Chapter 18

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Catherine's POV
I don't think I'll ever be able to get over just how cute those two are. I'm still nervous about the whole school thing though and I could tell that Haley, Vicky, and Jackie were also feeling the same way but we just need to have faith that Tim will be alright.
By now Minnie had separated from her hug with Tim and returned to her seat next to her mother.
After a little more conversing we had parted ways with Skye and Minnie because Tim said he wasn't feeling very well again so we're swiftly making our way back to the hut. On our way Tim dry heaved a few times but luckily was able to hold it in until we got home and not a moment too soon because Tim immediately wiggled out of my grasp and bolted for the bin and threw up.
Catherine: "Can one of you get a glass of water?"
I ask and Haley went to the sink to get it while I knelt next to Tim as he kept his head hovering over the bin. Haley handed me the glass of water and I offered it to Tim to which he eagerly gulped down almost half the glass breathing deeply a few times after.
Our poor pup was so miserable but he was definitely getting better.
Tim: "Mommy? May I please have more tea?"
Tim asked me with a few tears in his eyes to which I smiled and wiped them away.
Catherine: "Of course you can, little one. We still have plenty of ingredients to make more. Momma Vicky is gonna sit with you while I go make it."
I replied in one of the most motherly voices ever. Vicky swapped places with me and I went to Haley and Jackie and began whispering to them that I had another idea to make Tim feel better.
Catherine: "You two should go to the markets and find a toy for Tim."
I suggested.
Jackie: "Ooo that's a good idea!"
Jackie whispered and Haley agreed. The two of them took some of our saved up money from a hidden drawer and headed out to the markets and I went to the kitchen and and I grabbed the lemon-half wrapped in plastic from the ice box, and grabbed some more tea leaves and the honey and began boiling some water on the stove.
Tim: "*Small whine* Why does it take so long to make it bubbly?"
Tim asked with a cute little whine at the beginning which was both really sad but still kinda cute.
Vicky: "I know how you feel, pup. I hate waiting too. But I promise it'll be worth the wait. It was worth the wait the first time wasn't it?"
Vicky asked Tim as she gently rubbed Tim's back and held his hand, squeezing gently every so often.
Tim: "It was really yummy."
Tim said with a small, almost unnoticeable wheeze.
I know for a fact that this tea will help again and I'm very certain that whatever toy that Haley and Jackie bring back will also help tremendously. I highly doubt Tim has ever had a toy, probably not even just the wheels of one either. Those last few thoughts made my bloodlust flare up again. I still swear that if I ever find those abusive bastards, the girls and I will devour them, bones and all.
Vicky: "Cath! Are you listening? The waters boiled now."
Vicky said, snapping me out of my protective, and vengeful thoughts as I shook my head slightly a few times to wake myself up. Looking back to the stove, I could see the steam shooting from the kettle and took it and poured some in a cup, took some ground up tea leaves and sprinkled them in. Then I unwrapped the lemon-half from the plastic and squeezed some into the cup and finally finishing with a few drops of honey and took a spoon and stirred everything together. I didn't want Tim to burn his mouth so I had to leave the tea on the table for a few minutes and Tim wasn't very happy about it.
Tim: "Aww why can't I have it now, mommy?"
Tim asked with a downtrodden expression on his face. This caused my ears to fold back in shame. I would have loved to give it to him immediately but I didn't want him to burn his mouth.
Catherine: "I'm really sorry, little one but I don't want you to accidentally burn your mouth and believe me, you don't want to burn your mouth either."
I told him and Tim just made a small cute whine.
Vicky: "It'll just be a few minutes, we promise."
Vick said as she rubbed Tim's back and gently squeezed his hand again.
Sipping the tea myself to test it, I found that the tea had cooled off enough and walked back over to Tim who was now sitting up in Vicky's bed. I could see Tim's eye widen when he saw the slightly steaming cup in my hands. He was clearly a lover of tea.
Carefully handing the cup to Tim, Tim took two good sips sighing contently at the end.
Tim: "Ahh, yummy."
Tim said and made Vicky and I giggle. Apparently I made the tea perfectly once again. Two for two.
Catherine: "Just be sure not to drink it all to quick. Make it last and enjoy it."
I said as I leaned down and kissed Tim's forehead and went to put away the ingredients again.
After putting everything back I turn to see Tim with his eye closed trying to relax as best as he could as Vicky continued holding his hand, gently squeezing it here and there. I watched as Tim took a deep breath, his wheezing nearly unnoticeable now. He really wanted to sleep his sickness away. If only it were that easy.
It's been a few hours now and thankfully Tim hasn't had to throw up, his cup of tea almost empty now. I was starting to wonder what was taking Haley and Jackie so long, it's been hours. Perhaps they got held up or maybe they're trying to make sure they pick out the best toy possible for Tim. I look back over to Tim to see him adjust himself trying to get comfortable again.
