Oh Gods Do I Hate Sand!: Eva POV

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The sphinx wasn't really the problem I would say. First of all, this wasn't the kind of sphinx you're thinking of. No, this 100% Egyptian bad-boy, the hieracosphinx, a gryphon-like chimera with the body of a lion with the head of a falcon, usually wouldn't be an issue. In Egyptian culture it's was a guardian and a lot friendlier than some other Sphinx you've heard of. No riddles, no tricks, just if you take the treasure it's protecting it'll get ugly. Fast. Of course the thing it was guarding was obviously the amulet and taking it down really wasn't the problem either, as long as we took it on together. The problem was the Greek sphinx that showed up shortly after our fight with the other one started. Well, of course it was Bleu who charged the hieracosphinx. In full body armor. He would have died then and there had it not been for quick thinking on my part.

"N'dah!" I yelled, pointing at Bleu, the bravest and stupidest of us all. Sea green hieroglyphs blazed on his back as a protective coating covered his battle armor. After that, the rest of us charged it. My magic was depleting faster than usual. I guess it was just because I usually didn't use divine words. I could usually just summon stuff out of my staff and rain at people, but I felt exhausted. I couldn't even summon a drop. About that time, part of the roof fell in, barely missing Robin, who was distracted in battle.

The majestic lion-woman I had mentioned earlier leapt through the hole and preceded to circle us. Sarah uttered some words I'd rather not repeat under her breath. She had not been expecting this I guess. Her eyes flashed to mine. "Eva! You're smart. Answer her questions. Don't answer wrong or you'll di-"

"I'll die. I know. Just don't worry about me." I said, walking towards the Sphinx that was not yet attacking. Greek sphinxes are weird. They are basically like Egyptian ones, only they have the head of a woman. A woman who doesn't understand the boundaries of make-up apparently. Seriously, that eye shadow was caked on. She paced back and forth as I approached, dodging fireballs that came from Robin's direction.

"I see my contestant approaches. Would you like a moment to cram?" She said, like a teacher would to her favorite student. I put both hands on my hips.

"I don't think I'll need it." I said, sassily.

"Excellent! Let us begin!" She exclaimed, her eyes growing wide in anticipation. "First question: What is the capital of New York?"

She was starting out easy I could tell. "Albany." She smiled at me and I discovered that her teeth were slightly pointed.

"What continent is Ecuador on?"

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. Another easy one. "South America, of course." Where was the riddle she was so famous for?

"Who is the largest gas giant planet named after?" She winked at me. I hesitated before answering, I felt uneasy about this pop-quiz.

"Jupiter. Roman king of the gods, and the god of lightning." I said drumming my fingers nervously against my leg.

She gave a tinkling laugh. "And where, presently, is Sadie's amulet?" was the question she finished with. I turned around to show her, right as the Hieracosphinx jumped up and grabbed it out of Isis's hand. I screamed in horror as the Egyptian lion-bird, as Sarah put it, jumped out of the hole in the ceiling. The Sphinx behind me cackled and leapt through the hole as well. My mouth opened before I had time to think about anything.

"Ha-di!" I yelled. The Greek sphinx burst into flames and simultaneously blew into pieces and I fell to the ground. I couldn't see straight and I swear the ceiling was spinning. I could feel the vibrations in the floor and was able to tell that everyone was running over. Grimacing, I went to sit up. A big mistake on my part. The world started to spin faster. Corin it seemed reached me first.

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