Chapter 5

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Tim pov
Catherine and the others were cleaning me and it was very enjoyable. Catherine had me sit in her lap facing her, she said they were gonna take care of my eye next.
Tim: "Will it hurt?"
I asked with concern in my voice as I held the bloodied bandage covering my empty eye socket.
Catherine: "Yeah, Im afraid it will."
Catherine said truthfully.
Haley: "Don't worry, little one, we'll do our best to make it as painless as possible."
Catherine made me sit facing forward in her lap as the girls got some wash cloths and medicine for the wound.
Catherine: "Tim, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to restrain you so you don't squirm and make the wound worse while we're cleaning it ok?"
Tim: "I... I trust you... please be gentle."
Jackie: "We will do our best."
Catherine: "Are you ready?"
I nodded.
Catherine gently pressed the back of my head into her form and held it firmly in place.
Vicky: "Here, bite down on this."
Vicky said, handing me a dry wash cloth. I bit down and mentally prepared myself for the upcoming pain. I knew this pain would be better because I knew unlike my parents, the girls were about to hurt me for my own good and out of care and love... something I've never had or felt in my life.
Haley: "We're about to start ok?"
Haley said as she rested her hand on the cloth covering my eye socket.
I nodded yes and bit down on the cloth.
Haley removed the cloth from my head and little bit of blood dribbled out.
Catherine tilted my body and head so my eye socket was close to the water. Haley swished some water in my eye socket to clean out as much blood and debris as possible. The steaming spring water hurt which caused me to grunt and bite the cloth in my mouth.
Catherine tilted my body back up and held it firmly in place again.
Jackie took a wash cloth with some soap and brought it close to my socket.
Jackie: "Ready?"
I nodded.
Jackie began to scrub out my eye socket as gently as she could. It hurt a lot and I grunted and groaned louder than last time.
Catherine: "You're doing really good, Tim."
Catherine said, trying to assure me.
When Jackie was done scrubbing out my eye socket, Haley came up with a tiny wash cloth that she coated in some medicine to kill any bacteria.
Haley: "This is gonna hurt, I'll try to be as quick as possible."
The moment she started dabbing the medicine, it burned really bad and I screamed as I bit the cloth in my mouth and tried squirming.
Haley: "Almost done, you're doing good."
Haley said, trying to assure me.
When Haley was done, she washed out my eye socket again. Vicky then came up to me with a bottle of some kind of ointment and had a dab of it on the tip of her finger.
Vicky: "This shouldn't hurt too much, little one. After this, we'll patch up you're eye and then you're all done."
Vicky then rubbed her finger all around my empty eye socket, spreading the ointment all around the socket.
She finished and brought out some bandage material.
Catherine released my head from her grasp and I pulled the cloth out of my mouth. Catherine turned my body to face her and Vicky handed her the bandage material.
Catherine: "You're doing great, we just have to wrap it up and then you're all done."
Catherine then began to wrap up my head and over my empty eye socket.
When she finished, she kissed my nose and looked at me with a tender smile.
Catherine: "There, all done."
I caught her off guard as I lunged at her in a hug as thanks. I then went and hugged the rest of the girls then sat back in Catherine's lap sideways so she could cradle me.
Tim: "*Sniffle* thank you. Thank you all... *sniffle*"
Vicky came up to me.
Vicky: "You're welcome, little one."
Vicky said with a smile, she then kissed my nose which made me giggle.
Jackie came up next and caressed my cheek.
Jackie: "You're very welcome, cutie."
Jackie kissed my forehead and went back to where she was sitting.
Haley came up next and caressed my cheek.
Haley: "You're welcome, its what families do for each other and you *taps my nose* are a part of the family now."
I smiled at them all and for the first time in my life, I felt genuinely loved and cared for.
Catherine: "We gotta do your feet now, they're covered in thorns and dirt and debris.
Catherine made me face forward and Haley lifted my leg as she held a pair of tweezers and started plucking and pulling out thorns and other debris. It hurt a little at times but it was bearable. Once she was done pulling out debris, she grabbed a soaped up wash cloth and started scrubbing my foot and I started squirming and laughing because it tickled. I nearly her kicked a few times.
Haley: " Please don't kick me."
Haley pleaded through a fit of giggles.
Once Haley was done scrubbing, she took another wash cloth with medicine on it to clean all the wounds, it tickled as well. After Haley was done, she wrapped up my foot in bandaging and proceeded to do the exact same thing with my other foot. Haley finished cleaning and bandaging my feet and kissed my cheek to which I giggled.
I yawned and sat across Catherine's lap so she could cradle me and wrapped my arms around Catherine's neck and nuzzled my head into her and fell asleep.
Catherine pov
Tim yawned then hugged and nuzzled his head into my chest and fell right asleep. I cradled him and wrapped my tail around his waist and rocked back and forth as I smiled and stared at his cute sleeping form.
Catherine: "Welcome to you're new home and family, little one."
Vicky: "He's so goddamn adorable."
Haley: "Isn't he?"
Jackie: "Let's just relax here until he wakes up, got nowhere to be anyway."
We started talking quietly as to not wake up Tim. I was really glad that the alpha let him stay in our care.

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