Chapter 13

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I love them so much. Catherine, Vicky, Haley, and Jackie are the nicest people I have ever met, not that I've met many people, my parents always kept me locked up. I really like to snuggle and cuddle with them because they are so warm and gentle with me all the time and it's really nice.
I'm really afraid to fall asleep right now, I don't wanna see 'them' again but Jackie said that I should try to just think of her and the others, surely if I do that then everything will be fine right?
Jackie seemed to have still been awake because she started rubbing my back.
Jacki: "Remember, little one, just think about us. Remember that you are with us now and not with 'them'."
I just need to think about the girls and no one else. I took a deep breath as Jackie continued to rub my back soothingly and closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Mom: "You think they actually 'care' about you?!"
My mom asked as she slapped me really hard.
Dad: "They don't care, NO ONE DOES!!"
My dad kicked my back which made me fall down flat on my face and it really hurt.
I did what I always did in these situations, the one thing I did best. I curled up in a ball and begged them to stop but as usual they never did stop. They are both standing over me now.
Mom: "Just you wait. They're just making you feel all nice and shit so they can laugh in your pathetic face as they show they're true colors."
My mom said as she placed her foot on my weak body and started putting more weight in it and it was really hurting a lot.
Dad: "They'll string you up, drain you of all your blood for drinks and feast on your flesh."
My father laughed.
No... NO it's not true! Catherine and the others wouldn't do that to me..! Right..? They promised...
Mom: "Yeah that's right, they don't care just like everyone else who doesn't care about you and they'll show you soon."
My mom said as she continued to step on me. They're words were really making me mad.
Tim: "... shut up..."
I said just above a whisper. It got they're attention and they were really mad but I was madder.
Dad: "Say. That. Again you little bastard."
My dad said threateningly.
Mom: "Say it aga-"
I didn't let my mom finish as I started shouting.
I shouted at the top of my lungs and my parents just stood there with blank faces but I knew they were very angry or as they would say 'pissed'. I think I would get in trouble if I said that around Catherine and the others.
Both my parents began to lift their foot ready to stomp on me until I realized something.
After I shouted that I jolted awake in Jackie's bed and they were all awake and looking at me, I woke them up again.
Tim: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to wake you all up again."
I said as I lowered my head in shame.
Jackie: "Oh it's alright, pup. You did nothing wrong, come here."
Jackie said as she sat up and placed me on her lap and started rocking me and it felt really nice.
Vicky: "What was your nightmare about, little one?"
Tim: "My parents."
After saying that, the others growled and it kind of scared me and they stoped after noticing it.
Tim: "they were saying that you all didn't actually care about me and... that you were going to show your true colors and that you were going to string me up, drain me of my blood, and then eat my flesh."
The girls had looks of hurt, anger, and awe. They were hurt that I was told this, they were angry that someone would lie about them like that, and they were surprised that I was so descriptive with how they would supposedly kill me. They were slightly shaken with my brutal description.
Haley: "Tim, is that... actually what they said in your nightmare?"
I looked over at Haley.
Tim: "Yeah... it's exactly what they said to me."
After saying that, the girls gave each other a look that I couldn't read.
Tim: "But I did what you told me to do."
This got they're attention, they didn't know what I meant.
Tim: "I screamed at them that they were wrong and that you all do care about me. I screamed at them to shut up."
I said rather proudly and I think the girls were also rather impressed with my bravery and that made me happy.
Jackie: "Oh we are so proud of you, little one!"
Jackie said as she hugged me tight.
Jackie: "You ready to go back to sleep?"
Jackie asked as she looked at me with a smile, I simply nodded.
Catherine blew out the candle and we all got comfy again and Jackie kissed my forehead and gently held my head close to her heart and we fell back asleep.
The next time I woke up I felt really bad, my head hurt and I felt really hot all over so I woke up Jackie to tell her.
Tim: "Jackie-"
I quickly noticed that my voice sounded kinda funny, it sounded kinda cracky.
I nudged Jackie again she woke up and rubbed her eye.
Jackie: "Good morning, pup."
Jackie said sweetly.
Tim: "Jackie I don't feel so good. My head really hurts and I feel really hot all over, and my voice sounds funny."
Jackie quickly noticed right off the bat that something was wrong just from hearing my voice alone. Jackie quickly woke up fully and sat up to check on me.
Jackie: "Oh no!"
Jackie said with worry which also worries me. Jackie gently placed the back of her hand on my forehead for some reason.
Jackie: "Oh little one you're burning up! Girls wake up!"
Jackie said as she started rubbing my head which helped just a little bit. The others woke up with groans.
Vicky: "What is it? Did Tim have another nightmare?"
Vicky asked with worry.
Jackie then looked over at them.
Jackie: "No he's burning up! He has a fever!"
Immediately after she said that, the girls jumped out of bed and came up to me. Catherine then did the same thing Jackie did and felt my forehead.
Catherine: "That's a fever alright."
'A fever? What's that?'
