Part 19

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Nat woke, 

"oh!" Nat chuckled.

Right in front of her face was Wanda's nipple, Nat stopped and stared. She often found herself looking at Wanda's breasts. Nat lied there until Wanda moved around, Nat sat up and moved off of Wanda. She looked at the time, 7:12 am. Nat grabbed the hoodie lying on the ground, her soother, and her bottle. She put the hoodie on, put her soother in her mouth, and then pulled the blanket higher on Wanda to cover her chest. 

Nat left her bedroom, and went to the kitchen; she put her bottle in the sink, then went to Wanda's room. Nat took Wanda's sheets off and went and put them in the washer. As Nat made her way back to bed, she stopped in the kitchen and grabbed another bottle, she filled it with milk and microwaved it. 

When it finished Nat grabbed it, and screwed the cap on. She went back to her bedroom, and jumped into bed. Nat turned the TV on and turned on cartoons, she made sure that the volume was low. She took her soother out and replaced it with the bottle, Nat got comfy and drank her milk. 

Wanda woke, she didn't move, she just opened her eyes and watched Nat sitting there, smiling. 

"Hey baby girl." Wanda moved her hand and put it on Nat's arm.

"You're awake." Nat took the bottle out of her mouth, and paused the TV

"Yeah...You made that all by yourself?" 

"I'm not little right now." 

"B-but y-you-" Wanda smirked  

"Shut up," Nat chuckled, "It's just nice to use." 

"Oh is it?" Wanda grinned

Wanda sat up and held the sheet to cover her chest. Nat took her hoodie off,

"Yes it is, and put a shirt on!" Nat threw the hoodie at Wanda.

The two of them laughed, 

"Oh you don't like these?" Wanda gestured to her boobs, chuckling.

"I do, but put them away!" Nat smiled

"If you like them so much, why put them away?" Wanda asked pulling the hoodie over her head.

Nat rolled her eyes, "Wanda, just put them away." 

"Oh it's Wanda now?" Wanda smirked playfully.

"WAN-DA like I said I'm not little." Nat smiled back

"Well...The bottle, paci, and cartoons say otherwise." 

"You're awful Wanda, just awful." 

Nat moved over to Wanda, she snuggled into her. 

"Still want the baba? There's some milk left." 

Nat nodded, 

"Ok, but you can't fall back asleep, it's still early." Wanda said grabbing the bottle that was lying on the pillow next to her.

"fine..but no promises." Nat smiled

"Aright." Wanda shook her head playfully.

Wanda put the nipple of the bottle in Nat's mouth. As Nat drank she started closing her eyes.

"Ah ah ah, no sleepies baby girl." Wanda took the bottle out of Nat's mouth.

"Wandaaa...I'm not little, no names; and I wasn't sleeping, I was resting my eyes. Now give me the bottle back."

"Just because you're grumpy doesn't mean no manners." Wanda smiled


"Thank you Nat." Wanda made sure to enunciate 'Nat'.

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