Chapter 6

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As soon as Rajveer enters his quarter, he is shocked, seeing someone run to him and tightly hug him.

But the moment he feels her against him, he smiles, realizing who it is.

"Naina," he says, feeling exhaustion leave his body as he hugs her back. "What are you doing here?"

Although he is glad she is here, he is also confused about how she got inside when the door was locked from the outside.

"Are you fine? Why were you in the hospital? You are not injured, are you?" Naina breaks the hug and takes a step back to look at Rajveer.

She has been feeling restless and anxious since she found out about him being in a hospital.

Rajveer smiles, seeing her concern for him. "I am fine, Naina. I just got some minor scratches. Nothing serious."

"But what happened? How did you get hurt? And why did you go to the hospital if it was just minor scratches?" Naina narrows her eyes at him, wondering if he is hiding something from her.

Rajveer sighs when he looks at Naina's serious stance. He knows she will not let it go until he tells her the truth.

"Someone stole Lieutenant Chaubey's phone and messaged me from his phone, asking me to come to a location. A few goons surrounded me when I got there, and we had a small fight.

"In the end, I got them all tied up and called the headquarters to send some officers to get them arrested. But after that, I felt a bit dizzy because one of them had hit me on the head during the fight.

"So, I went to the hospital to get my head examined. Luckily, it was nothing serious, and the doctor discharged me, telling me to rest and visit him if I felt dizzy again," he tells her, and Naina checks his head for injury. She relaxes a bit when she feels no bump or open wound on his head.

"But who did that? Why would someone steal Lieutenant Chaubey's phone and call you to a place like that?" She is confused as well as worried about him.

'What if the person behind all this tried something like this again?' She feels anxious due to that thought.

"Don't worry, Naina. I have already talked to Roshan about this, and I am going to be more careful next time," Rajveer replies to Naina, but when he notices that she still looked unconvinced, he cradles her face with his hands, gently stroking it as he does so.

"Naina, I promise I will be much more careful from now on and will not let anything like this happen again. Trust me, ok?" He says, and Naina gives him a slight nod.

"Now tell me, how did you come inside my quarter? Because when I returned, the door was locked from outside," he asks her, curious to know.

"Well, when I met Lieutenant Chaubey earlier, I told him I would stay outside to wait for you. But he suggested me to stay inside the quarter as it was already time for the lights out. He let me in using the spare key you had given him, and when I got in, he locked the door from outside. After that, he went to the hospital to pick you up," she tells him.

Hearing Naina, Rajveer understands why Roshan was behaving weirdly during the ride from the hospital to KMA.

He had kept smiling all the way, and after dropping him at the KMA's gate, Roshan even said he would be delighted once he got inside his quarter.

Rajveer had not understood what he meant then, but it made sense now.

'I am glad that Roshan let Naina inside,' Rajveer thinks, looking affectionately at Naina, when suddenly, an idea pops into his mind.

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