What Are The Things You Don't Like About Him

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Robert Plant~ You don't like how Robert gets annoyed quickly. Hell, you even call him "old man" and he got annoyed by it. So this backs your statement.

Jimmy Page~ You don't like how controlling he can be with you, hell he even tries to tell you what outfits you can't wear when you two are going out. Or which people you're allowed to talk to and which not. Obviously, you don't listen to his shit and do whatever you pleased.

John Paul Jones~ You don't like how anti-social he can at times, but you can't blame him though. That's how he is and you have to respect that.

John Bonham~ The one thing you don't like about him is how aggressive he gets when he's drunk. One time, he was so drunk that he was about to beat Jimmy up because he thought that you and he were fucking behind his back. Which of course, was not true whatsoever.

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