I thought to myself.
Tim: "What's a fever? Is it bad?"
I asked and the everyone else quickly noticed my weird voice.
Catherine then went to a dresser and pulled out some clothes and started getting dressed.
Catherine: " girls get dressed, Tim you can stay your pajamas."
Catherine was starting to scare me.
Tim: "What's happening."
I said in growing fright but the girls were quick to comfort me.
Vicky: "No no no no it's ok, little one, we just want to get you to a doctor to help you feel better faster."
Vicky said as she quickly got dressed.
'They want to a what?'
Tim: "What's a doctor?"
I asked as I felt myself getting hotter and hotter.
Haley: "A doctor is someone that helps people feel better again."
'Oh that sounds good. So they'll help me feel better.'
The girls finished getting dressed and Catherine came and held me in her arms.
Catherine: "You poor thing, let's get you to one of the pack doctors."
As we were making our way through the caverns we arrive at an area outside but there was still really big cave walls surrounding us but there was grass and trees. When I looked up I saw a very big hole in the roof. It was really, really, really big and letting in sunlight. This was the biggest hole in the ground I have ever seen and my parents would make me dig holes all the time. It's weird because they would always stop me after making the hole so big, they would have me lie down in it to see just how big it was and they would make me keep digging until the hole was big enough for me to lie down in. I never understood why. They wouldn't put anything in it and they would make me cover the hole back up and the holes were always in random places.
Tim: "This place is really nice. *cough* *Cough*"
I started coughing and it really hurt my neck.
Catherine: "Oh you poor, poor thing. Are you feeling any worse?"
Catherine asked.
I just nodded because my throat really, really hurt and I figured talking would make it worse.
Catherine: "You'll be ok, little on I promise."
Catherine said sweetly and kissed my forehead and we approached one of the buildings and we entered and there was a man at a desk and when he looked up at me he gasped in horror.
Man: "Oh my, what happened?!"
Haley: "Hey Nick, this little one is Tim, I'm sure you heard of him?"
The man now known as Nick then looked at me closer and seemed a little less worried.
Nick: "Oh... *Clears throat* I see, yess I have heard of him."
Nick said in a more slightly uncaring tone.
Vicky: "Nick! Come on, he's just a kid and he needs help and you and doctor Isaac can help him... it's time to move on, Nick. I know what the humans did to..."
Vicky seemed to hesitate to continue.
Vicky: "But look at this poor little guy. He's been through hell, his own parents took his right eye, beat, and tortured him and now he's ill... he needs help, Nick..."
Vicky said pleadingly.
Nick looked at me for a minute silently and sighed.
Nick: "Alright... alright come on in."
Nick said as he turned around and started walking further in the building.
Nick: " HEY DOC!? ISAAC!?"
Nick yelled out.
Someone, who I assumed was Isaac, yelled back. It sounded like another man.
Catherine: "Pup, never say that word, it's a bad word."
Catherine whispered to me and I nodded.
We arrive in a room with a weird looking chair, a table, and a few regular chairs.
Catherine placed me on the weird chair and the girls just stood around me and Nick stood outside the room.
Nick: "In here, Doc."
Nick called out in the hallway and in came an older looking man.
Isaac: " can't wait for an old wolf to move his decrepit bones?"
Doctor Isaac asked Nick in a displeased tone.
Nick: "you're only 72, and you were voted 'fastest old man in the pack'."
Nick argued.
Isaac: "Yeah but I'm still an old man! Now shut up about it and tell me where my patient-"
Doctor Isaac cut himself off when he noticed me.
Isaac: "Oh! Hello little one, my name is... oh wait I've heard about you. You are Tim correct."
'Please don't hate me.'
I think to myself and to my relief, he was nice.
Isaac: "I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to you."
Doctor Isaac said genuinely.
Issac: "So, little one, what seems to be the problem? I can tell the girls have taken quite good care of your injuries so how can I help you?"
Doctor Isaac asked very kindly as he pulled out a flat slab of wood, a paper, and pen. I was really shy so I looked at Catherine to help explain.
Catherine: "Our poor pup is sick. He has a fever, his head hurts, he feels hot all over, and he has a really bad scratchy throat."
Catherine explained as Doctor Isaac wrote some stuff down on his paper.
Doctor Isaac came up and gently pressed the back of his hand against my forehead like the others did.
Isaac: "Yup, that's a fever if I've ever seen one."
Doctor Isaac said as he wrote something down and grabbed a small flat wooden stick.
Isaac: "Alright Tim, I need you to stick out your tongue and say 'aaahhhh'"
Doctor Isaac said as he imitated what he wanted me to do and so I did and he firmly placed the stick on my tongue then removed it.
Isaac: "That's gotta be the reddest, sorest throat I've ever seen."
As he wrote something else down on the paper.
Doctor Isaac then started asking the girls a bunch of questions and stuff and I was kinda getting bored... and hungry...
'I hope this doesn't take too long.'
I think to myself.

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