Part 10

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"Good morning bubs." Wanda kissed Nat's temple


"You feeling better?"

"mmhmm." Nat nuzzled into Wanda's neck

"Do you want to talk about last night?"


"We don't have to talk right now, we can later today."

"i no wanna."

"Ok, we don't have to." Wanda sat up and lied against the headboard, "You excited for tomorrow, babes?"

Nat nodded her head

"What do you want to do today?"


"Sure babes." Wanda smiled, "You want to watch them here? Or in the living room where we can get something to eat?"

"food p'ease." 

"Alright then, to the living room." 

Wanda stood up and set Nat down,



Nat loved wearing Wanda's hoodies, they were a tad bit big, but they smelled like her.

Wanda grabbed the two hoodies sitting on her chair, and put one on herself first. Wanda learned that when Nat was 'littler' there was no point in asking her if she needed help, because she always did.

"Ok, let's go get some breakfast." Wanda picked Nat up.

When they entered the kitchen there was a smell of various pancakes, sausage, and bacon. The whole team was sitting in the kitchen and living room, eating and cooking.

"Good morning you two." Tony said, flipping pancakes, he was wearing an apron that said 'Kiss the Cook.'

"Morning." Wanda felt Nat start squirming, she hid her face in Wanda's neck.

"wanda..." Nat whined in her ear.

"I know just wait a second, we can go sit on the couch with Maria and Sharon." Wanda whispered back

Wanda quickly walked to the living room where Maria was holding sleeping Sharon.

"Hi Maria." Wanda said sitting down

"Hi guys." Maria smiled

Wanda looked at Nat and saw the red in her face, 

"I'm sorry babes, I didn't know they were here." Wanda apologized

"What? What's wrong?" Maria asked

"She's embarrassed, we didn't know everyone was in here and now they all just saw her." Wanda explained

"Nat you know none of us would judge you? We are all happy that you're happy." Maria smiled

Nat kept her face hidden but nodded to Wanda.

"She nodded." Wanda told Maria

"Good, so...Excited for Christmas?" Maria asked

"Very." Wanda smiled, "Right Nat?" 

Nat nodded again, 

"Nat, take a nap bubs." Wanda whispered in Nat's ear. "You're tired and grumpy." 

Wanda felt Nat start to suckle, 

"Good girl." Wanda kissed her head.

Maria sat there smiling at how cute the two of them were together.

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