Chapter 12

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Tim's POV
Vicky continued to hold me as we made our way to the hot springs for a morning bath. As we were on our way, we continued to pass by more and more members of the pack. Some looked at me with slight malice, some looked at me with pity, and some simply didn't care.
As we finally made it to the hot springs there were a few ladies getting out of our usual spot and they noticed me, I got scared and held onto Vicky a bit tighter and she held me a bit tighter too until the ladies said something.
Lady 1: "Hey cutie."
Lady 2: "Hey little guy."
Tim: "H-h-hello..."
I said very timidly and the ladies thought it was cute.
Lady 3: "We kept your spot warm for ya."
Haley: "Uh, thanks?"
As the ladies walked away drying themselves, they kept looking at me and waving and giggling and I was getting confused as to why.
Vicky: "*giggle* They just think your really cute."
Vicky said as she kissed my cheek.
Vicky then helped me out of my clothes and into the spring.
Tim: "Ah ah!"
I yelped and tried climbing higher on Vicky to get away from the water, it felt much hotter than usual.
Haley: "What's wrong, pup!?"
Tim: "Hot, Hot!!"
Vicky: "Oh sorry little one, let's get in slowly."
Vicky said as I was practically standing on her shoulders.
Vicky gently grabbed hold of me and slowly lowered us both in the water, I kept exhaling harshly the lower we got until finally I was submerged up to my neck.
Vicky: "Alright little one, bath time!"
Vicky said as she tickled me a little bit Making me splash around a little.
As usual the girls started cleaning and scrubbing me. It's always really enjoyable.
I had noticed there were more wolves in the springs than normal, there were even wolf children playing with they're parents in the springs.
Among the kids there was a pretty girl around my age and she was looking at me every so often.
Catherine POV
The springs were crowded today, Skye and her family were also in the springs but we were having fun, playing with Tim until he looked over to Skye and her family.
Tim: "Who is she?"
Tim asked, pointing over to a little werewolf pup looking over at us. Tim more specifically.
Catherine: "Oh her? Her name is Minnie, she's really nice, she's around your age. Do you remember our friend Skye from the other day? Minnie is her daughter, she's a very sweet pup, you and her would make great friends."
Suddenly Jackie reminded me of what I wanted to talk about with Tim, I just hope he doesn't panic too bad.
With a deep breath, I got Tim's attention.
Catherine: "Tim, pup, we have something very important we need to talk about."
This made Tim very curious, he even tilted his head which was just plain adorable.
Catherine: "So let me first ask you, do you know what 'school' is?"
Tim just shook his head no. So I went on to explain.
Catherine: "School is a place where kids go to learn. They learn how to read and write, do math, and learn right from wrong, and it's a great place to make friends!"
I explained to Tim and he was starting to understand.
Vicky continued explaining what we had planned.
Vicky: "So little one, you're still very young and from what we can tell, you've never been to school so we are going to enroll you in kindergarten to get a good education."
Tim: "But you'll all still be with me... right?"
Tim asked a little scared.
Haley: "We're sorry little one but we can't go with you."
Haley said somberly.
Tim then latched onto Vicky and started tearing up and panicking.
Tim cried out.
Vicky quickly hushed Tim to keep him from making a bigger scene than he already has.
Vicky: "Shhhhhh, hush baby, we aren't leaving you. Shhhhh."
Tim hardly calmed down.
Tim: "But you said you can't go with me!"
Jackie: "No, no, no, little one, we will always be together, we won't be apart forever. We've already gone to school so we can't be there and we also have jobs."
I continued Jackie's explanation.
Catherine: "You just have to be at school for a few hours and then we can pick you up and then we can spend the rest of the day together."
Tim had calmed down a little bit but he was still rather upset.
We spent the next ten minutes calming Tim down. Out of all the times we had to comfort him, this was the hardest time.
Tim was finally calmer now.
Tim: "So... what's gonna happen?"
Tim asked with a little sniffle.
Haley: "You just have to go to school for a few hours, learn some stuff, make some friends and that's it!"
Haley explained.
Tim: "So I'll always get to see you all again?"
Jackie: "of course pup! Always!"
Vicky: "And guess what, you get to have two days off every week meaning we get to stay together the whole day!"
This seemed to have significantly calmed down Tim.
After another fifteen minutes of soaking we dried and dressed. Minnie kept stealing glances at Tim and the girls and I thought it was just the cutest thing.
Catherine: You all go ahead and enjoy yourselves, I'm gonna go enroll Tim."
I said as walked up to Tim and gave him a big kiss on his cheek, I also used the tip of my tail to tickle Tim's nose and made him giggle, Tim quickly wrapped his arms around me and then went back to holding onto Vicky.
I had made my way to the closest schoolhouse and on my way, I saw Skye.
Catherine: "Hey Skye!"
I greeted her and got her attention.
Skye: "Oh hey Cath!"
We started talking and I brought up her daughter Minnie.
Catherine: "You know the cutest thing happened in the springs awhile ago!"
I said as I made a few gestures to make my point.
Skye: "I like cute things! What happened, what happened!?"
Skye asked enthusiastically.
Catherine: "The girls and I were giving Tim a wash when he..."
I stopped short to increase the tension and Skye had a happy face while holding her fists under her chin in anticipation.
