Chapter 19

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Catherine's POV
'Mini Minnie. Our little one is so cute. And hopefully he'll get better real soon, the sooner he gets a proper education the better. The girls and I are still a rather nervous about the whole thing but Minnie and her friends 'ought to help keep him out of trouble, not that we're worried he'll find trouble himself on purpose but the fact he's a human will draw out more werewolf supremacists and their children.
Tim gave a tiny unconscious cough as he shifted a bit in his sleep. Haley gently pulled the covers up a little more and tucked them under Tim to keep them nice and snug.
Catherine: "Hopefully he gets better within the next day or so."
I whispered in a hopeful tone.
Jackie: "hopefully... at least we have a really low chance of catching whatever he has which means we can all spend as much time as we want with him."
Jackie whispered.
We all had went back to quietly watching our little pup sleep. Haley carefully sat next to Tim and began gently caressing his face, Tim unconsciously smiling slightly and nuzzling into Haley's hand.
It's been a few hours now and Tim woke up on his own without incident.
Tim: "Mommies, can we have bath time? I feel kinda icky."
Tim asked us and we giggle and were happy to oblige, besides his hair started to feel a bit greasy and sweaty. Haley picked up and cradled Tim in her arms as we all proceeded out of the hut and to the springs. Along the way, Tim nodded on and off, in and out of consciousness. He was falling asleep again. So precious. Haley kissed Tim's forehead.
Arriving at the springs, we saw that it was rather crowded and there was a small group of four girls in our usual spot. They were young adults, had to be almost out of school. I had thought I recognized at least one of them, Emily I'm pretty sure her name was. From what I've heard she's alright, though the only reason I say that is because I've not heard anything good or bad about her or her friends. Yes it was important, as I've mentioned, to at least know the names of your pack-mates but it gets a little tedious at times. Hopefully they won't mind if we join them. The girls saw us approaching and noticed Haley cradling Tim who also saw the girls. Emily and two of her friends noticed us and smiled but her fourth friend seemed to scowl slightly upon seeing Tim. I was silently praying that she didn't start anything.
Catherine: "Hey girls uh, do you mind if we join you?"
I asked uncertainly.
Emily: "Sure! We don't mind!"
Emily said with a smile and two of her friends smiled and nodded their heads in confirmation. However the fourth friend seemed a bit resentful about it and spoke out.
???: "I don't mind if the girls join us but the 'human' on the other hand..."
The girl said as she acted like she tasted something bitter upon uttering the word 'human'.
This is what I was afraid of.
Emily: "Cassidy! He's just a child, he hasn't done anything."
Emily said disappointed in her friends behavior. So Cassidy the name of the troubled one. I could tell my group were hoping this doesn't escalate any further. Tim immediately picked up on Cassidy's hostility towards him and sought comfort by trying to shrink further into Haley.
Cassidy: "I don't care what the human has or hasn't done. He. Does. Not. Belong. Here! Besides, what is he going to do to contribute to the pack?"
Cassidy said trying to prove her reasoning to her friends. This girl was quickly getting on our nerves. If she knows it's good for her, she'll shut up and leave our poor little pup alone.
Emily: "Cassidy how could you say that?!"
Emily asks bewildered even further by her friend's comments.
???: "Yeah! Come on Cassidy just leave the poor little one be. He hasn't done anything to y-"
One of Emily's other friends tried backing up Emily in Tim's defense but was cut off by Cassidy.
Cassidy: "Becky don't even start. You don't exactly love the humans either."
Cassidy said in an annoyed and slightly surprised tone. So Becky was the name of the third friend.
Becky: "I'm just indifferent! But I can't just dislike a human child for no reason let alone a child who was abused and neglected by his own parents."
Becky argued.
So far most of them were okay with Tim.
Cassidy: "Brook?"
Cassidy was clearly asking for the input of the final friend in their group.
Brook: "I don't know, Cassidy. Why can't you just be nice and let the boy join us just this once? You've made him cry."
Brook said her friend.
It was only now that I realized that Tim was silently crying because of how mean Cassidy was being. This girl was getting on our nerves more and more. Being mean is one but when you make our little pup cry. That's a whole different story.
Emily: "Cassidy come on! You're-"
Emily began but was cut off my Cassidy.
Cassidy: "You know what?! Fine! I was finished washing up anyway!"
Cassidy yelled as she quickly and aggressively got out of the springs and dried off.
Cassidy: "I'd rather not share water let alone air with a human!"
Cassidy said insultingly.
'What is this little bitch's problem with the little and humans in general?'
I ask myself in my head.
I look over at Haley to see her gently rocking Tim in her arms as he continued to silently let a few tears fall from his one good eye. It's a good thing this little bitch Cassidy is leaving because I was getting closer and closer to giving into better judgment and backhanding her.
After finally drying and dressing she walked away, stopping next to Haley who was on high alert, ready for any form of altercation. As were the rest of us.
Cassidy: "You don't belong here, human runt."
