Chapter 9

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"Where do you think you are going, Naina Ah... Singh?" Rajveer asks her, and Naina feels her heart flutter hearing the unique way with which only he calls her.

She has always liked his this way of calling her name.

"You were awake this whole time?"

"I am a trained soldier, Naina. I woke up the moment you opened the door and entered the room. After all, soldiers are taught to stay alert even in their sleep." He winks at her.

"Why did you not open your eyes then?" She asks, frowning at him.

"Well, I wanted to see what you would do when you see me asleep. And I was also loving the way you were stroking my hair. I knew you would stop if I opened my eyes, and I did not want you to stop," He replies and kisses her cheek, making her smile.

"Will you now get off me? We can sit and talk," Naina tries to reason, but Rajveer shakes his head.

"I think this is the way better way to talk—me on top of you and you squirming beneath me. Not only talk, but I can think of many other things to do while we are in this position," he says suggestively, placing soft kisses on her neck, and Naina closes her eyes, feeling too good to stop him.

"Were you missing me, Naina?" He asks, now moving down and placing butterfly kisses on her chest.

Naina moans at the way Rajveer is kissing her. He slowly moves, kissing her through her top as he goes down. 

She gets so lost and aroused in her haze of passion that she cannot concentrate on anything else, not even his question.

She hisses when he pulls her top to expose her stomach and suddenly bites on the skin right above her navel.

"Answer me, Naina. Were you missing me?" Rajveer repeats the question, now moving up slowly, kissing her stomach, chest, neck, then her jaw.

"Yes. I was missing you. And I brought you dinner too. After what happened yesterday and after our long trip, I thought you would be too exhausted to come to the dining table to eat and interact with everyone," Naina says and gasps when Rajveer suddenly presses his lips to hers, kissing her hungrily.

He tangles his one hand on her hair and moves his other hand to her waist to slide it under her top. He strokes her skin there, plastering his whole body to hers while kissing her passionately.

"Thank you, Naina," he says, breathing raggedly after ending the kiss.

"Why are you thanking me?" Naina asks after a couple of minutes when she calms down her breathing and her heartbeat.

"For taking care of me. I have been deprived of affection all my life, Naina. You do not know how much your love and care mean to me," he tells her, and kissing her forehead, he rises to sit on the bed, pulling her with him.

"But now that you have me, you will never be deprived of love." Naina smiles at him, and Rajveer smiles back, unable to believe how he got so lucky to have her in his life.


The following morning, everyone gets ready, excited to go out for breakfast, do some shopping, and spend the whole day together.

Getting ready, Rajveer also walks out of the room, feeling fresh and light after a good night's sleep.

After having dinner together last night, he told Naina to stay with him for the night, but she cheekily reminded him of the ground rule that he had told about to Aalekh and Huda.

Listening to her reply, he had groaned in irritation and said that those rules were only meant for the cadets, and she had reminded him that she was a cadet, too, trying but failing to control her giggles.

So, having no other choice, he let her go out of the room, deciding to do something about the ground rule soon.

He quickly scans the room to look for Naina and frowns when he does not see her.

"What happened, Sir? Looking for someone special?" Aalekh asks him.

"Special? Who special? No one is special here." Rajveer lets out a nervous laugh. He does not want anyone else to know about him and Naina until she graduates. That way, their secret will be safe, and there won't be any serious consequences.

"Really, Captain? Is no one here special for you? Not even me and your favorite cadets?" Shalini teases Rajveer, knowing very well why Rajveer got anxious hearing Aalekh's question.

She has been observing Rajveer and Naina since they returned from the mentorship camp and has seen something change between them. 

They seemed close since the very beginning, but now their closeness has something new, something more intimate.

"You know I did not mean it that way, Shalini. All of you are special to me," Rajveer says to Shalini, smiling at her.

"Hmm, Sir, are all of us special to you equally, or are some of us more special to you than the others?" Huda, too, joins in on the teasing. Realizing what Aalekh and Shalini were doing, he also wanted to have some fun at the expense of Captain Rajveer.

"Cadet Huda, what do you mean?" Rajveer frowns at Huda and also looks at Aalekh and Shalini. The way they are trying very hard not to give in and laugh makes him suspicious.

'Do they know about Naina and me?' Rajveer thinks and is about to ask them the same question, but he stops when Pooja, Nysha, and Naina enter the living room.

All the questions disappear from his mind when he looks at Naina. She looked beautiful in a blue knee-length dress with a high neckline. The dress perfectly complimented her complexion, and along with that, her light makeup and free hair made her look simply breathtaking.

Naina feels Rajveer's eyes on her before even looking at him. 

Not able to help herself, she shyly looks in his direction and feels the blush creep up on her cheeks when she sees him staring intensely at her.

Rajveer and Naina are lost, looking at each other, but they get startled when they hear Pooja's voice.

"If everyone is done checking out each other, we should head out." Pooja eyes Rajveer and Naina while saying that, and others chuckle, knowing who Pooja is referring to.

All of them are amused that Rajveer and Naina are trying to hide what is going on from them when they can clearly see how they behave around each other.

Still, they have decided not to say anything directly to Rajveer or Naina because they respect their decision to keep their relationship private.

They will wait until the day both will tell all of them about their relationship. Until then, they will subtly tease them and have fun at their expense.

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