Chapter 17

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Tim's POV
I woke up a little later and I still felt really bad but a also a lot less than before. I opened my eye and I could tell I was in the hut one of my mommies's beds and I felt one of them gently rubbing my cheek which felt really nice. I look over to see who it was and it was Haley and she smiled at me when I looked at her.
Haley: "Hi pup. How are you feeling?"
Haley asked quietly.
Tim: "I still feel really cruddy but not as bad as before."
I said truthfully and Haley's smile kinda fell a little bit.
Haley: "Well we'll need to go to the springs soon for a bath."
Haley said which made me kinda happy because the baths felt really nice.
My mommies let me rest a while longer before Catherine came up and carefully picked me up in her arms, cradled me, and smiled at me before we all made our way to the springs. This time time I kept my eye closed the entire way because I didn't want see anyone staring at me but somehow I could tell they were staring. It was a spooky feeling, I didn't know if it was worse than seeing them staring or not but either way I didn't like it. I just tried to focus on my mommies close to me and it actually kinda worked, I had even forgotten for a few seconds that I felt like crud.
We had entered the hot spring chamber and our favorite spot was empty thankfully. My mommies undressed and helped me undress and we slowly sat in the spring, it was a really nice temperature this time and not really really hot like my parents little smokey stick things that they would press onto my skin and get burny marks. Those smokey sticks smelled really bad too, I hated those sticks so much.
Catherine sat me in her lap and wrapped her tail around me and hugged me close to her and it felt so nice. I loved these nice feelings and I wanted them to never end, EVER! After relaxing for a little bit my mommies began washing me and checked my injuries and said that they were healing nicely. I kinda wanted to see Dr. Isaac again, he was really nice and helpful like my mommies. My injuries were also hurting a lot less than before and I was hoping that the pain would go away for good soon and never come back. My mommies had to hold me down again when they washed my feet because I couldn't stop squirming, they said what I was feeling was called a 'tickle' and I laughed a little because I thought it was a funny word.
'... Tickle... hehehe.'
I think to myself.
I really loved the hot springs, the water always felt really good on my skin and my mommies said that hot springs like this have healing properties, whatever that meant but it sounded good. After a few more minutes of cuddling I was passed over to Vicky because she really wanted to hold, while being passed over saw my new friend Minnie in one of the other pools and she waved at me with a big smile and I waved back. It was really nice to have a friend, I never knew what a friend was until my mommies saved me.
After our bath we went to go get some food because my tummy grumbled very loudly. After we sat down I was left with Catherine while my other mommies got the food. While we were waiting my new friend Minnie popped out of almost nowhere with her mommy.
Minnie: "HI TIM!!"
Minnie kinda shouted and scared me a little.
Minnie: "Oh no I'm so sorry Tim I didn't mean to startle you!!"
Minnie apologized quickly.
Tim: "I-it's okay Minnie I-I just wasn't expecting you."
I said a little shyly, I didn't want to make my new friend sad.
Minnie: "I'm sorry again Tim."
Minnie said with a little frown and I was quick to try and make her happy again.
Tim: "It's okay, Minnie I promise!"
I say quickly and Minnie seemed to feel a bit better now. It felt nice to make someone else feel happy.
Minnie: "Is it okay if we have lunch with you?"
Minnie asked with a smile.
Tim: "Su- *cough* *cough* sure."
I coughed a little but I covered my mouth with my arm like my mommies taught me. I still felt sick but I was feeling better that before, I just hope I don't throw up again. I hate throwing up! It makes my throat burn and a little hard to breathe, and tasted really icky. my mommies said it was because of my stomach acid whatever that was but it sounded kinda yucky too.
My other mommies came back and brought me a small plate with a sandwich and I liked that because I didn't want to eat too much. My mommies also brought me a glass of something called 'ginger ale' they said it would me and I was more than happy and willing to try anything that would help... Just as long as it didn't taste yucky like that medicine from before!
Catherine's POV
I could tell that our pup was feeling better but still not a hundred percent but definitely better than he was before, I was just hoping he didn't throw up again.
I was really happy that Minnie came and wanted to spend time with Tim it would take his mind off being sick. I was also proud of Tim for covering his mouth when he coughed like we taught him.
The others came back with the food and a glass of ginger ale for Tim. Tim was hesitant at first but timidly took a tiny sip and two seconds later Tim made a cute little sound of approval and took a slightly bigger sip. I bet he was afraid it would taste bad like the medicine.