Cassidy said and stomped away after, leaving Tim in more tears.
Haley: "Don't you dare listen to a single word she says. You do belong here."
Haley whispered in Tim's ear but he didn't seem to believe her.
Emily: "It's ok, little one, you can all join us."
Emily said as she ushered us all over.
The girls and I undressed and got Tim out of his clothes and slowly got into the springs. The other girls stayed at the far end of the pool as to not overwhelm or upset Tim any further.
Vicky: "Thanks, girls."
Vicky thanked the girls for allowing Tim to join, not that we weren't going to let him ourselves anyway.
Becky: "It's no problem. We're more than happy to let the human little one join us. Tim was his?"
Becky said and we nodded.
By this Time we could sense Tim's distress diminishing.
Emily: "We're sorry about her, honey. Just don't listen to her."
Emily said trying to help calm down Tim.
Becky: "Yeah don't mind Cassidy, she's just ticked off because she recently found out what a loser she is."
Becky joked and some of us giggled.
Jackie: "What is her deal anyway?"
Jackie asked trying to understand what Cassidy had so much against Tim and humans in general.
Brook: "We don't know really, she's just disliked humans for as long as we can remember."
Brook said.
Tim's POV
Why can't everyone just let me be here? I just wanted to be happy for the rest of my life. It's not like I intended to end up with my new mommies but I'm very grateful that I did. My body would shake at the thought if it hadn't been Catherine and the others who found me. I would probably be dead by now.
Vicky: "So Cassidy simply just dislikes humans because she decided to?"
Vicky asked the other girls.
Becky: "As far as we know, that's what it seems like."
Becky said as she was brushing her wet hair.
Brook: "But with the Alphas new goal of integrating with humanity, Cassidy will need to start accepting humans real soon whether she likes it or not."
Brook said as she slid a little deeper in the spring until it was just her head above the water. My mommies began to wash me to try and distract me which worked. I still didn't understand why so many werewolves hated me. I mean it's not like I chose to be born a human... or be born at all.
My body and bruises almost no longer hurt anymore but my eye socket still hurt.
Emily: "So how old are you, little one?"
Emily asked me for some reason.
I simple held up all five of my fingers on my left hand. I could only count to five, and know my left from my right.
Tim: "A-also my name is Tim..."
I stuttered as I introduced myself.
Emily: "*giggle* Well it's very nice to meet you, Tim. My name is Emily and welcome to the pack!"
Emily said with a smile on her face. At least she's nice to me. And her other friends seem nice too.
At this point I was sitting in Catherine's lap with her tail wrapped around me which I loved. I had noticed that throat didn't sound as bad as before. I'm was getting better!
I began to think about Mini Minnie and was hoping she would be okay staying back at the hut. Thinking about Mini Minnie made me think of Minnie herself. I was really happy and thankful to finally have a friend. I was also really happy to have my new mommies who love me. The feeling of having a friend and mommies that love you made me feel warm inside which was weird. I didn't know how those things made me feel warm but it was a nice feeling and that's all I knew, I wanted it to never ever end.
After thinking about my mommies and Minnie, I thought about this 'school' thing and was nervous about it and my mommies and the other ladies sensed my feelings.
Jackie: "What's the matter, cutie?"
Jackie asked me.
Tim: "I'm just a little nervous about the whole 'school' thing.
I answered.
Catherine: "It'll be okay, pup. You'll have Minnie with you. She'll always be with you."
Catherine assured me.
Catherine: "Just try and relax for now, little one."
Catherine suggested and gently pressed my to her chest and I couldn't help but close my eye. I took a deep breath and immediately started feeling sleepy. Catherine began to hum which only added to my sleepiness and could longer keep from falling asleep as mommy Catherine gently swayed left and right.
Catherine's POV
'He'll be fine'
I kept thinking that to myself as our little pup fell asleep so peacefully.
'He'll have Minnie and the teachers seemed to accept humans, so there's also that but not much else'
I think to myself.
Emily: "He really is a cutie."
Emily whispered from the other side of the spring, hearing it clearly because of my heightened senses.
Haley: "We know, he's cute, innocent, shy, kind, and very delicate but with much TLC he'll be strong, smart, and accepted by everyone in the pack. Especially because of the new pack goal of integrating with humanity."
Haley whispered back.
Tim unconsciously shifted in my lap, we were afraid we woke him up but thankfully he stayed asleep.
Brook: "I'm indifferent about it all but I will readily admit that that little human is pretty cute."
Brook whispered as she washed her hair and combed it to get any knots out.
Well her being indifferent is far better than her being spiteful, at least I think.
All of us didn't really converse any further after that. Eventually Tim's fingers were getting really shriveled, we decided to leave the springs and head back home. We didn't want wake up Tim, we tried to dry him off as gently as possible but ultimately decided to just wrap him up in a towel while the girls and I dried and dressed. After that, Vicky came and up carefully cradled Tim because it was her turn to love on him and we headed back to the hut.
We could also tell he was getting better.

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