Chapter 2

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??? Pov
Our curiosity of the small boy was peaked. I felt sympathy for the little human and I think the girls thought the same. I could visibly see the little boy shaking profusely in pure terror.
We got closer and knelt down and we began sniffing the boy. My nose made physical contact with him and he whimpered and tensed up and shook more, he must've thought I was going to kill him right then.
I slowly reached for his head and gently lifted it so he looked at me. He looked at me with his left eye filled with tears and his right cheek caked in blood. I held his head up gently with my left hand and spoke softly to him as to not scare him.
Catherine: "Hello little one, what are you doing out here, all alone?"

Little boy: "P-p-please d-don't kill me."
He pleaded in a weak voice.
I begin to softly caress his cheek with my right hand to try and calm him.
Catherine: "Shhhhh, we're not going to hurt you little one, I promise."
I gave him a warm smile and I could sense his fear going down very slightly.
Catherine: "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"
I asked with concern in my voice.
Little boy: "P-please don't h-hurt me."
The boy pleaded weakly.
Catherine: "Shhhhh, I'm not gonna hurt you. Please tell me why you're out here."
I pleaded to him softly.
Little boy: "I-I-I ran aw-way from home be-because m-m-my parents wo-would beat me."
The girls and I gasp at the information we just heard.
Catherine: "Aaaawww you poor thing, no wonder you're in such bad shape... My name is Catherine and this is Haley, Vicky and Jackie."
I motioned with my head to each as I introduced them to the little boy.
Haley: "What do we do with him? I mean we can't just leave him here."
Vicky: "What are you suggesting? We take him back to our home?"
Jackie: "Well we can't bring him back to his parents but we can't leave him here either."
Haley slowly crawled to the boys side to try and help me comfort him. She starts stroking his hair.
Haley: "Please calm down, little one. We have no intention of harming you."
He suddenly lunged and latched onto me tightly and began bawling on my shoulder.
He must have really needed someone to hold onto and I was more than happy to be that someone.
I sat on the ground with the little boy in my arms as I stroke his head gently and spoke softly to him and wrapped my tail around him.
Catherine: "Sshhh, it's ok, little one, everything's alright now. You're safe."
The boy continued crying in my shoulder for awhile longer, I sat there with the small boy in my arms while rocking back and forth trying really hard to comfort him. He finally calmed down and looked up at me, I smiled warmly at him and wiped away the last of his tears.
Catherine: "What's your name, little one?"
Tim: "T-Tim."
He says quietly
Catherine: "That name is sweet just like the one who holds it."
Tim smiled weakly.
Catherine: "We can take you somewhere nice and safe. Would you like that?"
I asked him kindly.
Tim nodded yes in my arms and wrapped me in a hug again and nuzzled his head under my chin.
'He's so cute!' I thought to myself as I cradled him in my arms like a baby, he wrapped his arms around my neck and fell asleep, he must've cried himself to sleep.
As we were walking back to our home, Tim began shaking and muttering in his sleep. "Must be having a nightmare" I thought to myself. In an effort to calm him I spoke softly in his ear.
Tim pov
Catherine cradled me like a baby and it was very relaxing, her whole aura was calming and almost motherly. I fell asleep. I began having a nightmare about my parents beating me again. I was screaming and begging. Then I heard a soft female voice speak to me.
"Shhhh, it's alright little one. You're ok."
The voice said to me and my parents faded from my vision and I felt calm and relaxed and felt at peace.
Catherine pov
I spoke softly to him and he slowly stoped muttering and shaking and fell back into a peaceful slumber, he looked so peaceful and innocent.
Jackie came over and caressed his cheek causing him to smile and giggle in his sleep and nuzzle his head into me.
Jackie: "Awwwww he's so adorable!"
Jackie whisper-yelled. We all stared at his sleeping form for a minute to make sure he stayed, peacefully asleep.
We then continued walking back home.
Vicky: "So Catherine, do you think the alpha will let him stay with us?"
Catherine: "He's staying with us, regardless."
I said firmly.
Haley: "How old do you think he is?"
Jackie: "Can't be older than 5"
Catherine: "Poor baby. How could anyone abuse and neglect him?"
Vicky: "The scent of neglect radiates off of him."
Haley: "Well soon he's going to be radiating love and care."
Catherine: "You're damn, right about that. We're his family now. His life may not have been good so far but now we're gonna do our best to make the rest of his life a paradise."
Haley, Jackie and Vicky all said in unison.
I was happy that the girls all agreed to help me, take care of the boy.
"Don't worry little one, no one will hurt you ever again. We'll make sure of it."
I thought to myself.
Catherine: "From now on, there will always be at least one of us with him at all times."
Vicky: "Yeah that's a good idea. We have to protect him from the others who might wanna kill him."
Jackie: "I'll guard him with my life, though I hope it doesn't come to that! But if it does, than I will give my life without a second thought."
Haley: "Well spoke."
Catherine: "I'm glad you girls agree with all this. Thank you. Let's give this little guy a better life. The one he deserves."

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