Chapter 14

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Catherine POV
Dr. Isaac was asking and confirming some things with us when I heard Tim cough a couple times.
Catherine: "Oh you poor thing."
I said as I held Tim in my lap. Tim had latched onto me and burrowed his little head under my chin as though he were trying to escape from being sick.
After a little more talking and instructions from Dr. Isaac we left with Tim still clinging to me as we made our way back to our little home when Tim said something that none of us were prepared for.
Tim: "Mommies? I'm hungry..."
Tim said with a weak, raspy voice.
Catherine: "What did you say, little one?"
I asked as I wanted to make sure that I heard him correctly.
Tim looked up at me.
Tim: "I-I said mommies..."
Tim said with uncertainty probably thinking that what he said was very wrong.
Catherine: "Oh pup do you think of us as your mommies?"
I asked with tears in my eyes.
Tim: "Y-yes?"
Tim said with more uncertainty.
Catherine: "Oh pup we love you so much!"
I said as the other girls and I group hugged together. Tim has done some very adorable things since we took him in but this takes the cake so far!
Vicky: "So little pup, you're hungry?"
Vicky asked kindly. Her heart was still smitten by what Tim had said just a moment ago and I'm sure everyone else was as well. I know I was.
Tim simply nodded his head and coughed a little bit. Poor thing. The girls and I didn't have to worry about getting sick, being werewolves has many perks such as a greater immune system.
We had made our way back to our hut and Tim was almost limply hanging on to me, he was so exhausted, aching, and hot all over.
I immediately headed back over to my bed and gently lay Tim down and pulled the covers over him to which Tim retaliated by trying to push them off.
Catherine: "No no, little one, we need to break the fever."
I said as I put the covers back over him and gently pushed him back down on the bed.
Haley was making some soup for Tim and the others were out hunting for the rest of the pack. Awhile later I realized that I needed to tell the school that Tim won't be able to attend for awhile.
Catherine: "Hey little one, I have to go run a few errands so it's just going to be you and Haley for a little while, ok?"
I said as I brushed some of Tim's hair from his face.
He looked so miserable and it hurt to see.
Tim: "Ok mommy, love you..."
Tim said through his sore, raspy voice.
My heart was doing backflips from him calling me mommy. It might take some getting used to. In a good way of course.
Catherine: "I love you too, pup."
I said as I gave him a little kiss on the head.
I got up and left the hut and headed to the schoolhouse. On my way there, I saw Skye, and Minnie.
Skye: "Oh hey Catherine!"
Skye greeted.
Minnie: "Hello misses Catherine!"
Minnie greeted politely.
Catherine: "Hey you two!"
I greeted back and gave a little wave to Minnie.
Skye: "Minnie what did you wanna ask Catherine?"
Skye asked Minnie encouraging her to speak up for herself.
Minnie: "Misses Catherine? When can I meet Tim and play with him?"
Minnie asked a little bashfully which was cute but not as cute as the fact that she really wanted to meet Tim so they could be friends.
Catherine: "I'm sorry Minnie but Tim has gotten sick overnight."
I said sadly.
Skye: "Oh no! Is he ok?"
Skye asked worryingly which I appreciated.
Catherine: "He's running a fever, he has a sore throat, and he's very exhausted. I had scheduled him to start going to school but now it looks like he can't for a little while. The poor thing is so miserable it hurts."
I explained.
Minnie seemed by far the most upset about this because she really wanted to meet Tim and become best friends but unfortunately it looks like she'll have to wait a little longer for that but it's nice to know that Tim already gained a friend before he even began meeting other kids.
Catherine: "I'm sorry Minnie, I know you really wanted to meet him and I really wanted him to meet you but we'll just have to wait a little longer."
I explained.
Minnie: "Aaaaawwwwww!"
Minnie whined.
Skye: "Now now, Minnie it's not the end of the world. Tim will get better and then you two can meet and then play together."
Skye said trying to calm her daughter down.
Skye: "So you went to go see Dr. Isaac I assume? What did he say about Tim's condition?"
Skye asked while Minnie was trying to get her to keep walking by pulling her arm.
Catherine: "Well it's not life threatening as long as we keep an eye on him and treat his illness properly."
I explained.
I decided to let Skye, and Minnie go.
Catherine: "Alright I'll let you two go now since I can tell Minnie really wants to go somewhere."
Skye: "I don't know where she wants to go all of the sudden but we'll see you later Catherine."
Skye said as she was practically being dragged along by her daughter.
I think to myself and continued to the schoolhouse.
After a small conversation with the teacher I headed to the pack pharmacy to pick up some medicine for Tim.
The teachers were rather sad that Tim was ill and unable to attend his very first class but they understood and simply asked me to let them know when Tim gets better so that they can rearrange his arrival date.
After getting a few bottles of medicine I headed back to the hut. I was afraid that Tim will encounter someone that's not nice at school but I know that he'll have Minnie there with him, I'm sure Minnie will always be there for him when the girls and I can't be.
When I arrived I saw Tim asleep and Haley caressing his face, there was an empty bowl on the table which I assumed was the soup that Haley had made for Tim.
I had quietly sat the medicine down on the table and joined Haley in comforting our little pup.

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