Chapter 11

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I was really scared and confused! Why did the Alpha want to see me? Was he going to throw me out? Was he going to kill me?
The girls sensed my fear and Vicky was quick to hug and comfort me.
Vicky: "Shhh, it'll be ok, little one."
The guard then spoke up.
Guard: "Come on, we can't keep the Alpha waiting."
Vicky: "Don't worry, Tim we'll stay with you as long as we can."
Vicky picked me up in her arms and carried me alongside the others. My fear would rise the closer we got. We stopped just outside the Alphas throne room.
Guard: "Only the boy may enter I'm afraid."
Catherine came up to me and caressed my cheek.
Catherine: I'm sorry, pup but we can't go with you but we will be right here when you get back.
I was so scared but I shouldn't make the Alpha inpatient. I took a shaky deep breath as Vicky set me down and the guard opened the door for me.
I walked very shakily towards the Alphas throne to find him not there.
Tim: "H-h-hello?"
Alpha: "Over here, young one."
I look to my right to see the Alpha sitting at a table drinking something.
He waved me over. I walk up and he gestures to the chair on the other end of the table.
I quickly sit down as to not upset him.
The Alpha takes the time look me over and notices my uncontrollable shaking.
Alpha: "Please calm down, young one, you're not in any trouble, I promise."
That actually really put me at ease. So much so that I subconsciously let out a large sigh of relief.
The alpha then poured himself some more of his drink in his cup and poured more in another and slid it to me.
Alpha: "Here, try some. It's called 'tea'."
I grabbed the cup and smelled the contents. It smelled really nice so I took a sip and really liked it.
Tim: "It's really good!"
The alpha chuckled at my reaction. He then became a bit more serious which scared me but immediately replaced with shock.
Alpha: "Young one I would like to uh... apologize for my behavior when you arrived... it was unprofessional of me."
I had no idea how to respond.
Tim: "Oh uhhh... I-it's ok umm..."
The alpha then tried to change the subject.
Alpha: "So how has your stay been so far?"
He asked before taking another sip of tea.
Tim: "It's been really nice! The girls clean and feed me. They also comfort me when I have nightmares about my parents."
Alpha: "That's good to hear. I'm glad the girls are treating you with such care, they are some of the nicest of this pack."
We spent the next hour or so talking.
Alpha: "Well it's been nice talking with you, young one but I think it's time for you to go, the girls are waiting for you and I have work to do.
The alpha said with a look of disdain and a sigh at the part about his work.
Tim: "Ok, thank you, Alpha for the tea."
I said as I climbed down from my chair and waved bye to the Alpha who did the same.
When I exited the throne room, I found the girls waiting for me, when they saw me they ran to me and Catherine picked me up and hugged me.
Catherine: "Hey, pup! Ohh we were getting so worried! What were you and the Alpha doing?"
Tim: "He just wanted to apologize for his behavior when I arrived, then we had tea and talked the rest of the time."
The girls were a little surprised to hear that the Alpha wanted to apologize and have tea but they were happy nonetheless that I wasn't in any trouble.
Vicky: "It's my turn to hold and pamper the cute little human!"
Vicky announced as she picked me up and nuzzled me. I laughed and nuzzled her back.
Catherine: "Hey Tim, we thinking it would be a good idea for you to go to school."
I was really confused. School? What's that?
Tim: "What's that?"
Vicky: "It's a place where you learn and can make friends."
Haley: "It's important, especially for a boy your age."
I didn't see a problem with this 'school' thing so it couldn't be bad right?
Tim: "I-I guess that's ok..."
Jackie: "Good, we'll need to talk to the principal of the pack school to enroll you but for now we can all relax!"
Vicky: "Are you hungry, pup?"
Vicky asked me sweetly.
Tim: "Yeah, I'm pretty hungry."
I said as rested my head on Vickys shoulder.
The girls carried me to the dinning chamber. Vicky sat me down and kissed my head and rubbed my head a few times before sitting down next to me while the others got food.
Vicky was starring at me with her head propped on her hand smiling at me.
Vicky: "You're such a cutie!"
Vicky said as she pat my head. I hugged her arm and wrapped her tail around me. The girls came back with plates of really delicious food.
I was really enjoying myself but I couldn't help but feel like I'm being watched.
I turn around and see a table with three werewolf's sitting there looking at me menacingly. I quickly turn back around and continue eating.
The girls seemed to have picked up on my distress because they all looked at the three werewolves and growled very menacingly, so much so that I actually started shaking in fear though I knew the girls would never hurt me.
The three werewolves seem to have been intimidated because they quickly went back to their own business. Vicky quickly sat me on her lap and wrapped her arms and tail around me protectively.
Vicky: "We're sorry for scaring you, little one. We had to get them to back off."
Vicky continued to relax me. The girls decided we should just go somewhere else for the time being. At least I finished eating.

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