Chapter 4

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Catherine pov
The girls and I all had tears of sadness and sympathy in our eyes from the information, Tim shared.
Haley: "They took your eye?!"
Haley came over to me and gently lifted the cloth from Tim's right eye socket which let blood flow out freely and the girls and I gasped. Haley quickly put the cloth back over his socket and looked towards the alpha.
Haley: "Alpha please! Please let the poor boy stay with us. We'll take full responsibility for him, all four of us!"
The other girls and I nodded in response.
Alpha: "I personally have no problem with the boy staying here... especially after what you've been through, young one... I uh... I am very sorry for you."
Tim had calmed down from his crying fit and looked up at the alpha.
Tim: "*sniffle* t-thank you al-alpha."
Alpha: "As I said, I personally have no problems with the boy staying but I can't make any guarantees that the other members of this pack will share the same sympathy."
Catherine: "Your blessing is all we needed, alpha, thank you."
Alpha: "I'll have some guards spread word of the boy staying in our care and not to harm him. You are dismissed."
The girls bowed and I kneeled slightly because I was still cradling Tim and we left the throne room.
The girls surrounded Tim and I with smiles on their faces. Vicky caressed Tim's cheek.
Vicky: "Welcome to your new home and new family, little one."
Vicky said kindly then kissed Tim on his forehead.
Tim: "Th-thank you. All of y-you."
Tim said with a slight smile.
Haley: "So what should we do?"
Catherine: "Well first, let's get him bathed and patch up his wounds."
With that said, the girls and I made our way to one of the hot spring chambers.
While we were walking.
Haley: "Hey Catherine, is it ok if I hold him?"
I looked down at Tim and smiled.
Catherine: "Is it ok if Haley holds you for a bit?"
Tim nodded as he smiled and extended his arms towards Haley. Haley giggled as she very carefully and gently took Tim from my arms and cradled him like I've been doing. Haley rubbed her forehead against his playfully to which Tim giggled and wrapped his arms around Haley's neck in a hug.
Haley: "You poor thing, you're so light. We're getting some food after we clean you up."
We continued our way to the springs and made it. Tim looked at the giant chamber in amazement.

(Picture from the game 'The elder scrolls Skyrim')He was amazed

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(Picture from the game 'The elder scrolls Skyrim')
He was amazed. There were holes in the ceiling that let in natural light allowing plant life to grow in the chamber. There were streams of hot spring water. We used these types of chambers for bathing and relaxing.
We made our way to a small pool.

(Picture from the game 'The elder scrolls Skyrim')There was also a small waterfall that fed the small pool

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(Picture from the game 'The elder scrolls Skyrim')
There was also a small waterfall that fed the small pool.
Haley put down Tim so she could undress. The rest of the girls and I followed suite. We got in and the water was very relaxing. I look to Tim.
Catherine: "Come on, little one, get unchanged and join us so we can clean you up."
I said with a kind smile.
Tim proceeded to remove his clothes, revealing a small, bony, frail body. He also had scars, bruises and burns all over his body and some of the scars looked like words.
Catherine: "Come on."
I said smiling and patted the dry land next to me. Tim came over and slid in the water. I sat cross legged so he could sit in my lap.
Catherine: "Come sit in my lap."
I said as I held my arms out in a welcoming gesture.
Tim happily obliged and sat in my lap. The girls and I took a good look all over his body to see bruises, burns, scars.
Jackie: "*gasp* is that writing on you?!"
Jackie lifted his arm gently and saw the word 'mistake' cut into his flesh. I looked at his other arm and saw the word 'worthless' cut into his flesh. There were hurtful words cut all over Tim's flesh. The words, Pathetic, Worthless, Mistake, Useless, Pitiless, Disgrace, Irrelevant, Weak, Unlovable, Failure, Abomination, hopeless, were all carved into his flesh. Seeing this brought tears to everyone's eyes.
Catherine: "Oh can someone get soap and medical supplies?"
Vicky: "I got it."
Vicky said as she got up, dried off real quick, put her clothes back on and walked off to grab the things we needed.
Haley, Jackie and I stayed with Tim. He sat across my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck and cried softly against my chest. I wrapped my tail around his waist and hugged him closer into my form, rocking back and forth. I would take a handful of spring water and dump it slowly against his bare back, it helped him relax. His sobs soon subsided to little sniffles here and there.
Catherine: "Don't worry, little one. No one will hurt you ever again."
I said to him softly.
Vicky came back with a wicker basket of soaps, wash cloths, medical supplies and new clothes for Tim.
Vicky undressed and joined us in the spring again and got out the things.
I gently raised Tim's chin to look at me.
I gave him a warm smile and said.
Catherine: "Let's get you cleaned up, ok, little one?"
Tim nodded yes in my arms and turned his body, facing forward in my lap.
Jackie grabbed a wash cloth and soaped it up and gently grasped one of Tim's arms and began scrubbing, Vicky was doing the same with his other arm, I was washing Tim's back.
Once we were done, I took a small bucket and filled it with the spring water and made Tim's body face to the side and guided His head backwards so he looked straight up.
Catherine: "Close your eye."
I said softly. Tim closed his eye as I slowly dumped the water on to his hair.
I made him face forward and soaped up my hands.
Catherine: "Close your eye, little one."
Tim did so and I proceeded to clean his head and hair. I made him face to the side again and tipped his head up.
Catherine: "Keep your eye closed."
I had Haley slowly dump the water onto Tim's head while I massaged his head to help get the suds out.
Catherine: "Ok, you can open your eye."
Tim opened his eye and I had him sitting so he faced me.
Catherine: "We're gonna take care of your eye now, alright?"
I spoke softly and Tim nodded.

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