While we ate, Tim was taking careful bites from his sandwich because he didn't want to upset his tummy but at least he was eating. Minnie and Tim were also talking with each other or rather Minnie was talking to Tim and asking him questions like favorite color, favorite number, favorite food. Tim didn't really have an answer for that one but tried his best to give an answer. It was kinda sad to see Tim slightly struggling to interact with Minnie his new best friend because he never had one before but it was also really nice and cute to see him have a friend and I could tell the two of them will be inseparable for as long as they live. I can already see it, Tim and Minnie going to school together, playing together, having sleepovers together, doing just about everything together... I can even see the two of them in love with each other when they get older in their teen years. So cute. At this point Tim had been drinking his ginger ale every few seconds and asked for a refill to which Jackie was more than happy to oblige but not before warning him that he needs to be more careful and not drink too much to which Tim nodded.
By now the girls and I were conversing with Skye while Tim and Minnie were having their own conversation or rather Minnie was maintaining the conversation, unfortunately Tim didn't know how to keep a conversation but he'll learn, it was just nice that he was talking at least a little bit with someone. Minnie was really happy to be Tim's friend especially his first friend and so were we.
Minnie: "I promise, Tim my other friends will like you."
Minnie assured Tim as her tail was practically thumping the chair she was sitting in.
Tim: "But... what is 'school' like?"
Tim asked Minnie.
You could hear it in Tim's voice that he was getting more and more comfortable with talking to others or Minnie more specifically.
Minnie: "It can get kinda boring sometimes... ok it can really boring sometimes..."
Minnie said a little guilty but at least she was trying to be honest.
Minnie: "But I promise that school is really important for kids like us! It teaches us how do things when we get older, it's also a good place to learn how to make friends."
Minnie said as she tried to make school sound as important and worthwhile as possible. Although I don't know about the 'learn to make friends' part. Yes school is also where you can learn to do that but there will always be at least one person who is mean to some and nice to others or just be mean to everyone, bullies in other words. I remember I had one when I was in school, I punched him one day and got in trouble but my parents were proud of me for standing up for myself and gave me a reward. It was a cute and fancy comb I saw at one of the markets one day. They did tell me that I should never seek out trouble like that and that only situations like that one was appropriate for my actions. It was still a great day, I punched my bully in the face and got a reward from my parents although they had to act like they were mad at me for doing it when they had to come to the school to pick me up but as soon as we left they both hugged me and told me how proud they were. My hand did kinda hurt for the rest of the day however. Was still totally worth it though. Just thinking back on it makes me smirk.
I just hope that Tim is NEVER put in that situation. Tim would never be willing to do anything like that, he wouldn't hurt a fly but thankfully he'll have Minnie by his side and hopefully Minnie's other friends too. We can only hope right now, we'll know when Tim goes to school. I think I know now how mothers feel watching their child walking away from them to school. It's a 'heavy heart' type of feeling but there's also a proudness factor in there and I do definitely feel that and I'm sure the others feel it as well.
By now Tim was no longer stuttering here and there, no, he was no longer stuttering period. At least when he talks to us and now Minnie and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm sure he'll be stuttering a lot when he goes to school but this was good practice with Minnie.
Tim: "I wasn't allowed to leave the yard for anything. It was always either too hot or too cold outside. It was so cold once that was shaking so much and my fingers began to hurt a lot but eventually I stopped shaking and I couldn't feel anything with my hands and it was when I was on my way back inside."
Tim said to Minnie with a sad tone. He nearly got frostbite for fuck sake! All of the adults at the table had a very murderous aura about them while Minnie on the other hand was very sad to hear this.
Minnie: "*sniffle* I-I'm really sorry to hear that, Tim. *sniffle*."
Minnie said as she was close to breaking down, and quicker than lightning, Minnie practically launched our of her seat and bolted up to Tim and hugged him with a quiet sob. Tim was very surprised but eventually he slowly hugged her back.
I shout in my head.
That was, by far, the biggest pang in my heart I had ever felt.
I yell in my head as I nearly cried myself from the amount of cuteness and companionship. If they keep up these kinds of actions I might actually have a heart attack from all the pangs and backflips my heart does whenever I witness these two being so cute.
You know it's funny. There's already an hour and forty minutes of content in this story and I still can't decide what time period to set this story in. I can't decide if I want it in an older time period or a more modern one.

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