Chapter 10

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Before we start, I would just like to apologize for the LOOOOOONG delay. Now on to the chapter!
I was starting to get a little hungry.
I looked to Catherine.
Tim: "Catherine, I'm hungry."
Catherine looked down at me.
Catherine: "Aww, are you ready for dinner, little one?"
I nodded in response. I reached for Haley because I remembered the girls agreed on rotations and it was Haley's turn. She happily held me in her arms and I happily hugged her.
Haley: "Come on, pup let's go get some dinner."
My tummy rumbled in agreement which the girls giggle.
On our way to the dining area, Skye came around the corner.
Skye: "Oh hey, girls! Hi, little one, remember me?"
Tim: "H-Hi, Sk-Skye."
I said, still a little shy.
Skye: "Aww, are you still shy, buddy?"
I timidly nodded in confirmation and everyone giggled.
Skye: "Mind if I join you all?"
Catherine: "Sure! Is it ok, Tim?"
Skye seemed really nice and she was good friends with Catherine and the others so it wouldn't hurt so I nodded and we continued to the dining area. Haley sat down with me in her lap and the others went to go get the food.
Haley: "So how are you feeling, pup?"
Haley asked while gently combing my hair with her nails.
Tim: "I'm feeling a lot better but I'm still kinda afraid of everyone else... and afraid of the nightmares."
I said with my eyes closed because I was really enjoying her combing my hair.
Haley: "Everything will be ok, little one. I promise. The others and I are here for you."
Haley said as she hugged me from behind.
Catherine and the others returned with roast beef, potatoes, corn on the cob and peas. It all looked so delicious. Haley cut up the roast beef for me.
I hesitated to grab my fork but quickly remembered that Catherine said it was ok for me to eat without permission from my parents. So I hesitantly grabbed my fork and ate a piece of roast beef and tasted so good. After we were done eating we all went to the hot springs. The undressed and Haley helped me do the same and carried me in the spring and sat me in her lap again as the others started to clean me. After that we stayed in the spring to relax a little while longer.
Catherine POV
It's nice to see Tim happy but then I started realizing... he's just a kid, he needs an education. I'll have to see what I can do... this'll be a big step for him because of his shyness. For now though, we'll just let him enjoy this.
Haley is now cuddling Tim.
Haley: "*giggle* my little pup."
Vicky: "Excuse me I believe he's OUR little pup."
Vicky corrected Haley which made her and Tim giggle.
Haley: "Of course, how silly of me."
Tim then let out a yawn.
Haley: "Aw are ready for bed, little one?"
Haley asked but only got Tim resting his head in the crook of her neck as a response. With that we got out, dried off and got dressed again and headed back to our hut.
When we got home Tim was practically already asleep, nodding on and off. Haley set him down to help him in his pajamas. After that we all said our good nights.
Tim's POV
Catherine came up and kissed my forehead.
Catherine: "Goodnight, pup."
Vicky came up next and kissed both of my cheeks.
Vicky: "Sleep tight, little one."
Jackie came up next and game me butterfly kisses all over my face and made me laugh.
Jackie: "Nighty night, cutie."
Haley picked me up and laid me down in bed and laid herself next to me and I instinctively cuddled her. Haley cuddled me back and wrapped her tail around me as Catherine blew out the candle. I was scared, not of the dark because the girls were with me. I was scared I would have another nightmare but I was so tired that I couldn't help but fall asleep.
Catherine POV
I woke up to whimpering. I was afraid Tim would have another nightmare. The others woke up as well. We decided to just wake him up as I lit the candle again.
Haley shook him a little.
Haley: "Tim, sweetie, wake up!"
Tim jolted awake and started panicking.
Tim shouted and cried.
Haley hugged him.
Haley: "Tim Tim it's ok, it's us, you're ok, you're safe, shhh."
Tim opened his eye and looked at all of us and I could tell he was calming down but he latched onto Haley as if for dear life and started crying.
Haley cradled and rocked him.
Haley: "Shhhh, it's ok, little one. Everything's ok."
Haley continued to console him and rock him.
Haley is now cradling Tim and rocking him back to sleep. His crying had subsided to little whimpers which were adorable but also sad.
After a few more minutes, Tim finally fell back asleep.
Haley gently layer Tim and herself back in bed slowly as to not wake him up.
Haley is not caressing his face.
Haley: "Poor pup..."
Catherine: "We're gonna do everything we can to make his life better."
Vicky: "Agreed."
Jackie: "Definitely."
Haley: "Absolutely."
We all headed back to bed, hopefully Tim doesn't have another nightmare.
It's morning now and thankfully Tim didn't have another nightmare. Tim and Haley are cuddling while Haley is rubbing his back.
Haley: "It's time to get up, little one."
Haley said but to only have Tim whine a little as a response which was cute. Although the didn't want to, Tim got up and stretched and all of us.
Jackie: "Morning, cutie."
Vickey: "Morning, little one."
Catherine: "Good morning, pup."
Haley: "How are you feeling today?"
Tim: "I'm feeling a whole lot better!"
Tim said as he held his arms far apart to show how much better he was felling which was just plain adorable.
Suddenly there was a knock at our door and I answered. It was a guard.
Guard: "The Alpha wishes to see the boy. Alone."

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