

Everyone nodded and followed each other to the elevators. Peter and Scott started racing, Hope and Tony chasing them like parents trying to stop their toddlers from running with knives.

Nat had her head lying on Wanda's shoulder as they walked, this was definitely a break that the two of them needed considering what had just happened not too long ago.

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