Part 22

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When Wanda and Nat returned to the compound, Wanda put Nat down in her bed, then went into the bathroom and closed the door. She opened her bag and looked at the package that Maria put in her bag, they were pullups and a pack of wipes. Wanda smiled, before putting them under the sink. She stood up and left the bathroom, when she opened the door Nat started to slowly sit up. 

"Hey baby girl." Wanda walked towards Nat, who was making grabby hands. "Good nap?"

Nat nodded as Wanda picked her up, "paci?" 

"Paci what?" 

"paci p'ease." Nat laid her head on Wanda's shoulder.

"Good girl." Wanda took Nat's paci out of her pocket and handed it to her. Nat took it from Wanda and put it in her mouth.

Wanda walked around the room rubbing circles on Nat's back. After a little bit of doing that Wanda switched to patting Nat's bum, as soon as she did it, Wanda felt Nat's soiled pullup; it was full, on the edge of leaking. 

Wanda quickly placed Nat on the ground, carefully and ran to the bathroom. She opened the pack of wipes and pullups, she grabbed one and made her way back to Nat. When Wanda returned, she unbuttoned Nat's crotch and started changing her. When she finished she started to put the new pullup on Nat, 

"no mama, you say only one 'ime."  

"But Nat-"

" sai'." Nat complained

Wanda frowned, "If you wear an 'up' you can have a baba." 

Nat sat up and looked at Wanda. "no up an' no baba." 



Wanda really didn't want to give in but she couldn't force Nat to do anything, and she didn't want to argue, she had a pounding headache. "Fine, fine. No up."

Wanda stood up, went to Nat's drawer in her dresser and grabbed a pair of panties. She helped Nat into them, buttoned her onesie again, and picked her up. Wanda went and sat down on the chair in the corner of her room, she cradled Nat. As Wanda was closing her eyes herself, Nat started to pull on her shirt, whining.

"Ok, ok bubs. Just wait." Wanda lazily pulled her shirt off, allowing Nat to suckle on her boob. 

Wanda rocked Nat, she patted her bum, missing the sound it made padded. Wanda fell asleep as Nat suckled, she didn't realize that Nat was doing this while awake. Nat wanted to breastfeed, she didn't know why it was all of a sudden, but it was. She couldn't shake the feeling, Nat thought about just latching on, but she wanted Wanda to be awake, so she settled for sucking right beside her nipple. Nat slowly fell asleep. 

Nat woke first, she got up off Wanda's lap, went to the closet and grabbed the blanket she got for Wanda for Christmas. Nat laid the thick, and fluffy blanket on Wanda. After Nat put the blanket on Wanda she realized she didn't have her soother, it was somewhere under the blanket. Nat tried to look under the blanket without bothering Wanda, but it was too big. She gave up and went to look in Wanda's bedside table, that's where she always kept the extras. Nat opened it and saw a bunch of soothers and the necklaces, she grabbed a soother and put it in her mouth. 

Nat didn't know what to do now, she looked at the time, 3:35 pm. Nat stood there for a little trying to come up with something to do; she couldn't watch TV because it was too loud and her mama was sleeping, she couldn't leave the room because her mama would be worried if she woke and she was gone. There wasn't much Nat could do, so she went and sat on Wanda's lap, straddling her. Nat put her head down and nuzzled into Wanda, until Wanda sat up. 

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