Part 27

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Just wanted to quickly thank @hannahstarzzzz for helping me come up with the idea for this and the next few chapters :)))

Jarvis landed the jet in the empty field, the only available members of the team, got off and looked around, searching for any sign of Loki. 

"Hey Jarvis can you go park the jet?" Tony asked

"Yes sir." Jarvis answered

"I'll stay on the jet, I'll be on comms." Maria informed everyone as she boarded the jet again. 

Everyone nodded and said 'ok', before continuing their search. Just as they took off, the team saw Loki standing at the end of the field. 

Nat grabbed her guns, Cap took his shield, Tony suited up and Wanda 'made' large energy balls. 

Loki slowly turned around with a mischievous grin, "Shall we have some..." Loki spawned a hundred of weird monsters, they were like a mix of the Chitauri and Outriders (Thanos' aliens), they were huge. "Fun." Loki let them run at the team. 

 They fought for a little longer than an hour, and everyone was tired. If the team beat the first wave of one hundred, Loki would spawn a hundred more. Loki was having lots of fun watching, he would laugh and sometimes spawn a couple hundred at a time. It was very entertaining to see them struggle. 

Natasha wouldn't admit it, but she definitely was feeling a little tired. "Should've just listened to Maria and fell back asleep." Nat whispered to herself as she reloaded her guns, it was always harder for her because she didn't have telekinesis, or a metal suit that shot repulsor beams, or super strength. 

Wanda looked over at Nat, and just saw how tired she looked. No one else knew Nat as well as she did, so they didn't notice. Wanda levitated herself over to Nat, when she was close she asked her, 

"How you doing babes? You look tired...and you're-you're hurt." When Wanda was closer she saw the claw mark on Nat's face.

"I'm fine." Nat winked

"You're lucky we need all the hands we can get, or I would send you to Maria." Wanda smiled

"Oh, I know you would." Nat rolled her eyes, "I love you, but go." Nat pointed to a random direction, "Like I said I'm fine, and this is my area." 

"Alright, baby girl..." Wanda levitated, "And there is no shame is tapping out." Wanda smirked. Nat shook her head as she continued fighting.

It was almost another hour later and Tony had made hundreds of sarcastic comments. Nat was really tired by now, fighting things that are 2 feet taller than you, and have got 300 pounds on you is a bit stressful. 

Nat had taken a moment to catch her breath, she looked over and watched Wanda. She liked how mesmerizing Wanda's powers were. Nat let her guard down for a second and one 'monster' took advantage of that. It clawed her right on her stomach, and the force behind it made her go flying. 

Wanda saw out of the corner of her eye, Nat was midway in the air. "NO!" Wanda tried to stop Nat from landing on the ground but was a second too late. Nat hit the ground with a thud and rolled a little. Wanda levitated over to Nat and made a shield protecting them from all-sides. 

Nat was groaning in pain, her whole body was aching.

"Hey baby girl." Wanda bent down beside Nat and picked her up, bridal style. "You're going to Maria, she's going to make sure you're ok. And don't even try to argue right now. " Wanda was very protective of Nat, and to see her injured and bleeding hurt her. She jumped up and levitated over to the forest, where Maria informed them the jet was parked. 

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