Chapter 11

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Rajveer walks outside the house to the courtyard where everyone has planned to celebrate Holi.

He is pleasantly surprised seeing colorful decorations outside with different shades of colors on the table.

Seeing others at a distance, he is about to walk towards them when someone pulls him to the side.

Before he can figure out what is happening, he is suddenly covered in the color blue.

"Last night, you colored me in your color, and today I have colored you in mine. Happy Holi, Rajveer," Naina says and giggling at his surprised state, she runs to her friends, not giving him a chance to speak or stop her.

Rajveer wipes the excess color off his face, all the while shaking his head and smiling at his girl's antics.

'I will get back at you for this, Naina,' he thinks, walking towards the others.

"Happy Holi, guys," he wishes everyone as he reaches them.

Yudi sees Rajveer covered in color blue, and subtly looks at Naina's hands.

He smiles, seeing her hands also smeared with same as Rajveer's face and clothes.

"What is this, Sir? We all were waiting to color you, and you got yourself colored by someone else already? Who got to you before us?" He asks Rajveer.

"Umm, Yudi, actually...." Rajveer trails off, being at a loss for words, not wanting to reveal about Naina being the one to color him.

Seeing Rajveer fumble, Naina also becomes nervous.

'I should not have colored him before everyone,' she thinks. 'We have decided not to let anyone else know about us before I graduate, and if others keep questioning and probing like this, they all will get to know about our relationship soon.'

"It does not matter whoever colored Rajveer Sir first. The thing that matters is he is here, and we get to color him now," Huda says, and taking his hint, everyone smiles mischievously.

Then, taking a fistful of colors from the table into their hands, they start walking towards Rajveer.

Seeing everyone approach him with handful of colors, Rajveer starts moving backward.

"Guys-" He starts to say, but gets interrupted when all of them attack him simultaneously, coloring him with various shades of colors.

With that beginning, everyone then starts coloring each other, all the while dancing and having fun celebrating Holi together.


After a few hours, Naina walks inside the house to get some water as she is thirsty after dancing for a long time.

Drinking the water, she is about to put the glass in the sink when she feels Rajveer's hand stroke her waist, his chest touching her back.

"Rajveer, what are you doing?" She asks, trying to turn and face him, but he locks her in the place, not letting her move.

"I did not know you danced so well, Naina," he says.

"We are in the kitchen. Someone might come and see us like this," she voices her concern, her breath coming in spurts as he starts placing kisses on the nape of her neck.

"Rajveer, please," she tries to reason with him, but he still doesn't let her move.

"No one will come, Naina. They have all gone to the main wedding house to play Holi with Mishika, Nishav, and their family," he tells her, and hearing him, she relaxes in his arms.

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