Part 51

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Day 8...

The team had just entered the "Blizzard Beach Water Park", it was huge! Wristbands were passed around and put on. As everyone walked their heads turned in every direction trying to see as much of the park as they could, jaws were hanging open (mostly Peter, Scott, and Thor's. The water slides intrigued them very, very  much). 

"Where to first?" Tony clapped his hands stepping in front of everyone. 

"Well," Pepper took a step in front of him. "We should get situated first. Chairs were reserved so let's go over there." She led everyone to their reserved area (I don't think you can actually do this irl but in this story they can! :) ) 

Nat was still a little tired, she went to bed a little later that night because of a sugar rush...Wanda hadn't really experienced a baby bouncing off the walls past her bedtime, so the both of them were a little tired, but Wanda wasn't as much. Wanda carried her to their lounge chair, she placed the diaper bag down next to it before taking a seat herself. 

Everyone else were already taking off their top layer of clothing, revealing their bathing suits and trunks. Nat was staying nuzzled in her mama's neck, she wasn't too ready to be given lots of attention, from strangers and the team keeping an eye on her. 

"Can mama put some sunscreen on you, baby?"  Wanda whispered in her ear. 

Nat hesitantly nodded, starting to sit up fully in her mama's lap. As Nat did this, Wanda pulled the sunscreen out of the bag. She moved Nat off her lap and so she was settled in front of her. 

"Can you raise your arms?" Wanda smiled, Nat raised her arms and Wanda pulled her tank top off then her shorts. Exposing her baby blue and white striped bathing suit, Wanda applied the sunscreen to her arms, face, neck, and legs. 

Once finished, Nat returned to her comfy position and waited for everyone to decide what they were going to go do. Whether they should separate and do their own things or they should continue as a team? Unanimously nobody wanted to separate, they wanted to stay to spend quality time together...and so they didn't lose Peter and Scott...

While they chose on where to go Nat had started to pull on the wristband, she didn't like it very much. Before she had the chance to rip it off Wanda had caught her, she wrapped her hand around Nat's making sure she didn't take the band off. 

"Natasha, don't do that.

Nat looked up at her mama and pouted, "wan' off..."

"I know you do, but we can't take it off until we leave." Wanda gave Nat a small stern look, getting a huff and a small "'kay.." in return. 

To start off easy, going to the lazy river / "Cross Country Creek" was going to be the first thing. Before they left their chairs, Wanda quickly pulled Nat's paci out of her mouth and put it in the bag. Everyone got a tube and made their way over to the river, skipping the line because of their FastPasses (You can't actually get these here, but the team can in this fic!) 

Wanda put her one tube in the water then she got in herself, holding onto the tube with one hand and Nat with the other. Nat squeezed onto her a little tighter. 

"Ok, sweetheart. Do you want to try the tube?" Wanda whispered in Nat's ear as everyone else piled into the water and their tubes. 

Nat shook her head no, she hadn't ever used a tube before, and she wasn't planning on falling through the hole. 

Wanda lightly chuckled, "How about you try it once for mama, and if you don't like it then you don't have to use it." She offered. 

Nat thought about it for a couple seconds, if her mama wanted her to try it then it shouldn't be too bad. "'kay..." She loosened her grip from around her neck and allowed her to lift her onto the tube. 

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