Chapter 1

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Tim pov
I was sitting in my 'room', a beaten and bloodied mess. The beatings were a common occurrence. My parents would wait for me to heal a little then put me right back to a near death condition. They were very sadistic. But there was a reason for todays beating.
I finished my chores early and thought I deserved a snack. My father thought otherwise and thus began the beating.
I would be hit, whipped, burned, cut, starved, you name it, they did it to me.
I was trying really hard to hold in my grunts of pain as I lie on my 'bed' which is a little less than 2 torn towels on the cold, hard floor.
The punishment this time consisted of a few dozen lashings and being burnt.
This is how it's been for as long as I can remember, starting at the age of 1. I never went to school, never got fed properly, only abused and neglected.
Lately I have been planning to escape. I don't know what's out there but I'm sure that whatever's out there is better than what's here. There was only a small rectangular window. If I was well fed and my body mass was at least average, I wouldn't be able to climb through... at least I think I can climb through.
I was about to reach for the window when I heard footsteps that I knew all too well. Both my parents were approaching my room.
I crawled to the corner and coward in pure fear as they burst through the door. My father was the first to speak.
Father: "You little disgrace! I checked your work, it was god-awful!!! I constantly warn you what happens when you fuck up! But it looks like we'll have to step up our methods!"
My mother then held a small knife in her hand. My eyes grew wide with fear because I knew they weren't going to just cut me.
Mother: "Hun, hold him down."
My father walked up to me and grabbed me by my neck and threw me to the floor and tied my hands behind my back and laid me face up, rested his knee on my chest and held my head in place. I was panicking incredibly hard.
My eyes grew wide with immense fear. I began shaking uncontrollably out of terror.
Tim: "NO PLEASE!!!"
My father punched me.
Father: "No one said you could talk!"
My mom brought the knife close to my face slowly and menacingly.
I begged and pleaded but my pleads fell upon deaf ears. I started thrashing to try and get away but it only made things worse, way worse. My thrashing caused my mother to stab my right eye by accident. It wasn't her intention to go for my eye. All I could do was wail in excruciating pain.
My mother started making the most of this punishment and started using the knife to explore my right eye socket. My throat was burning from how much I was screaming.
My parents then got off of me and walked to the door, my father left my hands tied.
Father: "Next time, don't do a half-assed job!"
My father yelled before slamming and locking the door.
I was writhing in pain on the floor as I felt liquid run down both sides of my cheeks. One of these liquids were tears from my left eye and the other liquid was blood from my right eye socket.
I was so weak but I had to get out.
I loop my bound hands beneath my legs so now my hands are in front of me and start to bite the rope off, they were pretty low quality. I then tore a piece of the towel, I use for a bed and wrap it around my head, covering my eye.
With half of my vision, I proceeded to the window and began to unlatch it, it wasn't locked because my parents must have thought I couldn't squeeze through. I got the window open and I begin to climb and crawl through. I was now outside looking at the night sky. Moonlight illuminated the ground. I begin fast walking to the forest. I had no socks or shoes so travel was going to be a pain. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared of this forest right now but I pushed on.
I suddenly heard howling which caused me to swallow my Adam's apple from the sudden rush of fear.
The howls belonged to werewolves, werewolves were no secret in the world. They were fierce and feared by all. They are known to mercilessly kill any and all humans and raid merchant caravans. They could transform into wolves and transform into half humans, the only distinguishing trait of their half human form were their ears and tail.
I had to get out of the forest before they caught the scent of my leaking blood. I ran to best of my ability, constantly stepping on thorns and running through thorn bushes. 'Natures barbed wire' as I call it.
The bottoms of my feet were riddled with thorns and dirt. I had given up all hope. I didn't want to die but I knew it was futile to run. The werewolves could catch me with little to no effort. With overwhelming despair I curled up into a ball and cried with my only eye and waited for my death.
??? Pov
The girls and I were hunting in the night. We were having fun and chatting and howling playfully while we walked back home.
I suddenly stopped in my tracks and the girls noticed and asked what was wrong.
I sniffed the air.
???: "You smell that..? *sniff* *sniff* Smells like blood...*sniff* * sniff* Human blood!"
The girls sniffed the air and were getting ready to transform into their wolf forms but I stoped them.
???: "There's something about the smell of this blood."
The girls agreed.
We turn into our wolf forms and run towards the scent. We eventually sneak up on a small boy curled up in a ball crying. He looked so frail and dirty and I could smell immense pain and fear radiating off of the small boy.
The four of us approach the boy cautiously in our half human forms. He heard us and looked up to see us approaching him, he had a cloth covering his right eye, he crawled backwards in fear until his back hit a tree and curled up into a ball again and continued crying.

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