Chapter 3

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Catherine pov
We continued walking back home while I continued to hold Tim like a baby. I held him firmly as if he was made of fine glass. We were nearing the entrance when Tim stirred awake. I looked down at him and smiled tenderly at him.
Catherine: "We're almost there, little one."
Tim pov
I awoke and Catherine looked and smiled warmly at me and said that we're close.
We approached a giant cave entrance. It was pitch black inside but the girls had special eyesight that helped them see in the dark. I held onto Catherine tighter. She looked at me and smiled as she said.
Catherine: "I can sense your fear, little one. Don't worry, we won't leave you, I promise."
Catherine then kissed my forehead and it felt heart warming and motherly. I caved my head into her body as much as I could.
We've been walking in the pitch darkness for 5 minutes now. My fear would rise with every passing minute. Catherine and the others sensed it.
Vicky: "Don't worry, little one, we're just about there."
Haley: "Just a tiny bit father."
We kept going a few more yards and I could see a point of light and we approached it.
We entered what looked like the main hall of some old ruins.

 We entered what looked like the main hall of some old ruins

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(Picture is from the game 'The elder scrolls, Skyrim.)
It looked really cool, there were holes in the ceiling, letting in the natural moonlight.

2 more werewolves appeared in their half human forms and approached us.
Werewolf 1: "Catherine, who and why is this human here?"
The werewolf asked with a hint of annoyance.
Catherine: "He's had a rough life and we found him... rescued him."
Werewolf 2: "It would be better if we just killed the child."
The werewolf said as it walked up to me.
I whimpered and held on tightly to Catherine and buried my head in her chest and began shaking out of fear. Catherine held me tighter as well, using her arms to hold and shield me as best as she could while backing away from the approaching werewolf.
Jackie, Vicky and Haley stepped in front of Catherine and I.
They growled loudly.
Haley: "Lay one finger on him, I fucking dare you!!!"
Vicky: "So help me God, I will tear your throat out!"
Jackie: "Stay away from the poor boy!"
The werewolves stepped back and held their hands up in a surrender type fashion.
Werewolf 1: "Alright, alright! We won't hurt the boy. But we can't make any promises about the others."
Werewolf 2: "You best go see the Alpha."
Catherine: "We were on our way to."
Catherine looked down at me and I slowly eased my tenseness and looked at her for confirmation that everything is ok.
Catherine: "Its ok, little one, everything's alright, they won't hurt you."
Catherine looked at them and growled while saying.
Catherine: "Right!?"
The 2 werewolves nodded their heads vigorously.
Catherine looked back down and smiled at me and kissed my forehead before saying.
Catherine: "Welcome to our home, little one... you're new home."
Catherine said with a smile. I hugged her as a sign of thanks.
Haley: "Alright, let's go see the Alpha."
We walked past the 2 werewolves, I glanced at them for a second and saw them staring at me, I quick turned my head and nuzzled it into Catherine.
Catherine: "What's the matter?"
Tim: "T-they were s-s-staring at me."
The girls stopped walking and Vicky walked up to me and looked into my eye and caressed my cheek and spoke softly.
Vicky: "Don't worry Tim, we'll protect you."
Vicky then hugged me as best she could because I was still being held by Catherine.
Vicky: "I promise."
Vicky said before letting go and we continued walking.
The halls were lit with torches and wall sconces. We came to a large chamber filled with werewolves, some in wolf form and others in half human form.
As we made our way through the crowd, the werewolves started staring at us, me specifically and whispering and muttering amongst themselves. I knew they were talking about me and I caved more into Catherine, trying my best to hide from all the attention. Catherine kept walking, not making eye contact with anyone.
Catherine: "Its ok, it's ok."
Catherine assured me but I was still tense and scared and I knew the other werewolves sensed it. I didn't even notice that I began to shake unconsciously.
Catherine: "Shhhh, it's alright, everything's alright."
Catherine said as she held me closer.
We finally exited the large chamber and proceeded down another torched walkway.

(Picture from the game, 'The elder scrolls Skyrim')Until we finally made it to what looked like a throne room with a Werewolf in its half human form sitting in the throne

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(Picture from the game, 'The elder scrolls Skyrim')
Until we finally made it to what looked like a throne room with a Werewolf in its half human form sitting in the throne.

(Don't know what this picture is from)Catherine povWe made it to the Alpha's throne room and bowed but I kneeled slightly more than bowed because I was still holding Tim like a baby to which I could tell he enjoyed

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(Don't know what this picture is from)
Catherine pov
We made it to the Alpha's throne room and bowed but I kneeled slightly more than bowed because I was still holding Tim like a baby to which I could tell he enjoyed.
Alpha: "I knew I smelled a lowly human."
The alpha said blankly. It scared Tim and he buried his face in my chest, afraid of the alpha.
Catherine: "Alpha, please hear me out on this, please."
Alpha: "Very well, go on."
The alpha said as he sighed.
I was praying that the alpha would agree to let the boy stay.
Catherine: "Thank you, alpha for taking the time to hear what I have to say... The girls and I were out hunting when I suddenly smelled blood but this blood had the scent of immense pain and fear to it. The girls and I followed the scent and we found this boy just curled up in a ball, crying. We approached him and asked what he was doing there and he said that he ran away from home because his parents beat him-"
The alpha held up his hand, gesturing for me to pause.
Alpha: "Is this true, human?"
Tim pov
The alpha asked me if everything that Catherine said, so far was true. I was very shy and very nervous, I didn't want to be in this room right now.
I slowly looked up at him.
Tim: "Y-y-yes Alpha. It's true."
I began to cry.
Tim: "My parents would beat me to a near death state. *sob* they w-wou-ld feed me hardly a-anything. *sob* *Sob* just earlier they came into my room and *sob* they *sob* they h-held m-me down and th-ey *sob* cut my eye out."
With the last words, I broke down crying.

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