Chapter 12

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The following morning, Rajveer walks out of his room with a small smile on his face, remembering the intimate Holi he played with Naina the previous day

'It was perfect,' he thinks, recalling how she had squirmed beneath him, the way she had moaned, the way she had blushed.

He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, the smile still intact on his face.

After that intimacy, they had dozed off and woke up after two hours.

Since they overslept, they only had thirty minutes, to shower, get ready, and go to dinner at the main wedding house.

He chuckles, recounting the complaints Naina showered on him, saying it was all his fault that she did not get enough time to get ready.

But she blushed prettily, giving him her gorgeous smile when he told her she always looked beautiful no matter how much time she takes to get ready--one hour or one minute.

'Well, it is the truth. My Naina always looks so beautiful. Maybe because she has such a beautiful heart and soul.' He smiles at the thought.

"Captain, why are you standing in front of that couch, smiling at it? Have you fallen in love with it?" Shalini asks, bringing Rajveer out of his reverie.

Rajveer looks around and sees he is indeed standing in the middle of the living room, smiling at the couch.

"No, Shalini. I was thinking it has been so long since the last time I re-decorated my house in Mumbai. That is why I was looking at this couch. I was thinking of buying this same couch for my home too," he lies, hoping Shalini will buy it.

"It is good that you have been thinking of re-decorating, Sir. After all, your girlfriend needs to like your home when you take her there," Pooja says to Rajveer.

Huda and Yudi, who entered the living room just then, also hear Pooja, and get interested in the conversation, wanting to hear what Rajveer will say next.

Rajveer widens his eyes, hearing Pooja. "Girlfriend? Who girlfriend? What girlfriend?"

"Naina," Huda says.

"Cadet Huda, what-" Rajveer starts to ask, but is interrupted by Shalini.

"Captain, look, Naina is here too. I think Cadet Huda took her name only because he saw her coming down for breakfast. Right, Cadet?" Shalini winks at Huda, and taking the cue, he nods at her.

"Yes, Ma'am. I was calling Naina to have breakfast with us," Huda replies smilingly, enjoying seeing Rajveer getting flustered.

"See, Captain? That was why Cadet Huda took Naina's name. But why did you become so flustered, hearing her name? Did you think that Huda took Naina's name because he thought she was your girlfriend?" Shalini teases Rajveer and Huda, Pooja, and Yudi snigger behind her, having too much fun at Rajveer's expanse.

"Good morning, everyone," Naina greets everyone present in the living room, but she frowns when she notices Rajveer's flustered demeanor.

"Sir, are you fine?" She asks Rajveer, feeling concerned about him.

"He is fine, Naina. It's just that-" Shalini begins explaining, but Rajveer intervenes.

"I am fine. Let us all have breakfast now," he says to Naina, not wanting Shalini to say anything to make her nervous.

After that, they all start having breakfast, and Rajveer feels relieved when no one says anything to him or Naina while eating.


"But Rajveer, what will we tell the others? I mean, we cannot just go and tell them that we are going to have our date night tonight," Naina shares her worry with Rajveer.

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