Chapter 19

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The following morning, Naina opens her eyes, and groans out loud when she feels her head pounding with pain.

She looks around to find herself in Rajveer's room, but he was not in the room. 

As she looks at the darkness surrounding her, she feels thankful at Rajveer for drawing all the curtains. Her headache would have worsened if she had opened her eyes to bright light in the room.

She tries to call Rajveer but finds her mouth too dry to even utter a sound.

Turning to her side, she sees a glass of orange juice on the bedside table.

She slowly sits upright on the bed, and gulps the whole glass of juice in one go.

She feels slightly better after drinking the juice, but freezes when the last night's scenes flashes in her mind.

Her gulping glass after glass of wine.

Trying to go to the dance floor to take Rajveer out of Disha's hold.

Meeting that man.

"What was his name?" She mumbles, squeezing her eyes shut to tolerate the pounding headache and remember through the pain.

"Anish," she recalls his name.

Feeling the throbbing on her head getting worse, she presses on her forehead in an attempt to lessen it.

She again starts getting the flashes.

Anish dragging her to the parking lot.

Him trying to forcefully push her inside a car.

After that, everything is blank.

She tries very hard, but no matter what, she is unable to remember what had happened after that.

She looks down at herself under the blanket, and panicks when she see she is not wearing the gown she had worn to the party last night.

She also looks at her slightly aching arm, and sees an ugly purple bruise there.

Now starting to sweat, she tries to remember what happened last night, but she did not have any memory of it.

She only remembers until the time Anish had tried to force her inside the car. Everything after that is blank.

'What if he-' She stops the thought right there, not even wanting to ponder on it.

She shivers, unable to figure out what to do. 

The headache was not helping too. She wanted to call Rajveer and ask him about what happened last night, but could not bring herself to climb down the bed.

She was too scared to even look at her body, fearing to see any unwanted marks of assault there.

She turns sharply when she hears the door opening, and her eyes fill with tears as she sees Rajveer entering the room.

"Where were you?" She asks him tearily, and he rushes to the bed, sitting beside her.

"I got a call from the police station, so I went out to take the call, Naina. You were sleeping, and I did not want to disturb your sleep," he replies.

"What happened last night? I remember being dragged to the parking lot, and Anish trying to force me inside the car.

"But I do not remember anything after that. What had happened, Rajveer? Nothing bad happened, right? Please tell me, Rajveer. Please," she pleads with him, now sobbing, and Rajveer immediately hugs her, rubbing his hands up and down her back soothingly.

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