Chapter 8

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Catherine POV
The girls, Tim and I were on our way to the residential zone. Jackie was still holding Tim as if he was her own.
As we were making our way to our hut, we were getting stares from the other members of the pack. They must have heard about Tim because some were looking at him with a look of sadness and sympathy.
Tim must have felt the stares of the others because he tightened his grip on Jackie and let out a small distressed whine which was just adorable.
Jackie: "Shhhh, it's ok, we're almost there."
Jackie said soothingly.
Jackie's attempt at calming Tim, worked. He eased up but nuzzled himself into Jackie a bit more. Jackie gave Tim a little kiss on the head.
We finally made it to our hut. It wasn't big or small. It had a small stove, a small fireplace, a table, a few chairs and 4 beds.
We all decided that Tim would sleep one of us, each night, rotating around from me, Haley, Vicky then Jackie.
I took Tim from Jackie and set him on my bed and found some sleep-wear for him and helped him get ready for bed.
Vicky came up to us and hugged Tim and kissed his cheek.
Vicky: "Goodnight little one, sweet dreams."
Haley came up next and kissed Tim's forehead.
Haley: "Goodnight sweetie."
Then Jackie came up last and gave Tim butterfly kisses all over his face, making him laugh and all of us giggle.
Jackie: "Goodnight, cutie."
With that we all got in bed and I blew out the candle, letting the dark engulf us. I got comfortable and pulled Tim close to me and he immediately cuddled me. I began to stroke his head sweetly to help him relax. When his breathing leveled out, I knew he fell asleep and I followed suit.
It was late in the night and I felt and heard something shifting and muttering and crying in my bed.
Because I'm part wolf, I had great eye sight in the dark and quickly found out it was Tim. 'Poor thing, must be having a really bad nightmare' I thought. The other girls woke up as well and were watching in sadness.
I pulled Tim closer and tightly embraced him and spoke softly in his ear.
Catherine: "Shhh it's ok, calm, I'm here, sweetie."
It was working but Tim was still shaking and muttering.
Catherine: "Shh shh shh, it's ok, little one, everything's ok. Shhhh."
I began to gently rock him and caressing his face. Tim was calming down and leaned into my hand which was absolutely adorable. Tim was back to sleeping peacefully.
I look back over at the girls and whisper.
Catherine: "He's calm now."
Haley: "Poor, Poor, boy..."
Vicky: "I don't think it takes a genius to figure out what that nightmare was about."
Jackie: "Yeah, poor thing."
Catherine: "Lets get to sleep. We'll talk to him in the morning."
With our whisper conversation was concluded, we all went back to sleep except for me. I continued to caress Tim's face. He would constantly lean into it, making me smile at his cuteness.
When I felt like Tim would stay asleep, I lied back down and he subconsciously cuddled me and returned the gesture.
It was morning now and Jackie and Vicky were making some soup and Haley was reading in bed.
Haley then noticed I was awake.
Haley: "Morning Cath."
Catherine: "*yawn* Mornin."
I said sleepily.
Tim was still cuddling me in the cutest way ever. I shifted on my side and began stroking and combing his hair with my fingernails. This caused Tim to shudder at first and made Haley and I giggle.
Tim then slowly woke up. Tim let out a cute little yawn that ended in a little squeak which we all giggled at. He then rubbed his eye and looked at me smiling at him and he smiled back with his still heavy eye as I began caressing his face. Tim then cuddled me more and nuzzled head under my chin.
Catherine: "Morning, little one."
I said with a smile.
Tim looked up at me and smiled.
Tim: "Good morning, Catherine."
After a few more minutes, the soup was made and Vicky handed Tim and I a bowl and we were enjoying it very much.
Once we were done, I decided to talk to Tim about last night.
Catherine: "How did you sleep last night, sweetie?"
Tim: "Oh uh I slept good."
Tim said, avoiding eye contact.
Catherine: "Tim, sweetie, what happened in your nightmare?"
I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder.
Tim started to tear up.
Tim: "I was back at my old home and I was hurt and I was hungry and thirsty and I couldn't move and I heard my parents laughing at me and, and, and, and-"
I didn't let Tim finish as I embraced him tightly.
Catherine: "Shhh, it's ok, everything's ok now. It was all a dream. You're here now, with us."
I said soothingly.
Tim was silently sobbing in my chest and hugging me as if there was no tomorrow.
Catherine: "Shhhhh. You're ok. Shhh."
Tim then asked me something I wasn't ready for.
Tim: "Catherine, why didn't you and the others kill me?"
Catherine: " I know our kind isn't exactly known for being friendly with humans but not all of us have something against humans. We ourselves don't have anything against them so we wouldn't ever kill one, let alone a child like you. You were so small, and so fragile. We have seen people look at us in fear but when you saw us, you showed so much more fear and rightfully so. We knew we couldn't just leave you out in the wilderness to die. We had to take you with us, feed you, pamper you, shelter you, care for you, and raise you."
Tim was now looking into my eyes with a face of sorrow but also great gratitude.
I could tell that this was the start of a better life for our little Tim.

Finals are finally over and I have a month off so I can start writing again. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and see you in the next one.

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