Part 46

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Day 3...

Wanda was first to wake, 9:12 am. She immediately felt a little someone was missing from her arms, she looked over to her left and saw a small person curled up into a ball. Wanda grinned and moved closer to Nat, gently engulfing her in her arms.

Nat moved around a little and softly whined, she started to rub her eyes awake. Wanda propped herself up on her arms and looked down at Nat as she yawned and her paci fell out of her mouth.

"Good morning baby girl." Wanda smiled as she slipped Nat's paci back in her mouth.

"hi mama." Nat mumbled, she was still tired.

Wanda moved herself and plopped down right beside Nat. Right away, Nat moved so she could nuzzle into Wanda's chest. Wanda kissed Nat's head and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Did you have a good sleepies?"

"mmhmm..." Nat nodded, closing her eyes again.

"Are you sleepy still?"

"mmhm..." Nat trailed off.

Wanda kissed her head again, letting it linger for a couple seconds. "It's time to get ready honey. Everyone else is probably up by now...And you are probably hungry, we had an early dinner last night." Yesterday was slow, they all just spent the day walking around, getting familiar with the ship and seeing all the different Disney characters roaming the deck.

Nat shook her head no and started to gently tug at Wanda's shirt. Before Wanda could answer, Nat had taken her head out of her chest and looked up at her with the biggest eyes and a small, curled bottom lip, hidden by a soother.

Wanda knew Nat was trying to woo her into nursing before breakfast, and damn was it going to work!

Wanda sat up and pulled her shirt off, exposing her chest. Before Nat could do anything, Wanda told her, "Just this time baby."

Nat nodded while Wanda took her paci out of her mouth, she laid back down next to her. Nat latched on, her eyes starting to close.

After a couple minutes, Wanda could feel Nat's suckles start to slow down, telling her that she was falling asleep. "Uh uh honey." Wanda grinned softly, she took her boob out of Nat's mouth, getting a wave of whines after.

"no mama..." Nat rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sorry bubba, but it's time to go. No more sleepies!" She cooed.

Nat whimpered and looked up at Wanda after rubbing her tired eyes once more.

"I know sweetheart...Mama's just being so mean this morning." Wanda cupped Nat's face and kissed her forehead. "...Should we go get ready and go wake up Maria?" She asked trying to make Nat happy, "We can hit her with pillows with Sharon." She grinned.

Nat slowly started to nod, her pout turning into a small smirk. Wanda got out of bed and pulled her shirt on, she walked over to their bags and grabbed herself a pair of shorts and a tank. Grabbing Nat a cute, short romper and a new diaper. The forecast for their entire trip was perfect and sunny.

Wanda walked back over to Nat, laid the clothes on the bed and started getting dressed. Nat slowly was getting up, she laid there and stretched before sitting up and grabbing her soother. She sat there and watched as her mama got dressed.

Once Wanda was ready, she picked Nat up and laid her back down on the bed, closer to the edge. She undressed her and changed her diaper. She put her in a clean diaper and her romper, then clipped her soother to the front of it. Wanda bent forward on top of Nat, and pushed her hair out of her face.

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