Catherine: "Tim noticed your daughter Minnie constantly looking directly at him! Ahhhh!! It was the cutest thing ever!!"
Skye: "Aaawwwwwww!!! My puppy girl has a little crush!"
Skye said while hopping from one leg to other. In addition to her little dance, Skye also had her eyes clenched shut and she was shaking her fists side to side very rapidly.
After talking a little longer we parted ways and I continued to the schoolhouse.
After entering I noticed it was rather quiet, only the teacher and her assistant were there, then again it made sense why it was so quiet and barren, it was Sunday so all the pups were at home.
Catherine: "Excuse me."
I said to make my presence known. The teacher and her assistant looked up at me and greeted me.
Teacher: "Oh hello! May we help you?"
The teacher asked politely.
Catherine: "Yes I was wondering if I could enroll someone under my friends and I's care?"
Teacher: "Of course, of course! So what's the child's name and age?"
Catherine: "His name is Tim, he is 5 years old and..."
I got nervous, I didn't know how they would react when I tell them that Tim is human.
Catherine: "He is a human..."
I was afraid that they would refuse to teach him or even start yelling but thankfully they were both rather open minded and happy to teach Tim.
Teacher: "Oh a human?! How wonderful! This will certainly help a great many things!"
The teacher said very happily.
I was so relieved that they weren't angry about Tim being human.
Catherine: "Oh I'm so happy that you're ok with it!"
I said with a big sigh of relieve.
Teacher: "Oh yes, of course! The Alpha made a new pack-wide goal the other day!"
The teacher said enthusiastically.
Catherine: "Oh, I haven't heard about this. So what is this new goal?"
Assistant: "Integrate with humanity!"
The assistant teacher said as she threw her hands in the air.
So the Alpha wants the pack to collaborate and co-exist with humans huh? Well that definitely sounds nice though I'm sure there is a large portion of the pack that doesn't want to do that. I wonder what made the Alpha want to do this?
Catherine: "So when can he start?"
Teacher: "He can start tomorrow!"
The teacher said happily.
When I finished my business at the schoolhouse it was late evening so I should be able to find the others in the dining chamber right about now. I made my way there and on my way I passed by Minnie and her dad, I waved to them with a smile and they waved back with a smile as well.
'Such a cutie! I'm sure her and Tim will make great friends and maybe even lovers when they're older'
I thought to myself.
When I made it to the dining chamber I couldn't find the girls or Tim anywhere so I just resorted to using my heightened sense of smell and I found Tim's scent and was further in the chamber with the others. As I came up to them I noticed I was right behind Tim so I held my finger up to my lips to tell the others to keep quiet so I could sneak up on Tim. I quickly checked to make sure Tim wasn't in the middle of chewing, last thing I want is Tim to choke because I was fooling around.
I didn't want to make a loud noise that would scare too badly so I just started tickling him and he bursted into a fit of giggles and laughter when I stopped, Tim slumped back in his chair catching his breath and hugged him and kissed his head.
Catherine: "Hey pup! I'm back!"
I said as I lifted Tim out of his seat so that I could sit down and sit him on my lap, kissing his cheek rapidly, and wrapping my tail around him after doing so. Tim just hugged me and rested his head on my chest and I proceeded to rub his head.
Vicky: "So how did it go?"
Vicky asked taking a drink after.
Catherine: "Actually really, really good the teacher and her assistant were very open and happy about it!"
Jackie: "Well that's good! Really good!"
Haley: "Well that went way better than I thought it would."
Vicky: "Well I'm not complaining."
Vicky said as she took another sip of her drink
I just went back to pampering our little pup and combing his hair with my nails.
Tim had a happy face on and he started cuddling my tail by wrapping his arms around it and nuzzling it.
Vicky: "Hey! It's still my turn to hold him!"
Vicky said a little angrily.
I just handed Tim over to her and he proceeded hug and nuzzle her tail just like he did mine. 'He's such a little cuddler.'
I thought to myself.
Haley: "So when does he start?"
I'm glad she asked, I almost forgot to tell them.
Catherine: "He starts tomorrow."
After saying this, Tim tensed up slightly.
Vicky: "It's ok little one, we'll help you through everything as much as we can."
Vicky then kissed Tim's head lovingly.
Vicky: "We promise."
Vicky whispered in Tim's ear.
When we were all done we headed back to the hut, it was Jackie's turn to pamper and sleep in bed with Tim.
After helping Tim in some sleepwear we all said our good nights.
I hugged Tim and kissed his cheek.
Catherine: "Goodnight little one."
Haley came up next and rapidly kissed Tim's forehead.
Haley: "Goodnight pup, sleep tight."
Vicky then came up and hugged Tim and kissed his head.
Vicky: "Sleep well pup."
Since Tim was sitting in Jackie's lap she just tickled him a bit and gave him kisses.
Jackie: "Sweet dreams cutie, you hear me? Sweet dreams!"
Jackie said as she tickled him a little more again.
Jackie: "Try thinking only of us."
Jackie laid the herself and Tim down, cuddling each other as the candle was blown out and we fell asleep.

I would first like to say Sorry for taking so damn long to update but things have been getting hectic. In other news, I decided to increase my 'chapter quota' from 1000 words to 2000 words per chapter like in this chapter!!! 🎉🎉🎉
I kinda decided to do that to not only give you awesome readers more bang for your buck and as compensation for taking so goddamn long to update.

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