Vicky: "How you feelin', pup?"
Vicky whispered.
Tim: "hmm, still kinda bad but I haven't felt like throwing up for awhile."
Tim replied.
Vicky: "That's good at least."
Vicky said as she caressed Tim's cheek causing him to lean into her hand slightly as he loved the loving touch of one of his mommies. So cute, so precious.
My ears suddenly perked up as I heard Haley and Jackie approaching the door and letting themselves back in.
Jackie: "We're home~"
Jackie sung and got Tim's attention as he opened his eye.
Tim: "Hi mommies."
Tim said with a tired smile.
Haley and Jackie walked up to Tim, Jackie holding a small bag and knelt down next to Tim on the bed.
Jackie: "We got something for you, little one."
Jackie said as she reached into the bag, Tim leaning over to try and peer into it. Jackie had pulled out a small toy wolf stuffy and gently handed it to Tim. Tim carefully took the stuffed toy into his hands and looked at it for a minute or so and saw a single tear drop fall onto it. Tim looked up at Jackie and hugged her and she gently hugged back.
Tim: "Thank you, mommy."
Tim said with a small tremble in his voice. It clearly meant a lot to him. Tim began cuddling his new stuffy and petting it loving the soft fur. There was a collective 'awww' from the girls and I as Tim started looking at and examining his new stuffy.
Tim: "I think you're a girl. I'll call you... Mini Minnie!"
Tim said happily and this caused everyone to form a collective laugh and 'awww'. Tim was naming his stuffy after his new best friend! How precious is that?!
Catherine: "aww, do you like your new best friend Minnie? Is that why you chose the name for your stuffy?"
I ask and Tim nodded bashfully. He was a little embarrassed about it but didn't deny it. Tim then finished the last of his cup of tea and sat back again shuffling to a comfortable position and cuddled 'Mini Minnie' close to him with both arms as Jackie pulled the covers back on top of him, Tim letting out a single, tiny cough before closing his eye and squeezing his stuffy closer to him and rested his head on it. Jackie gently rubbed Tim's forehead lovingly and carefully brushed a few stray hairs out of his face and back on top of his head as Tim let out a contented sigh. Tim had quickly fallen back asleep still very much cuddling his stuffy Mini Minnie.
Haley: "I think it might be very difficult to separate him from Mini Minnie."
Haley whispered her thoughts and we all couldn't help but collectively agree on that.
Vicky: "How much was it?"
Vicky asked out of curiosity, she didn't actually care that much about how expensive it was because if it's for Tim then no price is too high, no price.
Haley: "Not that much and thanks for reminding me."
Haley whispered as she went back over to our little hidden drawer and deposited what was left of the money her and Jackie took.
Vicky: "How is he? I mean what's his temperature?"
Vicky asked clarifying her question at the end.
Jackie carefully and gently placed the back of her hand on Tim's forehead and kept it there for a few seconds before removing it.
Jackie: "Still kinda high but definitely going down."
Jackie answered much to our relief.
Catherine: "I feel like he'll be healthy again in the next... I would guess two days max?"
I hypothesized and everyone pretty much agreed except for Vicky, she believes the next three days max but was also hoping she was wrong. None of us knew for certain none of us were doctors after all.
Catherine: "Can any of you imagine Tim and Minnie in love together when they're older?"
I ask everyone in a whisper.
Vicky: "Oh yeah! Definitely! I've been picturing it for awhile ever since they properly met! So. Frickin, cute!"
Vicky answered back matching my whisper but also whisper-shouting a few times.
Haley and Jackie had also agreed and we all thought it was adorable.
Jackie: "I can see the beginning of it now! I can see Minnie standing very close to Tim and confessing. Tim just standing there really flustered, unable to form words, he has a big blush on his face. Suddenly Minnie kisses Tim's cheek, her tail wagging back and forth really fast."
Jackie explained in a whisper detailing the little vision in her head.
Haley: "Awww that's so cute!"
Haley whisper-yelled a little to loudly causing all of us to look back over at Tim to make sure we didn't accidentally wake him. Looking at Tim, we found him still in the same position as before, still asleep, and still cuddling his stuffy Mini Minnie tightly. Good.
The girls and I are all currently our own thing.
Haley had carefully gotten in bed with Tim without waking him and started reading a book, it was her turn to sleep with Tim tonight. Vicky and Jackie were quietly cleaning the hut, and I was outside washing some of the laundry.  Today Tim had, yet again, displayed his absolute innocence and cuteness to everyone. I still found funny and adorable that Tim named his stuffy Mini Minnie. I giggled at the thought. I wonder what Minnie will say if/when she finds out?

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