Part 26

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It had been a week since Nat's rash incident. Everyday Wanda would give Nat a bath, let the rash air out for a little, then put lotion on it. Little or not, Nat surprisingly let Wanda help her with this. 

It was late night/ super early morning. There was a loud thunderstorm outside, it was just pouring. Wanda couldn't sleep, she slipped out of bed and sat down in the chair by the window. 

Nat's thing were sunsets and sunrises, Wanda's were thunder/rain storms. She loved how calming it was, watching the rain drops race down the window. The only light was the moon, Wanda was so entranced she didn't hear Nat's calls.

"wanda?" Nat was scared, the thunder woke her and her mama wasn't there. She looked around the bedroom and saw Wanda sitting by the window. "mama?" 

Nat slowly crawled out of bed, and walked over to Wanda. She stood behind her and gently placed her hand on Wanda's shoulder. Doing this scared Wanda for a second before she looked up and saw Nat's scared facial expressions. 

Wanda took Nat's hand, squeezed it and led Nat to in front of her. When Nat was in front of her she lightly pulled her into her lap. "Come here babes." Wanda held Nat in her lap and kissed her head, gently rocking her side-to-side. Nat laid her head on Wanda's shoulder and felt herself calm. 

Wanda felt Nat nuzzle into her neck, she smiled and held Nat's head close to her, very softly. "You're just mama's baby girl, hmm?"  

Nat lightly nodded, feeling sleepy again. Until there was loud thunder, and a lightning strike. Nat whimpered, she was scared.

"'re ok. It can't hurt you, you're ok bubs. Mama's right here..." Wanda felt how tense Nat was. "Hey Jarvis?" Wanda called out, she totally forgot that he was everywhere. 

"Yes Miss Wanda?" Jarvis answered

"C-can you play some old music, but quietly?"

"Sure, madam. But how old would you like?" 

"Oh, uhh...Cap...Cap old." Wanda smiled 

"Right away." 

"Thank you." 

"Anytime madam." 

'It's been a long, long time' started to softly play in the background, Nat really liked it. It helped distract her from the thunder, and Wanda also helped a lot. Wanda started patting her bum/pullup as she started suckling on Wanda's collarbone. 

"Go to sleep baby girl." Wanda kissed Nat's head. 

Nat let her eyes close. Wanda stood up, and carried Nat back to bed. Wanda fell asleep to the oldies and the patter of the rain against the windows.

Maria was just told by Sharon that Fury called her and said that the team should be on alert and be ready to leave at anytime, Loki was running around. Sharon was all ready, so she kissed Maria and left to go see Fury. Maria jumped out of bed and started getting ready. When she left the  house it was a little after 7:00 am, she got into her car and started driving to the compound. When she arrived, she ran to Wanda's room and opened the door, a lot louder than she meant to. Maria started to slowly close the door and step out. 

Nat heard the door open, it woke her up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, she looked at Wanda, who was still sleeping. Then looked to see who opened the door, as Maria was tiptoeing out.

"maria?" Nat whispered

Maria mentally face-palmed herself before opening the door again, "Hi Nat." Maria stepped into the room and made her way to Wanda's bed.

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