Chapter 5

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Rajveer paces in his room, thinking about how to make Naina confess her love to him.

Ten hours of their twenty-four hours challenge have already passed, and he is still clueless about how to make Naina confess.

'Come on, Rajveer. You are a strategy and communication master. Think of a way to do it and win the challenge,' his mind encourages.

"Well, I am a strategy and communication master in my missions," he counters. "If this were one of them, I would have thought of a way within the first hour. But this is about Naina. She is not one of my missions, and this is not war. This is love. And that is why, I do not know how to proceed here and win the challenge."

He is still thinking about what to do when his phone pings, alerting him of an incoming message.

Taking out his phone, he unlocks it to see the message is from Lieutenant Roshan Chaubey.

Roshan: I have an information that, in two hours, a spy is coming to the warehouse where the nuclear trigger is kept. The information is from one of my reliable sources. What are my orders, Sir?"

Rajveer: Do not do anything as of now. Let the spy get to the warehouse without any trouble. Once they enter the place, we will lock them there and catch them red-handed. You go to the location now. I, too, will reach there within an hour.

After sending the message to Roshan, Rajveer heads out of his quarter to get to the location in time.

The warehouse is about five kilometres from KMA, and he must reach there before that spy arrives.

That way, he can easily trap that spy and arrest them.


Sitting in the academy garden, Ritu is waiting for Rajveer to come out.

She smirks when she sees him rushing out of the academy's main building towards his jeep.

As he gets inside and drives out of the main gate, she dials a number in her phone.

"Captain Rajveer is on his way. Is everything prepared?" Ritu asks when the person receives the call, and sighs in relief upon hearing the reply.

"That's great. And are you sure Lieutenant Chaubey has no idea his phone has been stolen? Because if he finds out about it, he might get suspicious and call Captain Rajveer to inform him about it," Ritu questions, not wanting to take any risk.

A smile curves her lips when she hears the reply from the other line.

"Good job," she says. "Continue to keep Lieutenant Chaubey distracted, and do not let him call Captain Rajveer for another hour."

Hanging up the phone, Ritu takes a deep breath, a smile still intact on her lips.

"Go, Captain, Go. You do not know what I have planned for you in that warehouse. After all, I had to make you pay for the insult you threw at me in your quarter yesterday."


'Why hasn't he done anything yet?' Naina thinks, lying on the bed in her room.

There are only eight hours left of their twenty-four hours challenge, and she has been wondering why Rajveer has not done anything about it yet.

"I will go to his quarter and check."

Getting out of her room, she is about to turn to the corridor leading to Rajveer's quarter when she hears someone calling her name.

Turning back, she sees an orderly walking towards her.

Once he reaches where she is standing, he hands her an envelope.

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